Concerning magical people

Some random questions:

Why do you feel most magicians take birth in the most horrific of situations and lead troubled lives trying to spread the truth?Rather stupid and good for nothing people are readily born into wealthy families and do more harm to the society than good?

I mean did we take birth consciously by our own will and choice into the situations we are facing now or is it an automatic process bound by forces and laws?

How could christians and muslims who have very little authentic spiritual literature and mostly cock and bull stories overwhelm the knowledgable pagan traditions of the past and burn them in millions and rule this world?

How do you view moksha/nirvana and do you incorporate it as a goal for this life alongwith godhood training?

Very good questions… regarding the above, I think that early situations form us into people who don;t expect life to do all the heavy lifting, we get used to being self-reliant,. questioning, and also, hungry for power (although my own childhood was less horrific than some people’s it was also no bowl of roses) - I know that my own earliest explorations of magick were partly fuelled by rage, sadness, and desperately wanting to change things.

There’s also the possibility, which I’ve been learning more about recently, that genetic inheritances often run through our families, and for the older generation, the people who are the parents of those of us here aged between say 18 - 65, psychic ability was still on the cups of being condemned by troll-god churches, and also scorned by maintream science, so that led to a lot of self-doubt and struggles that manifested in mental health problems, and especially, addiction - which has scarred my family like a knife, and also seemed to affect the more psychically gifted, the most.

Our pregenitors were misfits in a world where they maybe felt out of synch with the prevailing model of reality, and often, they were therefore not the best foundations in conventional terms, but still, we chose in some way to be born to them for the genetic gifts they carried, and maybe for other reasons as well.

(I know that’s controversial and I don’t mean to hurt the feelings of anyone who cannot reconcile or accept their upbrining, this is just my view right now, and probably not applicable for everyone.)

The Abrahamic thing, I’m currently pretty burned out on talking about that but the basic seeds of it seem to come from the lie of assured protection & eternal paradise if you follow their prophets, it’s ascent made easy and you also get to suspend critical judgement and just foillow the rules, which suits most people better than thinking for themselves.

It’s 100% random the chaos spontaneously sprouts order. Nobody gets to chose it’s a dice roll. Sometimes you win and sometimes you crap out. I know the allure of the possibility of there being a choice in that but it’s not true and I think it’s obvious. Only once we get here can we start to have some level of control through the acquisition of knowledge. Just my take on it.

Thanks Lady Eva,and one more answer I want from you guys

How does the magician motivate himself or herself to crush evil and hedonistic pursuits and be a warrior of truth,intellectual sanity and humanity in a godless,uncertain and cosmic justiceless merciless world?

IMO, you just choose what YOU like, what YOU want - some of that, at first, will be overlays from various inept social programming that was handed down as good for the masses, but maybe flawed in some way, so it’s good to do what the 12-step cults call a “fearless moral inventory” and also, be psychologically literate, strive for insight into yourself, your motivations, choices, and patterns you repeat, and so on.

I cleansed my mind of the toxic nihilism of the RHP and “altruistic” programming by doing this, and I can vouch or the process, even if it lands people at diferent results and different value systems.

Regarding wider morality, if possible expose yourself to various extreme political (and religious) views occasionally, and attempt to place yourself in the mindset of the people who hold them, and figure out what the “perfect world and perfect outcome” would be like, if they suddenly prevailed. Does it suit you? What are the drawbacks? (And so on.)

I was VERY lucky to be taught that last as a thought-exercise by my parents, and it’s stood me in good stead and allowed me to explore mindsets that I deplore, and yet feel less “victimised” by, because I now see what they think they’re going to get, but most usefully, I’ve explored by immersion those that I find beneficial and empowering, both in an everyday sense and also, as conscious choices within a world of illusions.

(To explain that last, going to copy-paste something I’ve mentioned on here before: "This is discussed in the Kybalion as the Divine Paradox: the infinite All witnesses the universe as a dream; the finite (us) witnesses the universe as real. To think as God is to be in a state of detached “mountain-top consciousness” which is incompatible with everyday life and everyday consciousness with desires, hopes, etc.

The universe is; and is not - these two poles of truth are the Absolute and the Relative…")

As for hedonistic pursuits - are they harming you? If so, handle that appropriately by looking at what the payoff is, how that fits with your models of time, of self as needing consolation (a legit but damaging concept that fucks many people up with chemical and behavioural addictions) and so on.

And, are they harming anyone you consider to be, for want of a better description, a protected group? (For example, I’m opposed to eating dogs unless you’re in seige conditions, becaue they’re faithful to humans and will save our lives even when it costs them their own, and will generally be sources of love and joy, but I do condone eating cattle, providing that they have good lives and humane deaths. Everything is conditional, everything is about personal value systems and personal preferences.)

JMO on this and I’m no philosopher… which is probably pretty obvious!! lol!!!

Thought Id never hear it from you, but Hail Satan brother Hail Satan!

But of course no matter which side of the fence you stand on the Truth dors not judge anyone and is not always ehat they expect it to be, even from the truthers themselves. The truth is a very complicated thing that drives all creation to commit the acts they commit, and so in itself is part of the Big Mystery of humanity.

[quote=“astralreek, post:1, topic:8321”]Some random questions:

Why do you feel most magicians take birth in the most horrific of situations and lead troubled lives trying to spread the truth?Rather stupid and good for nothing people are readily born into wealthy families and do more harm to the society than good?[/quote]

Evolution is a battle, stagnation is not.

I mean did we take birth consciously by our own will and choice into the situations we are facing now or is it an automatic process bound by forces and laws?

A little bit of both, to put it simply.

