Can you help me understand an experience?

My intuition lead me to E.A.'s work on YouTube a little over a week ago.

My initial urge to view his videos surprised me because I’m not attracted to the dark trappings of the LHP at all. In a lot of ways, it pushes me away.

But I recognize the truth when I hear it.

Here’s my introduction message if you would like to know a little more about me and the path that’s lead me here.

I had a very intense experience Sunday night and I’m hoping you can help me understand it.

I was watching E.A.'s “Secrets of the Demonic Hierarchy” seminar on YouTube.

About 10 or 15 minutes into the seminar, I noticed what looked like a glare off the whiteboard to the right of his head (his left). It looked like a reflection of light off the whiteboard, like someone had turned on a low-powered spotlight from off-camera.

I just dismissed it consciously as that and looked back at E.A. Over the next few seconds my attention kept getting drawn back to it.

So I looked at it and softened my gaze. Immediately, I saw the outline of a body. It was the same height as E.A. and it looked like a human outline, so I thought “Oh, it’s either an after image from looking at E.A. or I’m picking up his aura.” I thought it was interesting and turned my attention back to E.A.

(I’m not great at seeing auras. I can see them in shades of gray if I soften my gaze and look past a person, but I don’t pick up colors with my eyes. From time to time, I can see an aura in color clairvoyantly, but I haven’t mastered it and can’t do it on command.)

But it kept happening again and again. I saw these outlines appearing to his right, his left, just above the table, near the ceiling.

I was listening to E.A., but I slipped into an altered state (what I identify as the Theta state) and watched these entities.

At one point, the whiteboard seemed to fade into the background and blur while E.A. appeared to stand out clearer, almost like you would see on a 3D TV.

E.A. seemed to be in the foreground while the entities were in the middle ground between E.A. and the whiteboard.

I glanced around my living room to see if the entities were actually in my home or if I was seeing them through the video itself. I could only see them when I looked at the screen. They weren’t appearing in my living room.

At one point, when he was talking about Belial, I saw a very large entity on the right side of the screen. As I watched, it shifted out of a humanoid shape and expanded over the entire screen.

I could feel my hands and head literally buzzing with energy. It was very strong and it was more intense than I usually feel when I’m doing energy work.

When E.A. talked about the skulls and using the sigils to bind the demonic kings essence to them, the experience made more sense. I thought “It worked.” lol

I finished watching the video and stayed up a few hours more. I went to bed, but I was having trouble sleeping because it was such a powerful experience. I would fall asleep for a few minutes at a time, but I kept waking up and looking around.

And then it got really intense.

I have a closet in my bedroom. I leave the closet door open and it’s directly in front of the head of my bed. It’s maybe three feet or so from the head of my bed.

I live in an apartment so there’s always light shining in at night. It’s like bright moonlight, so I can clearly see around my bedroom at night even with all of the lights off.

At one point, I rolled over onto my stomach. I was very much in the Theta state that you get into as you slightly wake up and turn over.

I looked into my open closet and saw a black shape at the right side. I quickly ran through all of the things in my head to explain it away, but there’s nothing hanging on that side of the closet. It’s empty space and I know it is.

So rather than dismissing it, I allowed myself to experience it. My natural reaction is fear from the religious programming I went through as a kid, but I calmed myself and stayed in the moment.

I saw this dark figure with my actual eyes. It was real enough that I felt I could reach out and touch it. It completely blocked out light and it had a distinct outline.

It looked like a black-robed figure standing to the right side looking slightly out the doorway. It wasn’t looking directly at me, but off to my left.

It’s hands were clasped in the front, but I didn’t see hands. It made me think of how it looks when you’re wearing a robe and you tuck your hands inside the sleeves.

I never saw a face. It looked it was wearing a deep hood and it’s head was slightly lowered, as though it were looking at the ground in the distance.

