Connecting with King Lucifer

The Seal of Solom, eh?
Do you mean this:


Inter-locked star of David with points at each intersection


I see.


Hmm… interesting. I’m not sure what that means. It could be them…but I’m not sure. I’ll send you a PM.

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Another update!

Today I did a ritual with Lucifer with business in mind.

I attached a picture.

This time, I tried something different… I sprayed rum and gin on the sigil as an offering, then also added sexual fluid (not in the picture, lol).

I gave him my petitions and sat there visualizing my goals.

I didn’t feel any strong energy… however, the incense smoke did seem to react quite a bit. Also, at one point I felt a slight chill on my shoulders. This could have been from the outside since I had the window open, but I’d had the window open the whole time, and didn’t feel that…and the temp change lasted longer than a breeze would.

I also felt a slight presence in the room.

I’m interested to see how it plays out with having used the rum and gin.

I burnt the sigil after I was done!

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Hello to everyone following my journal! Lol

I have a new post up about Lucifer! Check it out!

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I’m trying to build this shrine up. Lol

The past few days have been a little tougher connecting with Lucifer. But I’m staying committed. Although, honestly it has made me a little sad. I hate when I’m making progress and then it feels like the progress stops.

Anyway…the other day I did make brief contact and he introduced me to Tiamat and gave me two familiars (at first I took them to be leopards, but then I kept getting the word Jaguar all day the next day…so I guess Jaguars? Lol) The cats have blue glowing eyes.

He told me that they are my spirit pets and that I have to take care of them…good luck to me! Lol. I have no idea how. Last night I just sat listening to Jaguar noises on YouTube and calling to them. I didn’t feel anything…but like I said…I’ve been a little disconnected for some reason and not feeling anything.

I’ll update on this when I can!


can u share?

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I just used the tealight candle and stared at the flame while breathing, meditating, and chanting his enn


Nice to know your experience with Lucifer :+1:t2::+1:t2:. Yes its rightly pointed by you in this post that we must approach and come before these ancient divine being with pride…and as divine sparks ourselves :+1:t2:

The car light suddenly flashing on was interesting… Keep going with this amazing daemonic king.

Regards :pray:t2::blush:


Amazing, thanks for sharing. Just started working with Lucifer and he has thus far done some amazing things for me! He is very responsive.

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Dear BabyDragon, I read your article and your journey working with Lucifer. I havent done anything like this before and i was walking on some different path (asking god and praying etc) which unfortunately now i am realising are not worth trying. I want to ask Lucifer, infact request him to help me in just one of the thing I want. I am willing to offer him whatever is possible for me to offer in return. Can you be kind enough to share the whole procedure with me, how to summon Lucifer and how to communicate with him. Also how to perform the ritual and what are do’s and dont’s of the process?

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@usmankh I will pm you

I really enjoyed reading some of your exoeriences with the amazing Lucifer. Everyday I make offerings to him of his favourite incense, which one is Sandalwood (the other’s being Frankinsence and Dragon’s blood which I use on rituals) and thank him for being in my life. I have streingthened my bond with him by perfoming the “Deep Connection with Lucifer Ritual” as devised by Connor Kendall. I drew his sigil and made a blood offering and traced it over his sigil.

You can see the small sigil on the altar. I also drew his sigil again and framed it for him which took some time and effort to draw as I wanted to get it to near perfection.

He has asked for an image of one of his apsects on the altar.
Last night I performed my two evening rituals that I include Lucifer in and these are a qigong and meditation and candle meditation. I asked him to show me a sign and he replied with “You want me to do parlour tricks?!”
I answered by saying “I know it is you but I just want to see a physical sign from you.” He then made the candle flame dance in a way I have a never seen before.
I love how everyone who works with Lucifer has different experiences.


Brother, l love your altar, is that flowery print on the wall a wallpaper? Whatever it is, it’s just beautiful and it complements Lucifer’s sigil in the most perfect way. Way to go and a great inspiration for redecorating my room! :wink:

I’m still developing my connection with Lucifer, have not seen or heard him so far but l do have this overwhelming feeling inside of me that kind of makes me feel that he is present in my life every day and lm happy about it.
I’ve had some small experiences that might point to his presence, like a shift of energy in the room during his ritual, sort of as if the pressure around me suddenly changed and the air became so stiff. I also had instances of candle lights dimmed and suddenly the room became much darker for a few moments, after some time the candle light were bright and light came back. Another phenomenon was me hearing a strange sound in my left ear only, there was a very weird static sound and l could hear my heartbeat very loud, I’ve never heard anything like that before and at the beginning l thought something bad was happening to me. It dissipated after a minute or so.

I’m about to approach Lord Lucifer again, lve got this strong feeling to call on him now.
It’s great to read about what kind of experience other have had with the Emperor, wishing all
Of us the best of working with the Lord of Ascending Flame :fire:


That wallpaper has been on the wall since I moved in and the best thing about it that where my altar is placed it is an eastern part of the wall. I will be decorating my apartment soon. When I do candle meditation with Lucifer the floral pattern disapoears and re-appears.

