Confusing dream appearance

last night i invoked Duke Sallos for a request. a sigil stays under my pillow, i decided to fall asleep to his enn. very shortly i found my self in a dream state but didn’t realize it at the time. in this state i was in my bedroom and i could still hear the enn. i remember a tall black figure in the corner with long straight black hair with a short beard or goatee. while laying in bed listening to the enn (still this dream state) there was a how to video on how to evoke a specific demon and i feel like it wasn’t Sallos because my mindset in the dream was to ignore it and continue listening to the enn until i fell asleep (again not even realizing im in a different state)

there was a point in this “how to” video where the side profile of the face of the man in the room was on the screen and then it shapeshifted into what i perceived as its non-human form and stayed on the screen. i can hear Sallos enn the entire time and i recall seeing his sigil very clearly throughout.

in the dream i ended up right outside the bedroom door sitting on the floor. for some reason i instinctually jerked around to look in the room with a big toothy sarcastic “little kid” smile directed in the corner where the figure was before. it wasn’t there.

i don’t know how much longer it lasted. the enn and sigil could have hung around after that i can’t recall. but i was pretty certain the video was not about Sallos. the problem is i can’t remember who it was. i have a strong feeling it was King Belial. []
if this link works i saw this image last night that a redditor created for Belial. when the side profile of his face shifted on-screen it definitely resembles this image with long tall horns and semi skeletal facial features. the particularly affirming part is where i seem to try to give him my best impression of the smile in the image at the end of the dream.

all of this happening simultaneously with Duke Sallos’ sigil and enn left me very confused. my dreams later that night were also vivid, i was going to sex with a girl i used to sleep with for a short time from over 2 years ago it was one of those very sexually charged dreams. this leaves me further confused as she is not the target that i have set for Sallos.

Sometimes when you leave enns on when you’re sleeping or sleep with a sigil, it just fucks up your dreams. Sometimes there are deeper meanings, and sometimes it’s just a dream.