Can you Consecrate a Taro deck with incense smoke?

So Like Can you Consecrate a Taro deck with incense smoke?? Or is that absurd? Heard it’s preferred you consecrate them Soo I wasn’t sure how so I just did it
with dragons blood(I think it was frankincense…either

the 2) smoke and I put the instance back in the holder and said “I (Name) Consecrate this in the name of the infernal Empire.” Can you do it that why?

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When you clear and consecrate something with the elements, quite often incense smoke is used to represent Air. In a system like Wicca, for example, you would pass the object through a candle’s flame for Fire, incense for Air, a drop of water for Water, and a pinch of salt for Earth.

Rarely is a single element used, but that is not to say it can’t be.

However, for Tarot, I recommend this:


Oh lol I actually was just reading a thread and saw you post this same vid. But 1 thing confuse me though…so you put them in order by element? Is that what he meant?


If you are using the elements, yes. You would pass the object through all four elements to cleanse it of any lingering energies, before consecrating it to whatever forces.


Yes. You may use the smoke of about any incense although I have always been taught that sage is best for cleansing. If you serve a Moon deity, you may use moonlight to cleanse them.


Short answer: go with your intuition. Does it feel right? Then it’s right.

Long answer:

There’s three big C’s when it comes to acquiring new decks or other magickal tools: Cleansing, Consecrating, and Charging.

Cleansing can mean knocking on a deck to ‘shake’ the old energy out, ringing a bell to vibrate it out, passing through incense smoke associated with cleansing (dragon’s blood, white sage, common sage, pine, fir, sandalwood, lavender, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, etc), letting it sit in view of the sun and/or moon for a day, burying in salt for several hours, placing selenite or black tourmaline on the deck for several hours, etc.

Consecrating means ritualistic intent to separate it as a special working tool. While oils are common, that’s obviously a bad idea for tarot decks and so one can use incense as you did or simply hold it and say your piece. You can do this at your altar, in a circle, outside in nature, or somewhere else that puts you in a ritual mindset if so inclined.

Charging means imbuing with energy. While setting it out during a full moon or using crystals/herbs associated with charging, the best way really is to just use them. The more you practice, the more you’ll understand and get to know a deck’s “personality”.

Really, these things only matter if you make them matter. When I get a new deck, I start using them right away for a few days as I take in the imagery. Most of the professional tarot readers I’ve asked don’t reorder their decks before each read. I’m one of the weirdos that does because I find it to give me the best readings. I use sandalwood incense occasionally to cleanse if they are super funky - that and it smells nice.


Or if you know reiki, you can use that. I always cleanse, consecrate and charge with reiki and keep an amethyst in the bag.


don’t forget the useful tool of singing bowls. =o) And tuning forks… And the good old talking to your deck or whatever you are consecrating as if it’s alive. be buddies. be friends.


I actually find this post useful. I am planning to cleanse the new scrying mirror with salt mixed in water, and then visualize dirt or attachments cleaning off while slowly waving it over frankincense smoke. I haven’t thought about the fire yet. I don’t know much about fire.

After cleansing I would consecrate by holding the tool and visualize myself and the tool fusing together and lastly I would drop a pinch of my blood on it

Hopefully all of this is enough and not require much else but I’ll read the methods described by EA soon…

One way that learned how to do it which is very similar to what has been mentioned here is to spread them around face down. You can light a white candle, get some plants like basil, rosemary, and mint…tie this bundle up in a red ribbon, and dip in a bowl that has water like river water, stream, ocean or rain and add some florida water. Place the plant bundle in the bowl of water and lightly smack the cards to clean away any negativity or outside influence. Then you can pass incense smoke like frankincense or myrr or palo santo. Leave it for a day and the next day put them in a cloth or bag.

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Thanks for that. very informative!


Or you can ask GAAP . he teaches one to consecrate. That’s one of his powers. I think he’s the only one that was mention to do such.