Make him offerings daily of his favourite incesense (Sandalwood, Frankincense and Dragonsblood) and thank him for being in your life. Try invoking him and take your time with the preparation and execution of the ritual as he will appreciate that. There is a good invoking ritual on here by Connor Kendall. I also ask Lucifer to join in my qigong and meditation and candle meditation and ask him to possess my body and mind for the duration of bith those rituals. Also the less fear you have within yourself, Lucifer’s presence will be even stronger. If your urge is strong to call upon him then do it.

Good luck with your journey.

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Sounds like you chose the place well, it was ready for the altar to be set up :wink: Anyhow, the altar is beautiful and l can’t stress it enough.

Thanks a lot for the advice, l do make daily candle offering as well as frankincense incense. I’ve offered some red roses too as appreciation for his time.
Now, l did a meditation with Lucifer yesterday, it was really good time for me. I received some images, very vivid ones, some of them l can’t make of though. There was a very strong flash of a checkerboard, then a vision of my face with a cut, bleeding, followed by a vision of a lamb. Now, I’ve done some research but still not sure whether the images were or any particular relevance. Any suggestions? Any input would be highly appreciated.

I do at times struggle with fear, mind you l was a very devout and belligerent Catholic. It takes time to distance yourself from all the beliefs rooted in you and still stuck within the debts of the mind somewhere. Well, I accept that and l continue working on overcoming all of the obstacles that might stand it my way.

Have a great day!

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I am in the same building but my previous appartment was smaller than the one I have. Thankyou for your kind words. I am going to be upgrading it to a bigger altar with more things decorated that are dedicated to him. One thing he likes also is rum. Everytime I invoke him I make an offering of that to him. When I finish the invocation I raise a toast ro him and down the shot of rum.

The images you had have just given me this insight, a bit wild but I will say what I see: The checkerboard could represent the mental game of chess you could have with yourself trying to let go of old beliefs. The lamb is depicting you being cute, meek and mild. The cut on your face could represent the fear of the unknown and showing fear when you are working with either Lucifer or any other beimg from the infernal empire could actually harm you. I am gonna recommend this ritual to you to help. I have performed this 80 days consistantly. This will help you tremendously:

Keep a journal when you do this ritual. If you need any more advice I will help you the best way I can. I am still learning myself but I will be happy to share with you what I know. Anyway good look beautiful :kissing_heart::metal:
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Thank you so much for your input and an explanation of what l have seen during the meditation, it makes a lot of sense after further diving into what you said. There is fear indeed, not to a great extent no more as I’ve managed to calm it down a good deal. But it takes a lot to restructure the whole thinking patterns after believing in something for so damn long. Additionally I’m a life path number 9 and me letting go of things is sometimes a long and painful process, though lve made a biiig progress in overcoming my fears.

My altar has been a movable one but I’ve now decided where and how l want it to be. Since I’m only sharing a flat at the moment and l want to move out to find my own place soon, l can’t build something solid for now but l do love my small space of dedication and lm proud of it. I’ll paste a pic too.

Thanks for the link to the ritual, I’ve checked it out and l guess l could do with a bit of shouting and yelling, l don’t mind at all!! :wink: lm alone most of the day at home so there’s no obstacles to performing it. Now, tell me in what way you benefited from the ritual yourself? If you don’t mind sharing of course !
Thank you :slight_smile:

Anytime. Reorogramming your mind to accept new information that you have discovered can take time especially when you had such an orthodox religious background like you had. I am glad you are making good progress cos once you control your fear and it is at an absolute minimum then your power will grow. Keep meditating and do the kind of rituals and magick practice that feels good to you; allow your intuition and energy decide what feels right for you.

An altar or sacred space can be as sime or as elaborate as you want it, as long as it is charged with your energy and intent. Well since you are looking for your own place, next time you invoke Lucifer ask him for this or if you are ready for evocation, do some petition work with him. Another tip I forgot to mention is that when you undertake a major invocation/evocation ritual make sure you take your time with your preparation including taking a spiritual bath or shower.

The ritual I linked in here for you has helped me a great deal. Prior to performing this daily ritual I was suffering from very deep depression and was very suicidal. The first day I performed the ritual, at the end of it I was sobbing as I had found a way to detoxify my mind and heal myself. This ritual pulled me out of the depths of despair and pure misery. I started with the 7 day challenge that is mentioned in the video. After the 7 days I became hooked on this ritual. Everyday I feel empowered and with it helping to dispell fear my confidence in myself and my magick is growing. From day 1 I have improved by 1% a day. I am on day 80 now so I have improved 80% from that time. My 100th day I am going to perform a big evocation ritual of Lucifer and ask him to help me celebrate this milestone. I am preparing myself for that day. After 100 days I will continue as my desire is to ascend and I will do it either by myself or with who ever maybe in my life at that time. I don’t mind sharing at all. :grinning::metal:

Is there anything else you would like to know or you would like me to share with you? :wink::metal:

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