Noble titles and concubines

Being royalty over actual beings and being royalty over thoughtforms aren’t the same thing, the former actually can be useful in terms of protection and long run possibilities, the latter is just you and your many sub personalities existing in a astral/mental space.

Astral titles aren’t the same as titles in such places like the etheric.


You can create etheric places can’t you

It requires more effort than your imagination just wanting one, it requires knowing how to do it and using energy work to execute it how advanced you are it can be the size of a closet or even the size of a state. It also does not mean people will want to live in it or let you rule over them in it. You’ll simply be royalty over an empty pocket realm.


I mean in the infernal realm @anon84896414
It’s an established nation in the etheric planes, not just anyone can become a royal there, it’s either earned through blood, sweat and tears, or your a born royal and still give blood, sweat and tears to prove your worthy of that.


Ea said the demons he works with are prepping him to become a demonic king. That is what they told him


I wouldn’t want to be a spiritual royalty.



It’s not as wonderful as people think.
Especially once your on the battlefield leading thousands, and knowing many will not make it home. Any mistake made will cost lives, or making choices where lives will be lost no matter what, it’s just how many.

I do not think it’s that easy to become a King by just doing a ritual however. I’m sure @anon48079295 would agree. It takes years of blood, sweat and tears, also earning the respect of many.

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Yeah I know. EA and connor kendall have been working with the demonic for many many years, so that is likely why they were chosen.

When i get to the spiritual plane, i will probably rest for a few years before i really do much.

Different cultures and different ways to, some fae cultures it’s by blood, some are if there is no royal blood then whoever is up for the challenge and gains favor of the people, in others it’s as you say blood, sweat, and tears. The Infernal hierarchy from my experience is pretty loyally strict, of course many have had experiences where the hierarchy has experienced internal issues with one another and fixed.

Thing is I don’t believe the Infernal will be all “I’ll make you a king if you accept the inner darkness workings of blah blah blah” Sure you can join their ranks and work your way up but they’re not going to off the bat go “we’re going to groom you into a King or Queen” atleast in my opinion. However, I’ve cut myself off from the Infernal after a while.


It’s like expecting an average Joe from the street to be able to perform brain surgery, with a title he got from an store that sells costumes.
No experience, lack of knowledge, not to say they’re stupid just they dont have the knowledge a King would possess, our human brains can only hold and process so much information. They dont have respect of the citizens. Furthermore there’s the issue of what territory they would govern.

From what I remember and feel instinctually in the infernal, your either born into royalty, marry into royalty, get adopted, or you work your way through the ranks and earn a Kingship with blood, sweat and tears.
They still have a long road ahead of them.


yeah. Too much responsibility

I agree with you Velenos, they need to earn it, however getting adopted into a noble or royal family in the infernal, can cut down slightly the work they put in. It’s still hundreds of years at the least, most likely thousands years of work.

It’s easier though as you don’t have to worry about things like poverty and hunger there as they can manifest their own food through energy work or just eat energy.

I will tell you the model that is currently in fashion for becoming demonic royalty. You can break it down into four easy steps.

Step one: Choose a demon king. The more popular and prestigious, the better.
Step two: Have sex with him.
Step three: Instant royalty.
Step four: Tell everyone on the internet. Because a crown is no good unless everyone knows you have one.


I doubt demonic “love lives” bear much on the hierarchy of the pseudomonarchia. Demons tend to be smarter and less sentimental critters about that sort of thing IME.

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I agree, but based on the number of crowned heads I’ve seen the last couple of years, you will never convince anyone of that


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