Breakfast With Azazel

Hi everyone im going to give a lowdown of my conversation over morning coffee with azazel today, im pretty informal so please dont take offense or go nuts over anything i say, its just my own experience.

Ok, I will start by saying that ive been working with azazel for a few months now but recently its really amped up.

This morning i was drinking coffee, still very early and in twilight half awake mode.

I sat and began quietly reciting the incantation of all dark powers that EA teaches, i find these enns to be highly effective in my personal workings.

Once i was buzzing sufficiently i called to azazel, i just picture his sigil in my head and call his name while intermittently repeating ,
“Alash tad Al Ash Tu”

I began to feel the weight like sensation that usually surrounds him , like gravity that sort of pushes instead of pulls like earth gravity, same result different feel type of thing.

Anyway he said in a very unmistakeable voice

“I am here”

i didnt want to mess around, i like azazel as an entity, but he is a crazy black flame being and you have to take this stuff in doses.

I quickly said

“thank you for coming, i request that you teach me your ways that i can understand and wield the dark currents you control.
I wish to be taught and guided.”

Even More quickly which kind of shocked me azazel said

“I accept your pact and terms”

I was a little taken aback so i said “i didnt offer you anything, we made no terms”.

Then he said " You asked, i answered. it is agreed"

I felt like he was being shiesty so i asked bluntly

“what do you want?”

He said very firmly

“Nothing, the path is the price”

I got freaked in an intellectual sense so i said

“i want this pact to be in my highest good”

Once again he answered really fast and said


Then i thought i would get clever…so i asked if i could make my ascent painless in its entirety.

Azazels answer was immediate and left me spinning, very simple but solid, he said :


He sensed my confusion i think or my mental question and he continued:

"The path you seek is painful, all change is painful, but this is only a result of the way you view chaos and change , these currents are perceived as that which you are not , therefore they disquiet , repulse , defy your logic.

If you would have a painless ascendency then you must harness pain , change it within you, use its energy to become more.

Pain is lead, it is only through learning how to transmute this, to take the base energy you perceive as “pain” and clear it of the thought associations you have attached to it, thus cleansed it becomes gold, able to be used and directed to build empire."

When thus empowered the world which you now see as filled with “pain and suffering” reveals itself as a veritable reality of gold, scattered throughout the whole surface of the earth, waiting to be claimed and altered, this is much in the way of our workings in your world as well, and our purpose."

Think on another parable, that of " spinning straw into gold", straw is everywhere, useless, animal feed, but could you spin it into gold…all the world becomes but a playground to one such as this"

"You ask me to take away the pain of ascent, in doing this i would deny you your greatest weapon for change, pain. Think on this , the gods are feared and respected for their ability to endure untold terrors , torments, fates and trials…it is these terrible dooms that make them “gods” in most other ways they are much like you.

“The Pact is good, summon my nethers, learn their ways , they will answer and be loyal”

“That is all”

I released Azazel even though he was already gone , i thanked him for coming and did some tv mindless grounding.

If you take anything from this it is that you should never wait to write down the results of your conjurations… im writing this several hours later and its already foggy, it was much more profound when azazel said it, although there is always a great deal of telepathy and information exchange without words in these workings, and i like the connection, you can get so much more from it.

Anyway this is my best recollection and i look forward to hearing feedback and i will keep posting my workings and results for all.


Azazel was the same towards me when I asked for ascent.
Always have pen and paper ready.

Here was our conversation.

Like you said he was very stern.This was during an evocation.

Me: My request is for you to increase my power and majickal abilities.

Azazel: So you ask for godhood to be given to you?
Such a thing is earned!

Me: I ask for my rites to have more power.

Azazel: Repeat these words _______. ( I’m not sure if I’m suppose to share this as it may have been just for me but I will ask him when I get a second away from Belial) Act upon this world with confidence not hope! See your goal manifest and it shall!

Me: I ask that you guide me during my rites to help me stick to the principles.

Azazel: I will guide your mind during your rites but you MUST become able to do this yourself.This is YOUR godhood.Claim it!

Me: Can you open my astral senses?

Azazel: Continue to evoke.Your time is near.In darkness you will see.

Me:I ask that you bring me to power.

Azazel: Prepare for hell.Do you wish this to be quick or slow?

Me:(sensing this was some kind of trick question I said slow and painful)

Azazel: Very well.

And just like that he was gone.
Between him and Belial my life descended into hell but I AM realizing my power to change things.

Thanks for this post.
I almost forgot about this encounter with Azazel.


Edit: I forgot to mention a little tip Azazel.gave me during a different evocation.
He said after the ritual meditate on your goal manifesting for 5 minutes.(he seemed pretty adamet that it was to be precisely 5 minutes)


[quote=“Musta_Krackish, post:2, topic:3845”]Azazel was the same towards me when I asked for ascent.
Always have pen and paper ready.

Here was our conversation.

Like you said he was very stern.This was during an evocation.

Me: My request is for you to increase my power and majickal abilities.

Azazel: So you ask for godhood to be given to you?
Such a thing is earned!

Me: I ask for my rites to have more power.

Azazel: Repeat these words _______. ( I’m not sure if I’m suppose to share this as it may have been just for me but I will ask him when I get a second away from Belial) Act upon this world with confidence not hope! See your goal manifest and it shall!

Me: I ask that you guide me during my rites to help me stick to the principles.

Azazel: I will guide your mind during your rites but you MUST become able to do this yourself.This is YOUR godhood.Claim it!

Me: Can you open my astral senses?

Azazel: Continue to evoke.Your time is near.In darkness you will see.

Me:I ask that you bring me to power.

Azazel: Prepare for hell.Do you wish this to be quick or slow?

Me:(sensing this was some kind of trick question I said slow and painful)

Azazel: Very well.

And just like that he was gone.
Between him and Belial my life descended into hell but I AM realizing my power to change things.

Thanks for this post.
I almost forgot about this encounter with Azazel.


Edit: I forgot to mention a little tip Azazel.gave me during a different evocation.
He said after the ritual meditate on your goal manifesting for 5 minutes.(he seemed pretty adamet that it was to be precisely 5 minutes)[/quote]

Agreed he is very stern but not in a menacing way, more like a take no compromises , no bullshit attitude.

I remember an expression but i cant remember if azazel said it or another random entity

"hope is the refuge of the delirious minded and weak, it is never rewarded , it is a misalignment, a mutation of the creative impulse, it is never hope that is realized but directed specific thoughtforms, this is tagged as a reason to keep “hope” alive as a concept.
identifying with hope is like a never ending cycle of diss empowerment and enablement for perpetual drama in your life.

Attributing miracles and shifts to hope rather than the cause allows one to defer godhood, to something “out there” and thus beyond personal control, but in this state of ignorant bliss you are the plaything of the fates, the prey of loki, yours will always be suffering so long as you believe that suffering comes without, choose your lot.

Experiential knowledge is the antidote for hope and eventually you will understand the words of the teacher jesus, you will know a “peace that passeth all understanding”.

A peace born not of weakness but strength, not of fear but will, not of ignorance but wisdom"

come to think of it im pretty sure it was lucifer that i was evoking at the time, don’t hold me to that in stone though.

As always, don’t be too hard on yourself, there’s plenty of other jerks to be hard on.

Here’s a good smile :


I f*cking love this!

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Thanks darkest knight i made it yesterday.

I have also have received very specific timelines from azazel in workings, if you ask how long to build a rapture fugue state before vesting energy he will say “nine minutes” very specific and one of the strongest personal indicators that he is indeed a third party entity in possession of knowledge i do not “have” as it were.

I give thee a gift for thy kindness sir, a post.

I actively practice a technique i got from a private entity that i call “forced alchemy” or “achieving a fugue state”

essentially you put yourself in one mindset using external stimuli, and when you are at a peak/trough in your psych-emotional state, you immediately and forcefully change stimuli to an opposite or different state until you’ve peaked again, rinse wash repeat.

This technique will lead to the ability to consistently call on altered states of consciousness at will.

I will give an example and explanation:

rules laid out by entity:

  1. NEVER do this exercise for more than 20 minutes…it can create strange and unpredictable episodes of EXTREME emotional release, uncontrolled, in public, im talking you start threatening to rape/murder/kill the water cooler at work because its too slow, and then looking up and seeing a baby and going…awwww, let me , the psycho, hold and love your baby with divine rapture,swoon…jail.

  2. BE PREPARED, you must have your stimulants-music,tv,books,photos,etc prepared ahead of time,you need 30 minutes undisturbed, and you need to stay focused, no phones, no visitors …you will be going through some shit my dark friends, its better for our dark pride if we keep these little episodes of psychosis to ourselves, dont you agree? tip- pick your emotional states ahead of time, so you will know the route you are taking ahead of time…mental rehearsal is absolutely unbelievably potent.

  3. Once you have begun this exercise you MUST do it for no less than thirty days and the optimum is 90, i know that sounds harsh but were talking about a SERIOUS shortcut to gaining on-command control of your emotional states and their corresponding energies, the end game being that you can literally slide in and out of your many "selves " you identify with as most convenient at the time

  4. immerse in an emotional state for FIVE MINUTES and then immediately switch to another one for FIVE minutes, rotate, without thinking about or evaluating your immersion or “sincerity”, over time it will become sincere, for sure

  5. ALWAYS end with a zen or divine, calm, true inner peace and acceptance state of mind, banish after every time if possible as you will be flowing some high grade POWER into the immediate environment, but it will be chaotic to say the least

OK, i will give a fictionalized walkthrough of the technique, the goal, and expectations

This technique will also catapult your shapeshifting training…and i mean f***ing skyrocket it. thats all ill say about that here.

Those who have eyes to look, let them see.

This technique / ritual was downloaded with the purpose of giving control of ones emotions, energy body, world quantum view at will and with as little effort as changing ones clothes.

To assume entire personifications and embodiments of the psyche and then disregard them for the most currently convenient/desirable/appropriate emotional psycho state, with no emotional ties or “debris” from one state to another, to harness the mind and emotions to the will and control such functions as rapture states and the like with consistent repeatability- specific enough? lol.

Do not underestimate this, this skill is the single basic technique that will take you from "whaaa, i cant see demons! (grumble), and a few short months later you can be saying “shit, im a god, i really gotta get to creating my reality” , those who have ears to hear, let them listen.


magick is not easy

magick is not comfortable

magick will literally and always hit you in the least expected or unforeseen fashion

As this is a function of the current, magick feeds on awareness ergo the more you use it the more aware you become magick is the universes tool for expanding the awareness of its individuated cells and organs, that’s why it exists everywhere, when you work magic…magick is working you right back, lol, it … expands… your …awareness…one…painful//unfamiliar…experience…at…a… time.

Magick is the manifestation of the universes impulse to ever expand its awareness of itself, your like a cell in the universes body, and every cell that becomes god leads this whole organism to glorification.

You are no more important and no less important than every other cell, but the universes body is fluid, and one cell has the code , the ability to become any other cell in the organism.

When all of the cells can do this the entity will be one perfect flowing unity in all its parts capable of individuating or coalescing as it pleases the soul composites of the entity, who regardless of their seeming function always inevitably work towards the higher ends of the universe or their “body”, even if it appears contrary for a “time” from the limited perspective of a “single cell”, evil cells are necessary, good cells are necessary… its all good baby.

Walk through:

First, make a list of emotional states, rage , guilt, fear, ZEN state. always end with zen state. - WRITE THEM DOWN LAZY!

Tip: At first you may want to choose emotional states that are easy to transition from as the frequency are more similar and you are literally learning how to “tune” your brain frequencies on command, as you get stronger you will be able to pick more and more dissonant states, ie, genocidal dictator to loving parent, but lets not jump off the cliff just yet, eh?

Gather items for each emotional state, for rage stuff that reminds you of exes really works, and for guilt…and for fear actually ,lol.

But seriously collect several items, songs, pictures objects,youtube clips, videos, smells, i really want you to get fully immersed, when i immersed myself in grieving for a dying loved one the emptiness, the ache and the void, the sense of utter despair , i wept, and broke on the inside, this shizz is real deal friends, endure.

lower the lights, meditate for about five to ten minutes to relax…and then get right into it, pick up the items , play the sound and or video, let yourself become so immersed that you are there, for rage begin speaking to your ex, get venomous, remember your not “expressing” your rage to them, you ARE the rage , it courses through your veins, adrenaline makes your limbs shake, your vision is unclear, you WILL kill them, you are righteous justice , holy rage , pure rage…five minutes is up and you IMMEDIATELY switch to the next emotion state following the same procedure.

