Call OF The Sevenths & Stoicheia

The call of the sevenths is the same stoicheia exercise from Stephen Flowers book ‘‘Hermetic magic’’ Lady eva posted in another thread.I’ll start to using it as well.The Letters ETA,YPSILON,IOTA are the same sound in greek language.‘‘EEEEEEEEE’’…The letters OMIKRON and OMEGA are the same ‘‘OOOOOOOO’’. like (OOOOOrismen).
Alpha is ‘‘AAAAAAA’’ like (fAAAAAAther) and Epsilon is ‘‘EEEEEEEE’’ like (cEEEEEEnter).


Here’s a cheatsheet I made for that:

Yes.This is it.I have to say that the ETA sound isn’t as’s the same as IOTA and YPSILON.The letters are different but the pronunciation is the same.

It’s a big topic, I took that from either the book or random online research (that vowel-shift/chain-shift stuff, it’s a fucker) - there’s a bunch of discussion about it here: [url=]How to pronounce eta? - Textkit Greek and Latin Forums and apparently modern Greek varies a lot of ancient, where PH apparently was pronounced as two seperate sounds rather the “F” sound we give it now, for example.

I was working on the basis that the 7 elements are different so I personally went for the “EH as in MATE” version because it’s different to the rest, and I figured the elements were distinct, also, I can’t find the original upload but there’s a sound derived by Nasa from Venus and that informed my choice a bit, here’s the most recent uploaded version:

VenuS Sounds… NASA

But that’s just educated guesswork, anyway that’s the one I’ve been using so far.

That makes me wonder also.Is it possible and legit to spell the letters and not the vowels?I mean to chant alpha-iota-omega etc.I know alpha and omega is the begining and the end and i saw it even on magic circles.I’m sure these letters hold some kind of power them selves.Just an idea here.
The pentagram is also called the 5 alphas.You can recognize the letter alpha five times in it.
Damn.where can i find the original greek text about this exercise?

You’d still be subject to chain-shift etc though, “EEEyota, AIyota, AYYyota”- it’s a thing. :frowning:

It happens in all languages, here’s just one example:

History of English - The Great Vowel Shift

I know alpha and omega is the begining and the end and i saw it even on magic circles.I'm sure these letters hold some kind of power them selves.Just an idea here. The pentagram is also called the 5 alphas.You can recognize the letter alpha five times in it.
Well Flowers even has you visualising the numbers: the correspondances are on my cheat sheet, and I visualise the numbers as dots, like on playing cards, which is easy up to 10, then the 70, 400 & 800 I just visualise as 7, 4 and 8 bars representing 10 & 100 each – I vis. both over the planet it’s associated with, here’s an example for the opener: Moon, Alpha, 1.

When I do this, I’m feeling the power of the sound almost projecting out from my centre into the sky, like a column of light, where they project the image, number and letter form. Kinda like the bat symbol…

Damn.where can i find the original greek text about this exercise?

This touches on it:

Bear in mind, though, that people in the past didn’t even know that boiling water would purify it, so we’re not necessarily in a descent from former wiser times, we may be working towards them. JMO there and I know that’s a whole controversy in itself!

Edit to add, I split this so as to not derail!!-exceptional-archangel-raphael/

You’re amazing.Great info here.I was thinking that i went of topic with this exercise and i was ready to open a new thread…You did it already.Thanks.
I found the greek magical papyri online,and it says how to pronounce the greek vowels.For the ypsilon greek letter it says you have to pronounce it as wOOOlf.Now it’s more confusing.


and also this blog.Interesting stuff here also.check it out.

[url=]The Sounds of Ancient Greek Letters - YouTube

this was helpful for me

Jason Miller’s Advanced Planetary Magic has a soundfile attached with the book where he uses the Greek vowels that I found helpful and the book is really good too.