Consistent Thoughts - Calling or just the mind

Hey! Guys I been having Satan on my mind alot seriously through the day and when I wake up in the middle of the’s very tense i can’t go back to sleep. Idk what to do my astral sense not open, so even if I were to call him.I wouldn’t be able to know what is it he want. any advice guys it will help.

I feel like this has been hashed out so many times on this forum…but here we go:

Do you meditate?

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The best course of action is to get close to one entity, and have it be your guide.

Develop your senses daily with the help of this entity.

If you don’t really have any specific entity like that, you can try contacting Satan.

But I would advise you to look through all the different demons. A magickian needs to know his demons :slight_smile:


Depends. What purpose do you want to have with (or Without) Satan? Go back to sleep and dream until you have found your Purpose without Satan influencing you. Only then can you go to the spirit to hash out the relationship.


I started by learning how to meditate. Some might say this is not something you learn to do, but it is for me with anxiety and ADD. You have to be able to quiet your mind and focus on what you want. And yes, you need to know who your demon is. Being able to open yourself up and clear your mind may help you determine what it is that you want, and from there what demon you will work with best.


I have no specific entity I work with.i have been practicing the mediations from the joy of Satan.

reading about him kind of shifted my perspective about him he’s been on my mind alot.

I want help with my ascent but Idk what entity to work with for that.

I don’t know many Demons or witch patron that is for me.

I wouldn’t mind working with Satan just from what people say he brings chaos and if he help you he want something in return.

I not scared, i mean I’m already in a fucked up rising to my ascent is the only way out of this shit hole .

I have nothing but time on my hands,if I have to learn magick without a entity then so be it.

Thank you guys for the advice…

That’s why you need to determine what you truly want out of magic. Once you know, you can match your desires with the demon(s) that work with those desires.


this is happening to me too, I have worked with belial on my ascent, more often I hear azazel name, I have already arrived until I change the names in a few moments.

I want to be in control of my life attract people, events I want in my life, reach my higher self, balg, & travel other worlds…etc

Ok. Which one first?

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Control my life…

In what way? Specifics help choose who to work with.

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I think Azazel match my desire. Can I pm you?

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My door is always open.

The front or the Back Door (lol couldn’t resist, a Belial Joke)?

So its actually just like on the old movie “Scarface.” First you get the Power, then the Money, then the Women. This actually sits with magick if you have obstacles and have to somehow move them out of them way so you can then achieve your Best Money :slight_smile: and then naturally your Love will come easier.


Haha! I shall not disclose which. Belial is :heart_eyes:

I am having serious urges to work with the elementals…so I shall! :wink: