Communication with evoked spirits

How do the spirits you work communicate with you?
You hear voices?

Ethereal and astral meetups, lucid dreams, regular dreams, sleep paralysis, and telepathy. Usually, but not always, out of body in some way or another where we can clearly speak back and forth in the same manner as two humans would in the physical. Also by vibrating metal objects sometimes to give me hints at things, and partially possessing other people to speak through them.


How do you experience telepathy?

So far:

maybe a picture in my mind, usually some kind of image of them in my minds eye but often not what I had imagined prior to how they would appear

sometimes a dream that answers a question or most frequently one or two words drops in as a response that doesnā€™t appear to be my own thoughts that if I meditate on I get something out of

ā€¦ or I start hearing the same thing repeated by different peopleā€¦ and thatā€™s outside of the ritualā€¦ I assume Iā€™ve been answered inside it but it takes me longer to pick it up so Iā€™m hearing it that way

Often physical sensations of a presence- atmospheric changes and my body may react with a physical sensation

One visible energy ball and being ā€œguidedā€ telepathically through doing something

And one entity that I feel a physical gentle breeze from who simply knocks me out, probably are communicating but I canā€™t perceive it currently in the moment however appears to be drawing situations in that later make sense

I mostly just sense ā€˜somethingā€™ but itā€™s minimal at the time of the ritual and need to rely on banishing to actually be convinced I get anything beyond my own imaginationā€¦


As Feris said sometimes through astral or dreams among other things.

I, personally/specifically, communicate either through clairaudience (ā€œhearing voicesā€), divination methods (cards, dice, pendulum, scrying is typically used for demons in goetic work), and spirit board.

Clairaudience sounds like a different voice speaking directly to you, but not in your ears. At least thatā€™s the best way I can describe. When you imagine a person speaking you have full control of it. When you hear an entity speaking, there is an instinctual knowledge itā€™s not if your control.


Usually through dreams/lucid dreams. Then by feelings, images/impressions, sometimes words (sounds alot like my own mind voice but usually a little different tone).

Iā€™ve gotten better as ā€œsensingā€ a spirits energies when they show up.

Rarely Iā€™ll have a more ā€œphysicalā€ manifestation, and the time that I have had one - I donā€™t know what caused them, so I canā€™t reproduce the resultsā€¦ Yet.

Is that your experience when the spirit manifested in the Triangle? Or have you used spirit seals?

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Usually I just open a spirits sigil to communicate, or petition.

The times where I experienced very physical (but not in the sense your probably thinking) manifestions was one after lighting a candle that I had just carved the spirits sigil into, and two after writing a petition. Said spirit showed up later in the night and both times was via me feeling a sudden change in the atmosphere in my room. Like a strong and sorta heavy presence/energy.

Neither time, did I intend for those things to happen. Plus I havenā€™t been able to achieve the same result. I think they were the spirits way of letting me know they were real/serious. This was when I first began, and was doubtful.

However, despite me not being able to reproduce that result. Those experiences did cement the reality of spirits/paranormal stuff in my mind. If I hadnā€™t experienced that I might have not taken things seriously/been doubtful. So it was like a wake-up call I guess.


Usually in the morning after Iā€™ve waken up from the last of my dreams. I lay in silence for a bit, and actually hear the voices whispering to me, almost like Iā€™d hear another person. Almost every sentence is in English, with one word or phrase thatā€™s either a Japanese word or from another language that I donā€™t know or barely know at all. Thereā€™s a brief moment that lasts for about a minute or two shortly after Iā€™ve woken up, and only in that short window of time am I able to receive telepathic messages clearly. I do not know how to tap into it at any other time.

Some examples that I managed to jot down shortly after:

ā€œDownside of sorato (or serato?)ā€

ā€œYour (Or her?) higher self in Sakrtā€

ā€œCalads (something about lower self)ā€

ā€œCopper, red, or agade. Choose your order.ā€

ā€œ[Morals?] are high, but are merely constraints of ones who have delusions.ā€

ā€œ[I] suggest you make space for [powing?]ā€

The first word spoken each time was usually less audible than others, in a sort of ā€œfade inā€ manner. It sounded like Baelā€™s voice who spoke these things to me, over the course of several days in late March. Initially I assumed it was my higher self, but now Iā€™m almost certain the voice was Bael, since it sounded almost identical to his voice during an astral experience to his palace.

I did not know what sorato/serato, sakrt, calads, agade or powing even meant, or that they were even real words until I looked them up afterward. There was more to the ā€œsorato/seratoā€ message that I didnā€™t pick up, and I probably only managed to remember and jot down like 20% of the content of those messages. It was a very clever means on Baelā€™s (or whoever) part to verify to me that it was real, though, through the use of foreign words.


I havenā€™t done full evocation, and it is extremely rare that I purposefully try to receive communication from a spirit (As in, do a ritual with that as the sole aim), as usually there is not really anything Iā€™d like to ask that I couldnā€™t know from divination. But otherwise ā€˜communicationā€™ would come to me in very loose ways. For example, some time ago I was testing a method of using divination to contact certain deities, and then I prayed to one of the gods to thank them in general and thank them for answering my questions through divination. When I thanked them for that, I got this extremely distinct feeling or ā€˜knowingā€™ that they did not answer my question, as clear as day, like they were communicating that to me specifically, without words or images, just a ā€˜knowingā€™. I then did divination and found that communicating with the gods with that method of contact was not possible with cleromancy.

Otherwise after a ritual I may also receive a psychic ā€˜knowingā€™ about certain spirits and it seems that may be how I receive communication from them. But like I said it is extremely rare that do a ritual just to communicate with a spirit, this usually just comes naturally as part of it. Otherwise, once I did communicate with a god (As far as I know it was successful, although I never checked for confirmation) and that was through divination. So I have not received communication from a spirit in full evocation, which would be seeing them and hearing them in that moment.

Iā€™ve also received communication from gods and possibly some spirits through dreams before (As far as I can tell), and through other ways.

Yeah thatā€™s how it comes for me too! Usually when chanting the enns.


It shocked me the first time it happened to me. Managed to surprise me the second time too! Compared to the usual communication, that was more of a upfront and almost blunt manifestation. Hard to miss.

The two instances were months apart as well.

Was it a sudden or gradual change in the atmosphere of wherever you were - for feeling the presence/energy?

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If Iā€™m not mistaken, I believe the occult theory behind Enns is that their purpose is to create a certain energy or enviroment in the room that will better allow the Demon to manifest. Probably a poor way to word that but I think you know what I mean.


What about writing a petition, or lighting a candle (with demon sigil carved into it?) Thatā€™s when the spirit manifested to me, for the petition though the manifestation took place like an hour after I had wrote it. At night.

Neither of those creates environments? Although maybe the candle does. I suppose the factor that I totally didnā€™t expect either (and therefore any mental blocks were down) to happen helped.


Iā€™m not really sure about candles. Itā€™s a bit of a tricky once if a scent is related to it as that has purpose in magick ritual. But otherwise Iā€™m not use.

But if you bring a spirit into your area, it can definitely change the energy. And especially cause different sensations of presence. I was just saying that Enns tend to be used to create a certain environment that helps with connection (If Iā€™m not mistaken).


Hmm, I didnā€™t try to evoke but the spirit could have chosen to come to my ā€œareaā€ (due to the nature of my petition), which probably caused it.

The candle wasnā€™t scented.


Very suddenly! Itā€™s like itā€™s not there, then it is there!

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Yep, same!

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Yeah I was told the enns chant builds an atmosphere for the demon.


I usually scratch the name of the spirit of my candle does anyone else do this too?

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