Chronicles of The Death Shaman

I wanted to start this journal to share a little bit of what I do, some random occurrences within my life, and a few tips and tricks here and there. Why did I name this journal “The Chronicles of A Death Shaman”? Well dear reader, because I am a necromancer. I work with the dead, usually through the Vodoun current, a path which is my primary path. I practice New Orleans style Vodou, which is more eclectic and even a little chaos magick-ish. I’ll tell some stories regarding the Lwa and the Mort (the dead) and share some techniques that I’ve found to be working. Hope you all enjoy this journal, it’s my way of trying to be on BALG more.




Sounds cool friend, would love to hear more from you. Your practices intrigue me.


I find the idea great!! :sun_with_face:


So many people probably wonder how most of my necromancy is done. I learned from several sources (including friends on BALG) to create spiritual vessels and fetishes to house the souls of a particular shade. I like to work with spirits whose graves have previously been destroyed or are in some other way nameless. This way I’m helping a spirit and they are helping me as well. Everyone wins.

The spirit is invoked into usually a bottle or jar containing grave soil, myrrh, mullein, cypress oil, red pepper, and tobacco along with any other spell ingredients dependent on the use of the fetish. This spirit is then empowered through the Ghede Barons and sent about it’s task. The vessel is fumigated often and regularly with tobacco and occasionally incense to keep and grow a magickal charge. After about a month, these things really buzz.




Mantra Alchemy Project: 01

I’ve always had a certain fondness for the Hindu deities. First coming into the occult they seemed strange and unreachable, and yet kind and powerful. When I was in my second year into the occult, I found myself in trouble with the law. Nothing major mind you, just simple teenager stuff lol. The cops were hunting us down one by one and I began to recite a Hanuman mantra anytime I felt anxious about it (which was pretty much 24/7 at the time as I was a little wet behind the ears life experience wise). The Hanuman mantra was sought to protect me and my friends from the eyes and hammer of the law. And it worked. The cops pretty much forgot about us over the period of a week after the mantra had begun to be chanted. I found the mantra on the internet and I can’t remember it but mantras are truly powerful.

My occult interests these days are typically of the ATR or Eastern variety, with Hinduism, Tantra, Esoteric Buddhism, Taoism, and of course Vodoun and Kindoki. Recently, as in several months ago, my life absolutely collapsed and I’ve been discovering things about myself that I don’t necessarily like. I’ve been needing a meditation practice that’s more regular and devoted and mantra work with the Tibetan deities and Hindu Devas is the way I’ve decided to do this. I have a small box that I’m going to use as a mini-shrine where I’ll place pictures and possibly in the future, statues. I’m going to be using mantras to work through certain external and internal issues, which shall remain somewhat vague. My dirty laundry shall remain in my own yard! I’ve already started the mantra practice with Ganesha and Green Tara (a female Buddhist deity associated with compassion and liberation). I’ve already achieved 324 recitations of “Om Ganapataye Sharanam Ganesha” and 275 recitations of “Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha” (the first being a mantra to Ganesh and the second being a mantra to Green Tara).

Ganesha’s help is being petitioned to open all roads within my life and help me get past outer and inner obstacles and also with another mantra to help me and my GF overcome some relationship difficulties (nothing major I assure you, at least on her part#trustissues). Green Tara is being petitioned to overcome my trust issues, my attachment to the past, and make me a better and kinder man. I’m using a mala to count the mantra recitations and after a full circle of 54 recitations, the mantra is ceased and the deity is given a stick of incense. Results are already being observed and I’ve begun to change as an individual. I’m going to move on to a different mantra after I reach 1008 recitations but for now I’m focusing on four mantras (two of which I’m keeping to myself, as I don’t want all of my workings being exposed, gotta have some secrets).


The first two deities being petitioned with mantras. Ganesha (elephant headed deity worshipped within Hinduism and several Buddhist sects) and Green Tara (a Tibetan Buddhist deity considered to be a female Buddha and a very well known and popular Buddhist deity).


Here’s a more necromancy related post: Hello again. I hope this Sunday morning finds you well. So I have discovered a very useful and potent method of necromantic curse. So many of us use sympathetic magick in the form of a poppet or doll but what do you do to spice this up?

To start you’re going to need some clay. Any clay will do. Shape it into an image of your target. It doesn’t have to be perfect but place extra emphasis on the eyes (a doll with eyes has more connecting and animating potential). Write your target’s name on a small slip of paper thirteen times and include on the other side their birth date. Take a copper chain (silver, iron, or other metals will also do) and seven pins and seven rusted nail and set them aside for later. You will also need myrrh, tobacco, mullein, crushed red pepper or chili powder, gravedirt from several different graves with one being that if a criminal, a small piece of bone, and some broken glass. Begin the creation ritual by calling a spirit who presides over the dead. For example, I like to call Baron Cementerio, Baron Samedi, and Papa Legba. This entity (or entities) will open the doors to the dead and strengthen their presence. Through invocation of your psychopomp(s), bless the obsidian with myrrh smoke and empower it to become an open vessel to house and strengthen the dead. Begin to call the spirits of the dead into the obsidian after you have spiritually linked the doll to the target. This effectively opens doors within the life, body, and home of the target which essentially magnetizes them to the wandering dead and allows you to send your own dead servitors to them without resistance. Wrap the name paper around the haunted obsidian and load it into the chest of the doll, invoking the dead into the body and life of that person to manipulate or destroy them. Next the doll is loaded with the various herbs and further empower the doll so that these herbs will rouse the dead and stir them into a frenzy. The grave dirt and herbs are packed into the same hole as the obsidian, preferably on top of the obsidian. Next the head is loaded with grave dirt and red pepper to cause the dead to cause insanity within the target. If you want to be really sadistic, you can add powdered mugwort into the head to allow the target to see the dead that torment them. Finally the doll is sealed and one by one, seven rusted nails are possessed by the spirits of the dead. Stab the doll in the heart, head, back, genitals, stomach, third eye, and neck. The nails are left inside the doll. This causes the target to be overwhelmed by the dead causing a great deal of damage. Next the pins are stabbed in the heart and head to cause pain and mental collapse. The final step is to empower the chain in the name of your psychopomp so it may bind the dead to your target. Finally, wrap the chain around the neck and pin it in place.

This ritual is designed to flood hordes of the dead into the life and body of your victim. These dead will either manipulate or vampirize the victim, usually both. This will usually also bring about some poltergeist activity in their life leading to more fear being produced to feed and strengthen the presence of the spirits. Overtime this ritual will eat away at the target, eventually leading to either physical demise or the full collapse of the will and/or ego. This ritual can be either a weapon or a tool to create puppets or zombies. If it is a curse and not a domination spell, you can place the doll in a vinegar jar or in War Water to ensure the destruction of your tormentor. This spell is not to be used lightly or by inexperienced necromancers because of the sheer risk of the many herbs and dead evoked in this spell. The dead can easily turn on you in their enflamed state should you not have protection or a protector to attend to your safety.


How did you get started with the Barons?

I called Papa Legba in the desert and made a pact with him. From there I started working with the Lwa.

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Mantra Alchemy 01 Project Update:

My work (for now) with Ganesha has concluded as the mantra has reached 1,008 recitations. My experience with Him was very serene and yet with a subtle jovial quality. He’s an absolutely wonderful deity and during the period of time in which I was working with him, he showed himself to me numerous times with synchronicity and even visions. The first synchronicity occurred the day after my first recitation of his mantra. I was away from home, accompanying a friend to a medical appointment, and as we drove through the city I noticed a gigantic mural of Ganesha on the side of a building. Elephants have been everywhere as well, even on the shirts and pants of random passerby. I’m already seeing some subtle results but I plan on finishing the Green Tara mantra before I move on to a new set of deities and mantras to work with. During this period, I’ve noticed my mind is becoming sharper and I’ve been reading a lot about Samathi and the Thai Saiyasart system along with performing whatever Vodun rituals are required to maintain balance within my life and those of my close loved ones.

This project is proving very fruitful and I’m learning a lot of things that I didn’t know previously. Tomorrow, if the weather isn’t rainy, I plan on visiting a Buddhist temple and a Hindu temple in a town that’s about forty five minutes away from here.

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Mantra Alchemy 02
The next set of deities whose mantras I will work with are Red Tara and Kali Ma. Red Tara to get some positive energy and luck in my life and Kali Ma to purge from me a lot of pain and trauma to show me the way to hope. The Red Tara mantra is: “OM TARE TAM SOHA” and the Kali Ma mantra is “OM KRIM KALIKAIYAI NAMAHA”. I’m pursuing the same number of repetitions but I’m able to recite them more often and faster.


Mantra Alchemy 02 Project Update:
I have reached completion of the Red Tara mantra and am nearing completion of the Kali mantra. First of all, Kali Ma is NOT a force to just play around with. During the beginning of my time with Her mantra, she dropped a gigantic bomb of chaotic energy into my life. But through the storm, I was able to come out stronger so I thank the Dark Mother for that.

Red Tara is a very loving and beautiful being and her mantra has proven helpful in growing my love for myself and opening my heart up to trusting others and being vulnerable. I plan on trying to eventually reach 10,000 repetitions of her mantra after this project has reached its completion.

