Can you test if your tarot cards are giving accurate information?

Okay, now this is probably a dumb question given how tarot cards only present a possible future, but is there any way to tell if your cards are just going straight off the mark? I’ve heard tarot cards are less effective if they’re holding negative influence, but is there any way to test when your deck needs to be cleansed and recharged or is it always just blindly trusting and hoping for the best?


No, there is no way to check its accuracy, bcz the tarots they reveal what they want to reveal, and the future is changeable, so u have to follow the cues the tarots show u to figure out the puzzle of the future. There will be sometimes where u can know exactly what CAN happen and what MAY happy

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Yea. Do a reading and wait till they come back like “dude wtf”


LOL I guess that’s one way to do it!

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Hmm, that’s true. I guess I just don’t want to be lead astray in believing an outcome is possible (because there are definitely things that are immutable) if my readings are out-of-wack. Guess I’ll just have to make sure to cleanse my deck frequently. Thanks :slight_smile:

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After all the years I’ve done tarot, one thing I learned is sometimes they seem like they are incorrect but you sometimes have to look at the card as a metaphor. It might not make sense at the time but In hindsight it’s completely understandable.

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What exactly do the cards represent?
Answer that correctly and you’ll know.

The cards represent energies! That’s it - energies!
A spread represents the energies involved. I particularly like the seven card spread. You can stick with and use those energies or work against these for a different outcome. The divinations of the Officer, the Digger, the Statesman and the Whore differ. They ask questions according to their expectations. Not so the Magus!

"Symbols are easy to come by; any system can be used – the difficulty lies in forging the magic link…It [the symbol] should become a basis for lateral thinking (or intuitive guesswork) rather than as a final answer to be mechanically interpreted.”

Liber Null (Liber LUX Divination) Peter J. Carroll

"Meditate long and broad and deep, O man, upon this Wheel, revolving it in thy mind!.. Then, when thou know’st the Wheel of Destiny complete… thou art past through the Abyss.”

Aleister Crowley Liber 333 Chapter 78



I use a deck connected straight to Chaos. The deck itself tells me what the cards mean when I draw them. It always comes true, its just it doesnt always come the way WE can understand at first. Youve gotta deeply feel connected to your deck to always get it right. When you trust your deck, you know your readings are spot on


Hey, I don’t have anything particularly unique to reply to anyone whose responded to me (thanks so much!), but I’ve read through them and I think it’s possible my doubt is just a mixture of a lack of faith, not putting enough effort into interpreting the cards I pick, and of asking too narrow of questions to get an answer I’d find “satisfying” or “possible”. I’ll try to alter my method and trust my deck more. :slight_smile: