Chakra Planetary Alignment

Chakra Planetary Alignment.

The seven planets Venus, The Moon, The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn are connected to the seven chakras.

  1. The Crown - Jupiter
  2. Third Eye - The Moon
  3. Throat Chakra - Mercury
  4. Heart Chakra - Venus
  5. Solar Plexus - The Sun
  6. Sacral Chakra - Mars
  7. Root Chakra - Saturn.

Items needed.

  1. Black Candle
  2. White Candle
  3. Yellow Candle
  4. Orange Candle
  5. Blue Candle
  6. Purple Candle
  7. Indigo Candle
  8. Red Candle

Create a circle with these coloured candles, light them all, visualise the flames become the colour of the wax the flame is associated with that particular candle.

Once done sit in the centre of the circle.
Legs crossed in a meditative posture, close your eyes and visualise your crown chakra.


As you do this visualise your crown chakra, take on the energy and assume the shape of Jupiter.
Inhale pulling in that essence of Jupiter, exhaling to solidify the chakra.

Then state
“I invoke Jupiter through thy crown”

Next visualise your third eye chakra.


As you do this visuslise your third eye, take on the energy and assume the shape of the moon, inhale pulling in that essence of the moon, exhaling to solidify the chakra.

Then state
“I invoke the moon through thy Ajna”

Next visuslise your throat chakra


As you do this visualise your throat chakra, take on the energy and assume the shape of Mercury, inhale pulling in that essence of Mercury, exhaling solidify the chakra.

Then state
“I invoke Mercury through thy throat”

Next visuslise your heart chakra


As you do this visualise your heart chakra, take on the energy and assume the shape of Venus, inhaling pulling in that essence of Venus, exhaling solidify the chakra.

Then state
“I invoke Venus through thy heart”

Next visualise your solar plexus


As you do this visuslise your solar plexus take on the energy and assume the shape of the sun, inhaling pulling in that essence of the sun exhaling solidify the chakra.

Then state
“I invoke The Sun through thy plexus”

Next visualise your Sacral chakra


As you do this visuslise your Sacral chakra take on the energy and assume the shape of Mars, inhaling pulling in that essence of Mars exhaling solidify the chakra.

Then state
“I invoke Mars through thy Sacral”

Next visuslise your root chakra


As you do this visualise your root chakra take on the energy and assume the shape of Saturn, inhaling pulling in that essence of Saturn exhaling solidify the chakra.

Then state
“I invoke Saturn through thy root”.

Now focus on the imagery of the seven chakras become the seven planets, focus on each chakra focusing on the associations with that planet.

Doing this with all chakras will increase the planets current in that chakra.

Then ground yourself.

This is a great start for planetary Magick if anything of you are interested.

I’d also suggest on the days of each planet focus on that particular chakra and see and feel the energies of that planet inside it.

For example if it’s Saturday, mediate on the root and see it as Saturn and vibrate the mantra

Do this with each day of the week for each planet for deeper immersion.


Wow the synchronities man are awesome
Thank you for this post


Im going to do this as soon as i have the candles :kissing_heart:
For the helpful posts