Chronic fatigue

Hi, I am constantly tired for about 3 years and I am not even able to move forward. I have tried many ways to feel energized again, but nothing is working. Is it possible that behind my fatigue are astral parasites?


I would recommend you to have some bloods checked at your doctor to rule out deficiencies and autoimmune diseases.
If you don’t get diagnosed with anything (not even CFS), then start worrying about astral parasites.


I have a meditation that might help you.

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Try this ritual in case of parasites.


Thank you :kissing_heart::sweat_smile:

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Please see a doctor before resorting to magickal causes when it comes to chronic conditions like this. I have chronic fatigue syndrome (known as ME outside the US) and have since I was like twelve. While doctors were able to diagnose me, in the case of CFS/ME, there aren’t many treatments actually available as it’s very poorly understood. Magick happened to drastically help in my case, probably due to the help of spirits combined with a shift in my vibrations/energies. But some conditions require medication and treatment, and fatigue is a symptom of a lot of things…to the point that it took YEARS to rule out other conditions in my case. Don’t ignore medical treatment first.

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If you mean Multiple Esclerosis, it is not the same condition, but regardless, you are very right with the content of your message.

@astral13 Duh ignore me. Thst is why in official documents health care profs need to clarify acronyms. They can mean different things.
Myalgic encephalomyelitis.

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No worries, hahaha. I agree…there’s a lot of conditions with the same acronyms, and I probably should have typed it all the way out, but it was laziness on my part.

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That depends. What’s your sleep schedule and diet like?

If there’s no clear physiological or psychological explanation parasites or a vamp are possibilities, yes.

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