BUNE and the Gratitude Ritual

For those of you who don’t know yet, I will be doing an upcoming Gratitude Ritual to BUNE which I will be making a YouTube video for.
The purpose of this video is to highlight what in my opinion is the most important part of one’s interactions with the spirits.

Being in the attitude of gratitude is what solidifies ones manifestation. When we ask something of someone we show our appreciation and this in turn makes you more welcome to them. Hence the phrase you’re welcome when someone thanks you. The same goes for spirits.

If you are welcomed by a spirit it is more likely your interactions will be positive and rewarding. Many magicians struggle with getting results and a big part of this could sing be due to the fact that they perform no sort of gratitude ritual. In my opinion if you do any ritual at all this is the one to do.

I personally rarely summon a spirit with a complete full scale key of Solomon rite or something like that. I use my psychic abilities to build relationships with the spirits and only do serious evokation when I’m meeting a spirit for the first time and want to make a good impression. Other than that 90% of my interactions with spirits don’t even happen in the ritual chamber.
But when it comes to the Gratitude Ritual, It’s time to go all out and really show your love and appreciation by being elaborate, creative and put some effort into making it nice.

Now the metal for The Duchess Bune but I can’t help but call her the Goddess Bune because It just feels like that’s how it’s supposed to be.

Anyhow I took a thin piece of wood and then I cut it into a disk. I then took, this stuff…

Once I had adhered the 24 K pure gold leaf to the wooden disk and it had set I then inscribed the sigil of The Goddess Bune from memory (as is my recommendation to do always with sigil work) with an orange sharpie marker. It came out looking like this, not too shabby.


I’ve been looking for goldleaf where did you find this?

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You can find it on eBay I use the 3 inch squares about 5 for 10 bucks.

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Awesome thanks!

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This is awesome. I am planning a ritual to petition the assistance of Orias and was trying to come up with a suitable offering that would be a suitable match for what I plan on asking for. Thanks for sharing.


She just got me 300$


Very nice! I think the Duchess will appreciate it.


This is great. Sometimes all the talk about evocation makes powerful spirits seem like Jack-in-the-Boxes that you can pop out and put away, and that ain’t quite the way to go about it. Saying “thanks” is just good manners anyway, but it goes to the essence of what spirits want from us (and thus why they interact with us at all)


Oh nice. I was contemplating the significance of gratitude over the past couple days. Making a ritual out of it is a great idea.

I saw a thread about worship and had decided that good worship is a show of gratitude wheras bad worship is groveling for attention.

That’s a baller ass sigil you made. Bringing your prosperity back to Bune is super classy. :sunglasses:


Great minds or whatever but I’ve made something similar using polyclay and metals - then baking them in the oven.

Not as good as yours though!

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Always tried to live from an attitude of gratitude. Been a believer of for some time . Very interesting and energizing that you brought this forth . Wondering if most spirits would appreciate this type of action ? Not just a goddess such as by Bune . !


OK so was planning to do a video but I left my camera stand at my other house. So I just took some pics.
I took an orange candle drew the sigil on there with gold pen, took a drop of blood and put it on the wick and the top of the candle. The candle gold sigil and blood all combine and melt together representing the merging of our energies.
I added an orange titanium aura quartz for energetic boost.
I included a gold 100 dollar bill
And the Gold leaf sigil I made earlier in the post.

The purpose of the gratitude ritual is to show gratitude and it can be done at any time but preferably day.


Pm me my dude

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Yes appreciate the ritual , new to all . Open minded Guy here. Love 'all the various different info on all entities…