Cold eyes

Hello, I wanted to know how to have a cold look.

Practice with a mirror until you find the look you want, then keep it. :thinking:

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I have a friend who has a cold look he says he was praying for Lucifer

If that’s how he got it, then you can do the same. Pray to Lucifer

Practice with a mirror until you find the look you want, then keep it.

This is a good advice, and always remember that your emotions are senseable throught your eyes. So if you can play even with your emotions, you can produce a bigger effect.

I did it from age 11 and still works well. Just use that kind of emotion what you want to reflect towards the world.

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You gotta be a cold motherfucker who does ice-cold shit. Can’t fake it.

Also, cold doesn’t necessarily mean heartless or ruthless either. Humans are a bit more complex than that.

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