Can't help but float awayyy~

So, I’m pretty ungrounded, essentially every reiki practicioner I’ve ever met has told me that my upper chakras are functioning perfectly fine, but everything below the third eye isn’t doin so much.
I’ve been referred to as clogged, and well, I can’t disagree!

I think it’s born of a coping mechanism I developed following a brain surgery procedure I went through as a child. I had a tumour removed from directly atop my cerebellum, as a tradeoff for the life saving surgery I lost my balance and the stability of my left eye, had to learn to walk again through a few months of weekly physiotherapy, and a lot of that coordination still hasn’t come back almost 20 years later, but wait! This sucks! My body isn’t so functional anymore, this is miserable oh no! If I can’t use my body whats the point of hanging out in in so much? I may as well just drift off a little bit… let’s just daydream and think of what could be… and so that’s what I did, as a coping mechanism for most my life. It’s bad enough that I got nicknamed NASA at work since I’m always drifting off, and thats not such a prophetic nickname to have when you work in construction.

So I’d like to resolve this, honestly I don’t feel super inclined to come down to earth, man, this place isn’t THAAAT great… the other realms are so much more interesting and have so much more to offer me, but maybe i’m just saying that because my root chakra is closed up, and I think if I werent so clogged and were grounded that maybe i’d enjoy my mundane life a bit more.

So what are your favourite methods for clearing out chakras and grounding yourself? There’s a place in town that talks like they can clear me all out and help me get grounded to the tune of 150 bucks a session once a week over several months, but I don’t see any reason I can’t do this myself if I know where to look for the techniques, even when people say you have to be “attuned” to reiki, well who attuned the first guy then?

Hope you’re all doing well, and grateful for any advice or help received :slight_smile:

Where I’m at these days, I don’t really believe chakras get clogged per se (or blocked for that matter).

I see any issue with them as being more of a diagnostic observation of an underlying issue.

While you can clear them out and whatnot, it’s really just treating a symptom and not the problem.

You need to come to terms with physicality.

At the end of the day you’re still piloting your meatsuit til it expires in some fashion.

These days, going out to the woods or a park where Theres a lot of flora and not too many people around.

Take a long walk and get lost in my own world amid the woods, touch trees and run my hands on the leaves.

(Alternatively going to a plant nursery or garden section of a store, in fact I was just doing this a few hours ago and could definitely feel it grounded me).

Eating good food is grounding too. Go to a nice restaurant with good quality food and really enjoy the experience of it. The smell, texture, taste, and the feeling of savoring something delicious.

Exercise is grounding. (Sex too :wink:)

Really root yourself into the experience of physical reality and tune into it.

Smell. Taste. Touch. Sight. Hearing.

That’s my two cents anyway.


Hey man, thanks for taking the time to leave reply on my post, I really appreciate it.

The smell, texture, taste, and the feeling of savoring something delicious.
root yourself into the experience of physical reality and tune into it.

I get what you’re saying here, I totally do, and thing is I don’t have a problem accomplishing all that, I tune into physical sensation and my surroundings very well, the issue is that putting my attention on that is sort of like anchoring a hot air balloon, as soon as I remove my attention from focusing on the physicality and sensations of what I’m experiencing, I just drift off again immediately.
My default state isn’t a grounded one, and I’d like making that my default to be an option, so I don’t have to keep the button held down the entire time I need to be.

Honestly, I’d say meditation is probably what you need to do then.

Observe your internal patterns as they arise and learn not to get carried by them. See what your mind is doing in real time as it does it without engaging. Find the calm and stillness that’s under the chatter.

No fancy stuff, no bullshit. Sit in front of a blank wall, remove distractions and sit and be. Bring your attention to your breath. When you catch yourself getting caught up in the wanderings of your mind return to your breath. Like a bike. Fell off? Dust yourself off and get on again. No judgement, don’t beat yourself up for it, just return to your breath.


Hope this helps

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