How could christians and muslims who have very little authentic spiritual literature and mostly cock and bull stories overwhelm the knowledgable pagan traditions of the past and burn them in millions and rule this world?

Because most humans like to submit, they like thinking they have an authority to answer to. Give a man freedom, true freedom, and he’ll just stand there for a while.

People aren’t used to options.

And when you have an angry horde that doesn’t want others to have options, well, things begin to burn.

How do you view moksha/nirvana and do you incorporate it as a goal for this life alongwith godhood training?

It just means the training wheels have come off.

As for my personal work, you could say that, yes.

[quote=“Biosynth, post:6, topic:8321”]Thought Id never hear it from you, but Hail Satan brother Hail Satan!

But of course no matter which side of the fence you stand on the Truth dors not judge anyone and is not always ehat they expect it to be, even from the truthers themselves. The truth is a very complicated thing that drives all creation to commit the acts they commit, and so in itself is part of the Big Mystery of humanity.[/quote]

I see it as a plan I aborted. I was part of the plan and well if I stuck with that divine plan, lets say I wouldn’t have the freedom to take part on this forum.

Sure, I wear a lot of masks on here. I don’t advertise everything I’m into because I believe in concealment but I felt like speaking up here. I’ve been there, just like you have and everyone else.

But, fuck it. I’m tired of misanthropy and chaos because I fucking love life. To me the LHP is about love and harmony found within the self instead of unity with a source that requires you to give up everything because it doesn’t give a shit.

Nihilism was a big part of my past and I’m still ridding myself of those toxic ties. Sure I like to talk about it but that’s not who I am. I dug myself out of that hole and I’m taking control. It isn’t Order v.s Chaos anymore. It’s my Order v.s. all because I can handle it.

What people think the LHP & black magicians should look like:

(Is hailing death and shit…)

What it CAN be:

Bunny is HAPPY, powerful, making spring his own, and LEAPING into it - he’s not “fallen,” or needing to deny the things he cares about in order to return to some “higher” state, his world is fine, not in need of “enlightenment” or anything external.

He’s a fucking bunny, right now, and he GETS IT, because he’s not at the mercy of a mafia of higher beings, or some obscure desert troll god from the tribal arse-end of nowhere, who want him to pass tests, learn “lessons,” feel oppressed, or whatever the fuck.

All the power and joy he can find is his by right, and nothing external is more real or valid than his celebration of these finds. NOTHING.

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bodhisattvas are suckers for punishment, i guess. buddhas break north as soon as the door is open they’re OUTTA here! buddhas have had their fill of this miserable plane, they’re over it. the bodhisattvas keep coming back for seconds and thirds.

it’s spiritual gluttony. bodhisattvas attain enlightenment and mistakenly think they can solve the probs of the world. come back only to face a RUDE awakening.

it’s all fun and games until your ass is on the line.religion is all fucking theory and there is NO risk in theory. magick is where the rubber hits the road. that is the difference between the prophet and the preacher. the prophet’s ass is on the line, the preacher’s is not. they’re apples and oranges.

moksha is a funny deal. i am not so sure moksha is attained by any of the four puruṣārtha, or even all four. the human is never satisfied by anything. following one puruṣārtha at a time into moksha, you end up with the religionists, the avaricious desiring only gain, and the hedonists. and those three types of spiritual seeker are full of blindness and delusion even more than the unaware. the combination of all three leads you to the type of scandals you get from yogis in the east, and the vatican popes and bishops in the west. i don’t know, man. moksha seems to me to be a bit of a blind or a fool trap.

my understanding of nirvana is that it is the result of being dropped into a very deep somnambulist trance and left there for a few days. historically, when spirits initiate someone into their mysteries, that person ‘dies’ for up to a week. i believe they’re actually in an extremely deep somnambulist state the whole time. they may or may not be possessed during this time. and usually, when they come out of that trance they achieve different types of healing abilities, esoteric insight, and siddhis. this is a traditional shamanic initiation, the death and transfiguration of a natural magician. i like to think these things can be attained through deep hypnotic practice, although i don’t personally know of anyone who is trying this work, i have gained my conclusion from carefully studying the lit for years.

to my way of thinking, moksha is salvation for preachers and laymen. nirvana is salvation for prophets and metaphysical seekers. i don’t think they go together at all and i don’t think they are to be pursued by the same type of person at all. moksha to me seems to fit religion while nirvana is for the magickal type. but that’s only my way of seeing it, ymmv.

But why is this plane innately miserable?

What’s “better”?

Who decides?

And why? :slight_smile:

But why is this plane innately miserable?[/quote]

The Four Noble Truths posit that Samudaya sacca leads to Dukkha, and the solution is Niroda via Magga, the Eightfold Path.

but who really knows? ymmv so believe whatever works for ya, or nah.

can’t say what’s better but pretty sure it involves pizza and dip

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I walked that path, and, meh. :wink:

All things are what we make them, but I’m increasingly aware that the difference between people who’ve actually experienced this, and people who adhere to it as an aspirational concept, or reject it as a crappy thing they can’t imagine, is actually pretty large.

It’s all okay!

Bunneh loves us all… :smiley:

! No longer available

Sorry to derail this thread but every thread about who’s side is right reads like this clip to me.

i’m truly certain of the part that involves pizza and dip. everything else is up for grabs

it’s pretty eye-opening to realize the degree to which reality is malleable.

Its the Lessons of Learning to Love it. Lessons of Love: Unintentional BDSM

My Way

Me of Course. =)

Because I am a Sun God…

plot twist: Biosynth is GEORGE

we now have The Greater Key of Biosynth

Now if only I knew what George was. But even Gods are interested in Mortal things.