Borderline Personality Disorder

I am new to the forum, I am here because a friend of mine recommend it, so nice to meet you all.

I have recently being diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. I am 31 years old so it has been like 20 years of hell in my life (I don’t know how you define “hell”, but I mean, horrible, horrible, painful, confusing existance).

I have always thought that I was just a depressed person. I have been given with antidepressants because of that, but, I never felt “so much better”. Yes, the medication help me to control some sadness, but not always. So I just thought I was just a lost cause. Sometimes “magick” help me to stay balance too, because I made oferings to pachamama or went to make some ayahuasca sesions, because I heard they were excelent to treat or control depression. But never fully bealived in “magick” because in a very religious contry (I live in Bolivia), rituals are asociated to some form of religion one way or another, and I come from a very atheist, academic family, wich is very weird here. I also didn’t bealive in magick because (making the asociation in magick with religion and dogma) historically, catholic religion ruined so many cultures, for many years (until to this day, we have to figth with the toxic ideas that catholic religion made in my country, like racism, corruption, dogma, afraid of individuality, etc).

Anyway…I didn’t bealive in magick until I tried, because in my lowest points I was so desperate to find some way, to find something that could help me to survive and I became friend of some type of people that I would never thought I could be friend, one specially trully bealives in angels and demons, and she is the one who introduce me some material and some cool videos. One of those videos where, of course, E. A. Koetting videos and I became fascinated with the idea not only “surviving”, but living your best live possible. Never in a million of years I could consider myself a “GOD” because I have always lived through the circumstances (economic, psychological, mental, etc) and never ever consider that I could shape my own reality. Maybe I was just resign to live depressed for the rest of my live.

I just did some little spells, but they worked. I am now interested in do evocations of angels and demons, but I am afraid of my mental state to do it.

I have read that BDP treatment is a thing called "Dialectical Behavior Therapy) wich sadly doesn’t exist where I live. I have asked and all the psychologists do is “behavioral therapy” wich I tried, but don’t think It worked. I don’t know if because that type of therapy doesn’t work or because is a type of therapy psychologists don’t know how to do it, because they almost never treat people with Borderline Personality Disorder. (Again, this is because in my country “mental health” is a luxury, people still live like in the 19th century with ideas like if you have depression, you are CRAZY). Just that, there is a lot of social jugment against people who suffers openly abouth any mental condition (like all poor countries, if you suffer you are not man enough to be succeful, people asume the worst thing to experience are hunger, cold, poverty, not being able to have a roof or a bed to sleep, etc…so if you sad you are just “sad” you are most probably a coward, a loser, etc. Even if you belong to middle class or hi class, this is the perception of society on the subject).

My question is if it is save to contact any type of entity when you are in a fragile state of mind. Depressed for example. It is not something I am going to be able to change soon, so. If you tell me there is nothing to worry about I would like to try my first evocation rigth away.

Thank you for reading this! I hope to get some answers here, because I don’t know where else I could talk about this issues.


As I have heard there are people that can not handle magic and go eventually crazy. What has been seen can not be unseen. If magic is used in the wrong way it may hurt you, if a hammer is used in the wrong way it may hurt you. Be wise.


Hello Mirrorboy. I have a bit of experience with spirituality vs. psychology.

I know what “Dialectic Therapy” is. It is actually called Philosophy. What you need is someone to talk to who is somewhere near your level of intelligence, and who understands what “Dialectic” is. It might be hard to find a person like that even though Western civilization is built on a foundation of philosophy.

Stick around. The ability to speak freely on BALG has made a huge difference for me.

“If you are one step ahead of the crowd, they call you a genius. If you are two steps ahead of the crowd, they call you a madman.”


The ability to speak freely here is the main reason why I enjoy coming here. For the first time ever, I’m able to talk about demons, angels, spirits, meditation, tarot cards, manipulating energy, the universe, etc without being judged, looked down upon or lectured. Being able to have a mature discussion with other like-minded people about magick is what keeps me sane.


I am bi-polar so I feel you on that horrible hell-like daily feeling. I will say this though, it wouldn’t surprise me if as a result of your mental condition you have a gift as a result. My bi-polar detaches me from my empath abilities so I’m not overwhelmed by other peoples emotions. As a result of my conditions I am very good at altering emotions in people to whatever I want them to feel. To the point where it probably doesn’t even take 2 minutes for the spell to take effect, and that’s the entire spell,drawing in energy,focus, and releasing it towards my goal. Though now that I think about it i wonder if I could alter my own emotions. If it worked you could do it to yourself and so long as you don’t over shoot the energy you use you could keep yourself from feeling that way.


Mostly the entities you work with will help you overcome the obstacles that your diagnose gave you.
Or at least, so was/is it in my case.
I have a pretty deep past regarding psychological illness.
Today i’m still having PTSD but even that is getting so much better thanks to meditation techniques i’m using to clear the dirty thought power that makes it easy for negative thoughtforms, egragores and various entities who feed of the energy i lose because of trauma and re-expieriences etc


Exactly my fears :sweat_smile:

That’s extremely interesting! Do you see or do you know people with mental issues who make magick? They could get better? Or even they were able to make good magick?

