Can a demon possess or attach itself to several people?

I’m not in demonology, I’m asking just as a matter of curiosity :grinning: Can the same demon possess or attach itself to several people? and by “several” I mean 100, 1000, 10000… And if they can, how?

Yes. I would call this a parasite as the word “demon” is overused and nonspecific. Parasites can infect entire organisations, apartment blocks, and families.

We are not actually separate beings, we’re all part of larger and larger collections. Like the cells in your body are part of your body. So a spirit can have effects on multiple people especially when they are connected into a larger group.

You can find an interesting discussion on this in McCarthy’s book “Exorcists Handbook”. It’s one of the reasons some entities can be very hard to get rid of, as they simply retreat to the other people in the infected group. You have to treat the whole group or building not just one person.


Thanks for your answer Mulberry :slightly_smiling_face: Very interesting!