Cleansing and Banishing: Lesson Learned


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And good luck to you. The Mastering Evocation course on BALG teaches the same things about banishing, so RHP? I think not


Apparently I don’t know banishing ad well as I thought I did, and had to admit all my work to my housemates. All I can say is I hope in the future all of us can take responsibility instead of blaming others.


Yea dude some of the responses on this thread sound like you should just let any and every entity run amuck in your house, fuck it we’re good just open the door and don’t ever close it. Excuse my French but fuck that. When my friends come over the couch is available if they get too drunk but eventually they’re gonna have to get up and go. My fridge is yours, grab a beer, but tomorrow morning I got work and my family lives here too so… I mean does it even make sense just because they’re spirits to let them influence your life however they want? Banishing for me is saying if you’re not here to help then get the fuck out. Portals let spirits in that you don’t want, just as readily as the spirits you do want. Then there are imposters, parasites, etc. Even legitimate demons will start fucking around if you give free reign. LHP is about self-transformation and godhood, not subjugating yourself to entities at their leisure. We work together and we’re friends, but we have boundaries. There’s nothing disrespectful about that. In fact it establishes mutual respect.


Mine is and intentionally so. It is designed to bring the spirits within forth with minimal effort. One way to keep them from running amuck is to use a seal of sigil on inside of the front and back covers that are intended to keep the energies from getting out when they aren’t wanted. It’s actually a very old idea that I cribbed from Agrippa 's Fourth Book.


What about if you’ve used a phone or computer to do online divinations?

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I appreciate the information, because in the physical world im definitely a child lol. Come home from work, play with the kids and tear the whole house apart lol. This is really good, because I have noticed things once I have started practicing. Ever since i made my first sigil. I appreciate the info dude, thank you.

I have a rosemary plant in my windowsill next to my bed :joy: It’s honestly a grate herb to have! And I have to agree what you said up there in the post. I may still need to learn more but even still…:x Unfortunately there’s plenty of people who either don’t know better or they are one those insane lunatics that open a portal in the basement and let something just come out with out knowing two things on that being and simply just let it run around like a sugar high child at 12 midnight. :smiley:

I knew some this stuff already but never thought of my tarot cards in all honesty. (I know…noob) But I guess it’s because I have and had so many decks to my name and the main one I used would stay on my altar. I should get a dedicated black cloth for it. But over all good informative post!

what can i do with a candle carving in sigils, my parents are muslems and get very agitated when see my stuff, should i cover them with black parchment?

Such valid points OP, in other words; most things serve as a vice or portal for other beings to enter as we live in an existence lapsed with condensed layers of information and being.

You can invite these entities through a phone that’s locked (a scrying mirror no one actualises), hefty and “odd” experiences to the soul that lead to a feeling or guilt or humiliation. Bad sexual experiences or having sex with those who have a hastily vicious ornament to their character, the eye of malice, having a life filled with more negatives than positives (although can serve as learning curves) all invite things over to our layer of living.

So to look at it from a physical aspect never made sense to me when I was young. There is a seething undercurrent that will never been disconnected from the actual source. The source that contains all things, relative to the human experience.

Why do people on meth comedowns act so demonically possessed sometimes? Well you can work it out. The lower entering entities will linger for around there for pastures for our cows to eat grow. Until then, let’s respect nature and what it has to give. If people unknowingly tap into something; it is the naivety that will allow it to grow than the will to destroy it.

Again, such valid points to point out. I’ve done plenty (of wrong), and probably am deserving of what I go through. This is what defines me, so be it.