When connecting to this awesome book while in trance, I got 4 names out of it: Absalon, Astaroth, Behemoth and Baphomet.
Although I know these entities, I’m not sure how to place them in connection to the book. Do they somehow have something to do with the legion bound to the book?
Or could it be something more personal for me?
I know that I could try evoking them but I’d like your input as well.
well baphomet is kinda obvious, and astaroth/behemoth share similar histories in the modern sense. can’t speak as to absalon i’m afraid.
as a side note, i recently used the book itself as an altar (which was handy, cos my wand fit perfectly in the groove between the spine and the fron cover:) and that was the first time i noticed anything “connected” to the book. although i’d heard about its consecration etc, i didn’t pick up a whole lot off it besides EA’s general magical vibration (which was identical to the other books of his that i own). once i entered trance and started calling spirits, it was almost like the book was whispering to me, or wanting me to hear what it was whispering (an altogether different thing), but i couldn’t make it out.
have ou noticed this with your own work in connecting to the volume?
and good luck with the entities you mentioned. let us know if anything useful turns up!
oh just wondering if you’ve noticed that the book kinda whispers to you. i don’t have anything else of value to add to your OP, i’m afraid, so i thought i’d ask a little more about your experience.
No, I haven’t heard the whispering, but I had another strange experience with the book; A couple of days ago I had a nasty pain in my back since a few days. But then I took the book to look up some stuff, and it was only after a few hrs that I realised that the pain was gone, and it stayed away. So appearantly the books energy has a positive influence on my energetic system.
Yeah, I’ll have to do some more research, that’s true. I already did some but I still don’t see the connection.
E.g. Absalon… turns out that he was the son of King David, famous for his good looks, his skills, very ambitious but also very cunning. This lead him to wanting to get on his fathers throne, which in the end got him killed.
Very similar to the Judeo-Christian story of Lucifer, right?
Then there’s Behemoth,… who’s name appearantly means “Beast”, and according to some theories he would be the masculin counterpart of Leviathan, Leviathan being of the see and Behemoth of the land.
But where the connection is? Beats me! I’ll have to dig a little deeper, I guess. I do have some thoughts, but I’m not sure of those.
i’ve had moderate/severe back pain for the last 2+ years (shit… maybe longer?) and for the first day since it got bad enough to need drugs, i’m in absolutely no discomfort whatsoever. funny you mention that:)
When I did the Death of the Old Self ritual I put the pentagram with the positive qualities randomly inside my Complete Works and have honestly felt a lot different since doing so. There is definetly a power and aided ascent aspect to the book.
I had strange dreams when first reading the BOA from it, at the time I thought it may have been from being tuned in to Azazel but now I’m not so sure it wasn’t coming from the spirits bound to the Complete Works.
I have had peculiar dreams, often with some form of occult undertone since the arrival of the Complete Works…An interesting thing I noted this past week was concerning my off and on 7 year ex. In the past he had been possessed by a certain entity that is associated with me. He does not practice the occult. The reason I bring this up is that he was over randomly, and I made a joke about leaving my lights on as I am a female and don’t want to come home in the dark. He stated that I don’t need any personal protection with that book in the house and then some mumbling and Lord Belial came out of his mouth…Also, another day he randomly mentioned the presence of Ashtaroth…Then when I went to question it he acted as if I was insane and had no idea what I was talking about…
Interesting , Sadie, that you mention your ex mentioned the presence of Ashtaroth. Personally, since the book arrived I have been getting some impressions lets say of a certain spirit(gorgeous black female) and inquiring into this via a divination chart, have been getting a name very similar, and quite possibly a subordinate under Ashtaroth. The spirit first astrally manifested in deep trance while doing chakra work about 3 weeks ago and to be honest I didn’t think it was related to the Complete Works but now…hmmm. I need to find out more. I’m feeling this presence with me more and more and I’m tipping it may be as a guide.
When reading the Complete Works in bed, I begin wide awake then pretty quickly I get drowsy. I’ve been noticing shadows moving across the pages as well as around the room and flashes of light or sparks from the pages.
Another thing that happened last night was that as my vision began to get heavy the words began disappearing from a section of the page like I was opening a sigil. Strange stuff. One thing I have to note is that shadows moving around the room in a semi-awake state would normally concern me, but with the the book in my lap and the things going on, it doesn’t worry or concern me at all but intrigues me instead. The book is alive!
[quote=“Virdon Djinn, post:11, topic:986”]When reading the Complete Works in bed, I begin wide awake then pretty quickly I get drowsy. I’ve been noticing shadows moving across the pages as well as around the room and flashes of light or sparks from the pages.
Another thing that happened last night was that as my vision began to get heavy the words began disappearing from a section of the page like I was opening a sigil. Strange stuff. One thing I have to note is that shadows moving around the room in a semi-awake state would normally concern me, but with the the book in my lap and the things going on, it doesn’t worry or concern me at all but intrigues me instead. The book is alive![/quote]
I’ve experienced the words or passages being on the verge of flashing or coming off the paper myself. I had been reading KOF this morning and experienced this before opening the sigil of Sitri for Necromaster’s FWB goal. The sigil opened more quickly and flashed and moved more vividly than any other before in my experience. I also placed the sigil in the place where the book had been resting while I was opening it. I will repeat this again to see if I can repeat the results of increased activity.