Connecting to the Tibetan deities in particular seems to be opening up new spiritual paths and possibilities, such as an entry way to Tibetan Ngakpa initiation. Perhaps the path of the tantric sorcerer is opening up before my eyes.

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As far as I am concerned, and I bet buddha would agree; anything more than the 4 noble truths, noble 8fold Path, and Maybe, the 5 hinderances; is to begin veering away from the middle path. the farther down the stream from where the spring comes forth, the greater the chance of unwanted and unneeded matter in the water. not to mention- buddhism taoism whateverism- are not supposed to be there for all things- humans have striven to make them such indeed. you cannot repair a car engine by perfectly fixing a flat tire… the folly of humans is to try to do so. i would balk at someone telling me that Demoniphilism is the end answer to all. i balk at anyone trying to work a Mono Creator doctrine- for the world, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse. And no matter how “wow’ the revelations or guru talk- the chances of any of us coming into contact with the “this form fit all”- well, don’t try it with me- this life, whether the only one or one of millions-[my bet] will in no way introduce us to the Ultimate. no matter how big a piece of cake we get during this slice of a flash of a sparkle of existance- i can virtually guarantee- save your plate and fork— you will most surely need them to the point that you will realize- what you had before is quite trivial- “Become a living God” is a great goal; “ye Are Gods’ present tense seems to me that you have shitloads of times to go through; one multiverse after another.
So, in my humble opinion, maybe you do not need something at this time – buy it would be short sighted and folly in the extreme to assume it will be irrelevent in your Path worlds without end. So, rather than pronounce anathemas upon this ism or another- i propose appreciating that where it is, and like a book in a library which you just do not wish to read now perhaps right now it is to nourish another… maybe you are beyond it; or ife has not kicked you ass enough for you to finally ‘Get it’.
20 years ago- i would have shot the person I am now; knowing I did the world a great favor. I then went through a time where everything i busted my ass learning, study sacrifice EXPERIANCE was all in vain and useless. But I have absolutely marvelled at how much which I learned and even then doubted its worth even then- has been absolutely Golden Bridge work for profound intricacies and extremities which I may have chased my tail forever trying to figure out.
I bet EA can discuss tonnages of irritatingly meaningly efforts on things he may have walked away thinking-” it is all a fukng bullshit brainfuk game !!” only later from out of nowhere like the Dawning Sun connects more of his totallity of scenery than his wildest imagination would hope for.
just my opinion. I gots lotsa that shit !!

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I wouldn’t say I’m really approaching Buddhism in a religious sense. I don’t think it’s the only way or whatever but it definitely has helped me grow as a person and helped me become a more compassionate person. And the magick that is buried in some of the tantric texts is absolutely incredible. It may be something more permanent or it may be something I’m just learning from to improve my mental state.

I’ve found the LHP (in some senses) to be a little stagnant and toxic and in other ways it’s liberating. Not saying it isn’t a valid spiritual path or even that I’ve abandoned it, just saying I think we need to re-evaluate our thought processes and such.

I’ve always yearned for a spiritual home and to help the rest of humanity in some way and if the Ngakpa path will provide me the means to accomplish those goals, I’ll be very pleased. I understand what it is you’re saying, but I’m not exactly sure I even want to become a god anymore. Not that it wouldn’t be glorious, but the way I am in the present moment, it would do a lot more harm than good as I’m somewhat impulsive with slight tendencies to be self destructive.

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Mantra Alchemy 03

So I’ve finished the original Red Tara mantra and now I’ve moved onto work with Kurukulla, Vajrapani, and Mahakala.

Kurukulla is a Tibetan deity known for being able to subjugate and bewitch. In fact, she’s considered the Tibetan Buddhist goddess of magick and witchcraft, with love spells being her specialty. In Jason Miller’s book “The Sorcerer’s Secrets” he discusses his work with Her and a method for working with Her to entrance someone. I’ve begun using this exact method refined a little with bits and pieces from the Arya Tara Kurukulla Kalpa.

Vajrapani is, according to Tibetan astrology, connected to me and so I’ve decided to work with him to eradicate self doubt and self hatred and to provide me with protection from a certain enemy who’s been throwing curses (someone from my offline life).

Mahakala is one of the most powerful dharmapalas in Tibetan Buddhism. Through some investigation into tantric texts and archaeological studies on his cult, I’ve unearthed some baneful mantras of his that I’ve been putting to use. The first round of his mantra was conducted near a burial ground around a fire and the energy was incredibly intense.

Very cool to see someone interested in Vajrayana deities!

I myself am feeling a huge pull to work within Buddhist context. I am so interested in what you may practice if you’d like to talk through private message

I feel EXACTLY the same way!!!