I could feel the intense energy in the room, but it wasn’t “evil” or “negative”. And it wasn’t trying to frighten me. It wasn’t doing anything.

I quietly started talking to it rather than freaking out and shutting down the experience. I thanked it for showing itself to me.

As I was talking, it started moving toward the doorway. My gut clenched because it looked like it was coming straight for me.

And then I watched the darkness shift and move. And my girlfriend (who lives next door to me) stepped out of the darkness and stood there just outside my closet door.

I actually asked her by name “Is that really you?” (I’ve seen dark shapes morph and shapeshift a few times and take on forms like birds and cows, but I’ve never seen someone I knew.)

It turned out it really was my girlfriend. She has a key and was trying to find something of hers in my closet without waking me up.

She froze when I turned over looked straight at her and started mumbling something.

I tried doing some mental gymnastics and explaining it away as the robed figure was just the shape of her skirt and hair as she stood there. And it worked until the next day.

But the experience was too powerful, too real. And I couldn’t deny it.

When she got off work that night, I asked her what she experienced that night. (She’s sensitive too and we sometimes do energy work together.)

She told me the energy in my house felt very weird. She told me that normally it feels very clean, but it was thick that night.

She was trying not to wake me up, but it freaked her out when I looked at her and started mumbling. She was trying to figure out if I was talking in my sleep or not.

She told me it felt like she was in a bubble when she was in the closet and she stepped out of the bubble when she walked out of the closet.

Of course, she thought I was nuts when I asked her if it was really her. lol

Monday night, we went out to eat. I went to the bathroom. As I closed the door to the stall, I knew that the figure standing inside my closet’s open door was somehow important.

There’s no doubt I was in a very altered state that night.

Can anyone help me understand my experience? Feel free to ask questions. I know this experience meant something, but I don’t know what.

Did the entity use my girlfriend’s energy to manifest? There wasn’t any incense smoke or anything like it in the house.

Also, do silver flames mean anything to you? Not silver fire, but silver flames. The “flames” part seems to be important enough to use that exact word.

I was doing Qigong a few days before this and absorbed energy from the universe like I normally do, but this time I had a brief clairvoyant vision of me standing within a circle of silver flames. I knew it was something to pay attention to.

That is intense, I’m glad that you’re having these experiences and sharing them.

My intuition thinks that the entity in the dark figure was using the body of your girlfriend to manifest onto the physical for you. Which is why she couldn’t hear what you were saying at first, and then when the entity left and it was just your girlfriend she started walking towards you and interacting with you.

And the vision of the silver flames is curious. Fire is common in many myths of history. From Christianity where fire is a symbol of the Holy Spirit because on Pentecost (which was celebrated last Sunday) he came upon the gathered disciples as flames upon their heads and they were able to speak in other languages, heal the sick, and raise the dead.

In Greek and many Aboriginal people’s (African and American) mythology fire was a hidden knowledge which needed to be found and retrieved. Only in the Greek mythology was the bringer of that fire punished.

There’s also the phoenix, a symbol of immortality and eternity; as the bird dies from being consumed in the flames, it is reborn from the ashes.

Also, practically, fire is considered to have the ability to burn away witchcraft or magic. Ancient Assyrian magicians had such a ritual using fire to prevent witchcraft from being cast upon them. And, while Jews only allow holy items to be buried in the ground. Catholics allow holy items to be buried or to be burned.

Fire has the connotations of secret power and knowledge, rebirth and immortality, protection and divinity. In Indian mythology, Agni is the god of fire, but he is not just in control of fire, he is fire. Where there is fire there is Agni, he is said to give his devotees immortality.

Symbols are always very personal, and what may be interpreted by me as one thing may be interpreted by you as another. Search for yourself what archetypal description you give to fire and the color silver and put them together for yourself.

Symbols are always very personal, and what may be interpreted by me as one thing may be interpreted by you as another.

