Can you get rid of the feeling of love?

You have to let something take over and become a shell of human who is basically psychopath.

“Its easier for some to just give up rather than feel the hardships of life”

I’ve known one person who came close to doing it and another that did it, but I don’t recommend it.

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I understand this but I’m not sure what else to do. This just seems like the easiest way.

What happened?

I’ve been feeling this way recently. Last month was an ex bf. I’ve dealt with loss from old lovers and friends. Sometimes I’ve been depressed for several months over it. This most recent loss, i was worried I’d lose myself again. I already was depressed for months beforehand, and this final thing could of broken me even more. What helped has been working on evocations, building my astral temple and generally asking spirits from the Goetia to aid me.
I’m strong and weak at the same time rn.
I have immense power, but i have this vulnerability that can be used for good and bad.
Astaroth and Lucifer have taken the gunk out of my soul. So far, they haven’t done anything crazy, I don’t think I have any physical blockages in my life. Beware that your life can be flipped upside, my self doubt is where I’m the weakest, and they are helping with that.

I’m not fully over love, but I’ve been able to like other people and enjoy myself again without guilt.
I did some spellwork and asked during evocations with King Beleth for reconciliation, but the last time, he’s been adamant that i stay focused on my own work as much as I can.
I question now if the depression was caused by that relationship or whatever medicine i was taking at the time.

So the main thing is to do magic or call on spirits to improve yourself every damn day.

I don’t recommend you do evocations in familial homes or with pets in your life, so please make sure you build a space in your minds eye. Make sure to do banishing rituals once a week too.

Main thing is healing yourself… I used to lay in bed all day being sad over someone. It is ridiculous.
Get power for yourself.
King Beleth and Astaroth have said that I’ll be happy no matter who is around me as long as I am living in the present. Lucifer has helped with a lot of creative projects that i need accomplished.

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Thank you for that. You sound like you understand what I’m dealing with. I do my evocations in my room since I don’t have an astral temple yet. I was hoping to build up the strength to call Lucifer and talk about what I experienced. I can’t hear him but I use my pendulum and do my best. @Maliorion

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you can’t live without emotions. It’s the drive of humans. Many have issues though. not balance , feeling too much of one emotion which makes them crazy or psychotic.

Best way is to embrace and learn about emotions to manage them. emotions are tools. they motivate behaviors and drive to take action. Think of emotional intelligence. Just like smart intelligence. it is a skill. All can learn to competent level so that it don’t affect one negatively.

Main thing is to not let emotions jail you. Let them go through you like water down a duck’s back.

If you don’t know about NLP. than go study that. that teaches you how to manage your emotions/ mind for whatever goals you want.


You know, telling you the downside of your idea does not mean you don’t understand.

That sounds like a great plan. Its hard to hear the voice necessarily when I am super aware of the world outside and my own mind. Pendulum scrying is a great gift. Work on fear. Emotions as strong as that can make things harder to handle. Its all in our control, our state of mind creates so much more power than we can even think.

I usually have to mediate beforehand the evocation or do the mental evocations as i fall asleep. This feels like falling asleep, and you can’t move in sleep paralysis. The space where you want to lucid dream or astral project. (I recommend anyone who is into this work to learn - OBEs, astral projection and lucid dreaming)

I have to really focus and ask in giving my request or question because they side track me or distract me.
I get lost in the surroundings I’m in. Not sure if it’s to help me or harm me in that.

The few times I’ve evoked in the real world.
Their presence usually gets known in person with changes in temp, a smell, random shit happening.
In my head, I hear something, and it just won’t sound like the inner monologue, i might see them. You can end up feeling a dialogue happen with your voice and theirs.

Many publishers on here use a shit ton of smoke like from incense and call forth the spirit through that. Again, i never got the place to do it.

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I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that story is similar to an experience I had.

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They become soulless husks that have no feelings, Im currently trying to get rid of one. I have no idea why they are so open about not having feelings, what they are, while at the same time using all the manipulate behavior against me.

(I’m bias and not fan of psychopaths as I’m currently the target the of one who practices magick)

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I see. That does sound like a problem. @Brand_New

Yes, you can get rid of the feeling of love. Just cultivate its opposite, indifference.


How so?

Indifference literally means not caring one way or the other about something, so every time you think about whatever engenders the emotions you are trying to get rid of, just shrug your shoulders, and act as if the emotion didn’t exist. Your will is everything, and you get to choose how you feel at any given moment, so simply make the choice to ignore any love you feel, and then act from that decision.


Prince Ipos could help.

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Yes. Mind control, it may take a while to learn but is very much possible. Just force yourself to think about or do something else. I can’t recall how I learned but I have no problem turning off my feelings. It wasn’t always like that so it is possible. Good luck !


Experience tells me that emotions are a product of the physical. Move beyond the physical and you also move beyond emotions. Ordinary everyday emotions are then replaced by pure joy and bliss.

Also, lust and lustful love are attachments that form in the emotional body, just a layer above the physical. The emotional body can be cleansed regularly through meditation and through the fire of Kundalini, which burns away physical attachments.

If one is suffering from unwanted attachments or perhaps unwanted feelings of lustful love, then petitioning the Goddess of Love may be the best way to remove them.


Which goddess exactly? @ChrisK

There’s a bit of Syncretism involved as most of these goddesses of Love have a common root, but the progression from most ancient to most recent goes something like this:
Inanna / Ishtar / Astarte / Aphrodite / Venus
Whichever version you like will work equally well.

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Oh, that makes sense.