Can cats see spirits and do they protect their owners?

I just wanted to know if cats can see spirits since they are intuitive. Do they protect you from spirits? One of the cats my family had, including the two cats we currently have stare at something that I can’t see they stare at the wall/ceiling and move their head in a certain way, like their eyes are are following something.They react like they see something, I understand it could be something ordinary like a bug (or the bird I saved from being mauled, by the previous cat we had) The bird returns and hovers outside my bedroom window, or any random window, a butterfly once landed on my arm.) I see spiritual symbolism in a lot of things.


Yes, cats can see/sense spiritual presences.

I don’t think they protect though.


My kids stopped having nightmares right after we got a cat and haven’t had bad dreams or anxiety to sleep.


Okay. So is it normal if my cats act a bit weird if they see a spirit then? They run around a lot,all around the house, meow a lot and I don’t always know what they want. I wish I could read their minds. I have two cats, one is male the other is female.
The female cat, walks around and seems scared sometimes, or very cautious for no reaaon.

Yes, that is generally normal for cats.

i posted an animal communication spell from Christopher Penczuk a while back that could help you learn what your cats are trying to tell you. You should be able to find it via a search.

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Great, that would help thank you.

Oh my. Yes! I have two, an egyptian Mau, and oriental shorthair. Both of them react to spirit phenomena, I’ve even seen then rub against something I couldn’t see. When I invoke they either meow very loudly and at times hiss, which lets me know my guest has arrived, lol


Yes definitely. One of mine is my familiar. When I first started really getting into Magick he would
Guard me.


When I invoke my cat does the opposite, it’s like he curious before and getting into things but during the ritual it’s like he goes into look out mode to make sure nothing else comes in.


They do that too, that is so funny. Mine are partners in crime. One will be in attack mode, and the other is the lookout.


Yes and I doubt it :stuck_out_tongue:

My cat used to play with someone or something no one else could see (I lived in a very haunted apartment when I got him).

Protect from spirits? Eh, depends on the cat. The ghosts in my home were harmless and friendly, so my cat had no reason to protect me from them. He seemed more interested in physically squeezing between my now-ex and I at every opportunity, though :joy:

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I don’t think they’re trying to protect me, not that they could lol. I keep my two snakes in my main temple, and they will get active and come up to the glass. I can only remember one occasion where they seemed stressed ( cats) . It was after an invocation of the Morrighan. Both of them hid underneath the bed in another room. I wanted to do that too, what a freaky creepy experience.

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Honestly, I’m not sure. I remember someone telling me once cats ward off spirits with ill intent, and in some way I’ve always believed there was some truth to it.

They definitely can. It’s interesting too because I have two and they both react differently. One is highly curious while the other is mostly unbothered. She sees them but doesn’t care too much. Not like the other one does.Every time I’m speaking with Lucifer my curious one is always sitting right by the door.As soon as I come out she’s always there by the the door.

Yes my Jasper looks at an empty space next to me and drifts his eyes back at me. In different cultures cats were considered sacred and protective and attracted prosperity. For example the Birman, Egyptian Mau, Japanese Bobtails to name a few. I have noticed I don’t receive nightmares anymore and I have less trouble sleeping. Plus my mood has been a bit more perky than before after owning a cat, my Mum noticed a difference.

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The previous cat my family had also looked up and arounaround the ceilings, the corners of the room, like he saw something. He would turn his head from side to side like he was looking at something or he was confused. Sadly he pasted away, due to getting in a fight with a (possibly unvaccinated cat) that bit him, he become very sick and had some type of mouth related cancer, we brought him home to care for him until he died, I miss him and some my other pets :frowning:

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They are very sensitive to spirits presence indeed.

Mine would probably throw me to the demons to save her ass but I love her still :roll_eyes::rofl: