
Once you work on them youre going to really enjoy it. Its no where near as pleasurable but its kind of like getting a massage. The after affects are what kicks ass. You just flat out feel good and you wake up feeling fresh

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You don’t have to go through each chakra to get rid of negative entities/energy. There are countless cleansing methods out there and if the body/mind unit is cleansed then that means chakras are also cleansed.

You can use body scanning vipassana meditation. The basic of It is free and in advanced level you can purify your body even up to the atomic level. Even path of devotion/love also purifies the system. Choose anyone you like but cleansing and balancing the system is first and most important in any spiritual path.


Can’t agree more with the darkest knight!! But one more info, if chakra rotate anti clock wise, it gives material well being instead of spiritual upliftment. In some fortunate few it move both ways simultaneously, giving both. And don’t see why can’t one particular chakra may move one way and the other opposite way,( without causing any real problem).

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There are 114 chakras in us corresponding to 114 universes in the macrocosm within our larger world system, YWHA sitting at the top. There are other chakras too above the crown chakra, corresponding to higher worlds, beyond the non dual realm, but that’s too advanced spirituality for us.

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It’s an easy fix. If you do the cycling the wheels thing that I put together, they should all be synced like Rockettes.

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I would recommend Ahrimanic yoga. it is a lhp method/sort of kundallini yoga, but instead of vibration rhp words and names you vibrate the names of Persian arch demons. If you google Ahrimanic yoga and Michael W. Ford you should be able to find information and I also believe that there is a youtube video.