I will! my friend has depression and she is the one who recommend this forum, she said there are so many good advices always! I try to find something about mental health and magick, but there is no book that I could find…

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I agree. I have never ever speak about this with almost anybody. Maybe If I did people just look me in some psychiatric for the rest of my life


Your experience sounds very cool. I am very happy for you @OZZcln, you are able to manage your magick through your diagnosis or maybe even because of it? awesome!
I some days think I am invencible and nothing could stop me to grow in my path, but then I have some external trigger and bum! a crisis over my shoulders. When I have a crisis I mean that I stop “being” a person with a lot of thoughts and emotions and I become a being with just one emotion, or a being who IS just one emotion. Dependeing on the situation, usually the first emotion is anger, just infinite, never ending anger. If I can not get the sense of “justice” of the reason (a situation or a person) who started my anger I then become other completely emotion. I AM just guilt or sadness (that’s why for so many years I thought I was just depressed). So in the end I have a feeling of powerless, because almost never I can make “justice” and always hace this cycle of crisis, loosing a lot of friends and family because they just can’t understand my actions based on my emotions, even if my actions are based in anger because someone hurt them. For a lot of people whom I love, I am just a very toxic person :sweat:

Just this days I was making an 11 day ritual to make more money, but wasn’t able to finish it because I had a crisis and I was angry and now I am sad: the ritual requires emotional transmutation and I feel I am not able to think in anything to make me feel lack, pleasure and gratitude (the 3 main emotions to work the ritual), because I was feeling just anger and now just sadness. I have to find a way to make it work, like you did, you are an inspiration

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wow! I never thought that I could work with entities to overcome BPD or controlled: mind blown. Exactly I am afraid to contact demons when feeling extremely sad, because I am afraid I will be or I will feel extremely vulnerable to being “disturbed” by the same demon or even other spirits asociated to that ritual (I have been told that many times are not demons the ones who disturbed a home, but other lower entities, who precisely feed of fear and sadness)

Could I ask you wich entities help you with your diagnosis? and how you worked with them?

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To my knowledge, a big part of Dialectical Behavior Therapy nowadays is mindfulness meditation, which is something that you can do yourself even without access to mental health resources. I learned meditation from the book The Mind Illuminated, and while the philosophy it espouses is what many here would consider RHP (with an emphasis on the releasing of all desire), the techniques are very clear and practical, and I haven’t read another guide that covers the actual “nuts and bolts” of meditation near as well.

From what I understand about BPD, one of its biggest features is rapid and severe mood swings, along with difficulties with interpersonal relationships from a tendency to place huge emotional loads on others. Meditation can help you with both of these things. It will make you much more aware of your emotions, and will help you stay present and not be controlled by them. Meditation will also help you become more empathetic (and empathic, for that matter), which will help a lot with relationships.

As others have mentioned, there can be such a thing as “overdoing it” when it comes to spiritual practices, especially if you are persistent enough to have more mystical experiences. Even on the mundane side of things, any good spiritual method will eventually stir up old emotions and traumas, however severe those may be, and if you are not expecting this it can catch you off-guard.

Take it from me, someone who has definitely bit off more than he could magickally chew a good number of times, that you will not regret taking measures to stay grounded and physically healthy while working on your mental and spiritual health. Regular exercise and being in nature are perhaps the best ways to do this, along with having other hobbies, interests, and goals outside of spirituality. Magick can improve your life in more ways than you may currently imagine, but there is more to life than magick.


I will search it inmediately, thank you so much. Never did meditation, but I will defenitely try it now.

Also mind blown. I will try to stay balanced about this, again, thank you so much…I feel I am trying to make a lot of magick lately. Maybe because I feel I have loose control over almost other areas of my reality, you are right. I defenitely have to change that.

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I was recently diagnosed with BPD last month. It makes me understand myself and the things I’ve experienced in my lifetime so much better. I have been researching it and my patterns of behavior as well. No therapy plans has been prescribed for me as yet except to talk with a psychologist.
Ive been into magic and art my entire life. My artwork is my coping mechanism. My experience with magic has been scary in the times i have cast or invoked powers when i was in an unstable frame of mind. Love spells and curses when in obsession mode, have really good results when i can get into detachment mode but also have made me sorry i got what i asked for. I believe that having BPD our inherent abilities to achieve more magical effects are a bit more than the avg normal stable person, but wr can also cause more damage to ourselves or those we are casting for or against.


I feel you there completely.

:scream::scream::scream::scream: wow! I would love to chat a lot with you! You sound like you have a lot of experiences on the subject!

How you were able to do it without suffering backlashes or maybe nigthmares, idk?

If you ever write a book, I will be your very first reader/buyer.

Can I asked you if you are planning to work this diagnosis with entities, or you are just gonna do the psychological therapy?

i’ll pm

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Every single human being on Earth has mental issues. Yes we get better and yes we do magic.

Consider this:

What is mental illness?
We use the term “mentally ill”, so we must know that that term means, right? There are lots of different ways to be mentally ill, but what is the common trait that brings all of these problems into one catagory? What basic thing separates all mentally ill people from all mentally healthy people?

Come up with your own answer. Try not to look it up in a dictionary or on Google. Find an intelligent friend and discuss your answer. Listen to the other person but express your understanding honestly. You will probably find a difference in your ways of thinking, and that makes the conversation interesting. The first person to get angry automatically looses.

That’s dialectic in a nutshell. Its mainly about talking to someone who treats you with a bit of respect.

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Your disorder is like having split personality syndrome I have that and no envocation of any kind won’t do harm to you demons respond faster then angles to some and in vice versa…I work more with demons then angles but either will help you…a demon recently cure my daughter from having cancer so I’m greatful to him…if u have any questions feel free to contact me for anything k

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Awesome dude. Will try it with someone of trust, have to find someone first lol

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Wow!! I am so, so, so happy for you and your daugther! You are warriors for sure! :muscle:t4::muscle:t4: I’m very glad to hear she is ok! I will pm!

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