That’s actually where I started, but I’m still learning to trust my intuition completely. I’m actually pretty good at interpreting symbols for myself, but I don’t completely grasp the significance of these two experiences.

I know these two experiences are important for me to understand, but I don’t have a solid point of reference for either the black-robed figure or the silver flames.

My intuition tells me the black-robed figure was some form of guardian or gatekeeper. I know the open door was significant, but I don’t know if it was guarding the door to deeper knowledge or trying to tell me the door had opened for me.

As for the silver flames, I feel like someone will know what that means and share it with me. In fact, the act of asking other people seems to feel important to me. Maybe it’s confirmation for me (that tends to happen quite a bit) or asking is an act of opening myself up more.

Thanks for engaging with me on this. Conversations with other people often help me process things and understand them in a different way.

Well, if I had the experience of the silver flames this would be my interpretation of it.

I associate the mineral( and the color) silver with lunar energies and the things that lunar energy represents: mystery, intrigue, hidden. Compared with the notable trait of myths about fire being hidden knowledge. Since the moon is also traditionally associated with magic and intuition, I would associate the secret knowledge with that. In summary: I would view it as symbolic of either a current or future finding if secret magical wisdom.

And whether the gatekeeper was keeping you out or letting you know that the door was open, consider that your girlfriend walked through this door without hindrance. I would intuit that the door is as open for you as for her and the shadowy figure was letting you know.

It’s funny you mention lunar energy. I was just talking about this with my girlfriend the other day. I like to think I’m more closely associated with solar energy, but the truth is I’m much more lunar in nature.

Wow, your insight into the experience with the shadowy figure is amazing. I never considered that my girlfriend’s presence was part of the symbolism itself. That really resonates with me.

Thank you so much for sharing your talents with me. I really appreciate your insight.

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I associate the mineral( and the color) silver with lunar energies and the things that lunar energy represents: mystery, intrigue, hidden knowledge.

I agree with Ashtkerr regarding the silver flames. I think this is an invitation to open up intuitively, big invitation, not one to ignore.

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Thanks for your viewpoint, Blackcashmere.

Your comment made me wonder if both experiences are more connected than I originally thought they were.

Hmm. Hadn’t considered that.

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[quote=“valkarath, post:7, topic:7793”]Thanks for your viewpoint, Blackcashmere.

Your comment made me wonder if both experiences are more connected than I originally thought they were.

Hmm. Hadn’t considered that.[/quote]

I believe everything is connected :slight_smile:

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I believe everything is connected :)

Me too, but sometimes it’s just damn tough to live it. :slight_smile:

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SO cool! All E.A.'s ritual videso seem to “leak” like crazy (spirits, I mean) - I’ve had direct contact with spirits as a result of watching them, and the contact seems to be “real time” (like they’re live within the recorded video) and this re minds me of that.

Spirits will use a “medium” and superimpose upon her, yes - that’s less used these days but it absolutely can hapopen, and spirits can send messages through sensitive people without that person’s conscious awareness.

I have an idea what the flames may be, check your Messages tab. :slight_smile:

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Hmmm. Never thought of her as a medium, but she is definitely sensitive.

The video thing makes sense since it’s really just recording patterns of energy any way.

Thanks, Eva. I appreciate your help.

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[quote=“Lady Eva, post:10, topic:7793”]SO cool! All E.A.'s ritual videso seem to “leak” like crazy (spirits, I mean) - I’ve had direct contact with spirits as a result of watching them, and the contact seems to be “real time” (like they’re live within the recorded video) and this re minds me of that.

Spirits will use a “medium” and superimpose upon her, yes - that’s less used these days but it absolutely can hapopen, and spirits can send messages through sensitive people without that person’s conscious awareness.

I have an idea what the flames may be, check your Messages tab. :)[/quote]

It would be interesting if this board does the same relaying as his videos. I mean they could read what we write and take note and interact with us at opportune times. And some even show up behind us while we are reading this board! :slight_smile:

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