Complete the chain of twenty minutes, IMMEDIATELY throw all items in a box so you cant see them, turn on the lights blow out the candles.

Watch tv, do drugs, make love, eat, exercise works REALLY well, just do something normal for about thirty minutes…DO NOT GO TO SLEEP for at least an hour!

Bare in mind you will not FEEL very normal, but this is about your energy body, so stop being selfish and just follow the gosh darned directions, ok?

After thirty minutes or so of “normalcy” WRITE YOUR EXPERIENCES DOWN IN A JOURNAL , if you don’t do this you are a moron…i mean that.

there is tremendous practical and occult value in WRITING THINGS DOWN, it gives them astral permanence, when you keep a journal it literally builds your ASTRAL SUBJECTIVE SYNTHESIS or ASTRAL MEMORY…i hope that giving you this tidbit drives home its importance.

Do this EVERY DAY, at the SAME EXACT TIME EVERY DAY, NEVER REPEAT AN EMOTIONAL STATE MORE THAN ONCE EVERY SEVEN DAY CALENDER WEEK - at least at first, this can create imbalance or psychosis.


Caution: this exercise WILL CHANGE YOU, you will realize very quickly that “you” and your emotions and behaviors are two totally separate beasts entirely, your occult faculties will develop, but the price or sacrifice if you will is your concept of yourself as you currently see it, this will die and radically transform, you must truly surrender to the changes, other wise you are fighting with yourself.

Most people say “well that’s easy, i don’t like myself anyway”,
but im talking about vivid hallucinations and seemingly random and unrelated phenomena…but its related, when i was working with death and nothingness i couldn’t even see meat or i would puke, i could see the ghouls of the meatpacking industry everywhere and they spoke to me and made me queasy and everything i tried to eat looked rancid and fetid, it was f+++ed up, and it happened because of portals and gateways i was opening and cleansing from myself, its a little complicated, and it also works the other way, you can get too associated with a joy state and be completely unable to function normally, i felt like that weird kid form American beauty for a week, i would see a leaf fall and be lost in it like “wooooow, that’s f+++ing rad!”, so yeah weird shit will happen.

Morale: let go, trust the process and don’t over-evaluate, your perspective will improve, around day 45 you will suddenly know what to do, the ritual will be automatic and you wont even need the implements any more.

DO NOT DO TOO MUCH EXTRA OCCULT WORK DURING THIS TIME, trust me you are making years of progress in months, study and continue to learn, get really good at mental rehearsal, if you cant do a ritual beginning to end in your head you can still do it, but the difference in power is like a grenade compared to an a bomb.

When you return to your other occult practices in ninety days you may be flabbergasted when you slip into your “seer” state of consciousness, call an entity and it pops up…BAM! and it goes “what?”, plain as day, right in front of you.



It helps to meditate on yourself as a glass of pure water and picture cosmic uv light cleansing you every morning so you are pristine and clean and pure, after every session you can picture this for extra clearing, remember water has no properties of its own per se, it is perfect infinite potential.

It will take on and discard its surrounding properties with ease, picture yourself as a cup of water, dirty from all the debris of your ritual, call divine light into the cup to burn and incinerate the particles in the water, the water begins to boil and as soon as the last trace of debris is gone you visualize the divine light fading to a glow, and the water cooling back to a perfect calm state.

Shake it off mitch, were done.





I wanted to add something for all, the meatpacking ghoul effect is common of alchemical work, i have alternately been repulsed and attracted at a deep soul level by almost any imaginable thing that enters the human experience in the span of this working:

The big one?

SEX- one minute it seems like the most disgusting repulsive thing one could imagine, one easily pictures poor hygiene and body debris, and any other negative/gross aspect of it…OR you cant get enough, your literally on fire, you want to f+++ EVERYONE, nothing is too nasty or taboo

this can happen with literally ANYTHING in your life, food, defecation, visual stimulation, ( i went through a week where the sight of saliva,any saliva even my own made me sick, i actually tried to dry out my mouth to avoid it!)
this a natural consequence of the realignment of your body/mind mechanisms, ACCEPT IT, RELEASE IT, MOVE FORWARD.

Good Luck all and please forgive my grammatical errors, ill try to keep it to a minimum .


This is the most fascinating thread I have read in a while. There are some real gems in this!

Honestly guys, i am accepting all forms of flattery, day or night,lol.

Thanks a lot , i really appreciate it, im deeply passionate about what you would call mysticism i guess…and i truly love sharing ideas, and seeing people get results, these practices DO WORK, but there is no one size fits all, it takes a very decent amount of perseverance to get where were going…but i have seen some things my friend, oh , i have seen some things.

Keep Going.

Much luck

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This picture pretty much sums up my experience of Azazel in a nut shell…lol.

Hope it gives you a good laugh.

This picture pretty much sums up my experience of Azazel in a nut shell…lol.

Hope it gives you a good laugh.


I have had demons and other interesting stuff show up while I’m on the toilet.

Thank God I’m not the only one.
… At least I don’t get board in there… But it’s hard trying not to laugh at them sometimes… Then I’m sure everyone in the next room will start asking questions that really can’t be answered…

By pain, do you mean, physical pain? Or some other pain? I don’t care much for physical pain, but I do want to become a God.

Depends on you and your circumstances.
If you have a physical issue, it will probably be physical pain.
If it’s an intangible issue, it’s likely to be emotional and psychological.

Chazz, your question has sort of answered my own. I have been holding off on my first official “evocation” as my ritual/magick space is in my boyfriend’s house, and it’s also on the third floor and it’s my home office. I have been worried about evocation because we have pets (cats/dog) and I’m worried about my sleeping boyfriend and the house itself as it’s a historic home built around 1800. As a result, the third floor where my office is droops a bit in the center of my office.

I believe I have been telepathically communicating with Azazel for over a year now, and want to move on to an actual evocation. In reading your description of some of the signs of his presence for you, one of the things you mention is the heaviness or gravity pushing down feeling. I have had this experience many times in the last year without evocation and without using any chants or words of power. Just meditation. My concern is my space.

Because the third floor sags in the center of my office quite a bit, when I’ve felt that gravity or weight of Azazel, it appears (perhaps hallucination or real???) that the room and furniture are starting to droop even lower. The floor is seems to sag down in the center even more and I can hear the sounds of the wood creaking or the floor settling or bending. I’ve even seen imdividul pieces of furniture, for example a dresser, appear as if it’s slowly dropping down or like the floor is melting underneath it, giving the appearance that it’s moving down through the floor as if on a slow moving elevator. I freak out a bit thinking that at any second the floor under it will give way, and it will wind up on below in the second floor living room. Big concern!

This fear holds me back and I want to move forward. I wonder if you or anyone reading this have experienced this, and weather or not it’s of concern. Also, any suggestions for protecting animals or people in the home when I’m practicing, who are not part of what I am doing magickally, who might be affected or harmed by spirits or energies that could come through. I am a chaos energy worker, and am still on a quest to learn to harness this properly. I am usually all about the “right now” frame of mind in magick, and get frustrated. I also know I have unleashed some very crazy energy in the past, and need any advice and guidance to do this safely and productively. Thanks in advance!


I have two cats and a gecko. They have never been harmed or affected when I evoke or invoke Azazel or any spirit.
Also he will effect your boyfriend I have done this with others in my home and they never know anything or feel anything.
the weighing down is probably how his vibrations are effecting you. but it is ok. Your floor shouldnt fall through.


Thanks! I’m going to plan on my first evocation very shortly. I am nervous but excited. I also kind of get the impression that when I do finally evoke Azazel, that because I have already known him for so long telepathically, that I will be very comfortable within his presence and it will be a familiar feeling. I am looking forward to meeting him, and I hope he’s not running in the other direction…! Lol. He knows I’ll have a Million questions for him.


Oh you know just a casual tea and biscuits with the ol’ buddy Azazel

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Bumping for the Community:
Had Azazel visit me Last Night…

Hopefully, it helps someone…

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