I am on a series of evocations from the book of Azazel.
I did 2 evocations today, the one after the other. Im on fire & Im in a hurry.
I called Ant’harratu, to lay the strategy & Fro’ghla’tash to actually bring me the love of a certain target.
Evocations were wholy on the astral
Although demons, they both seem very helpful.
Yet I dont see (much) verifiable change, yet.
What I got however, is weakness and sickness, something like an astral bomb. Extreme body temprature (with no fever!) headache etc. Still many hours later I feel sick to my stomach & shaky legs.
Seems like an imbalance in energy body, still working to fix it.
But the question remains: WHY?
Forgot to say, because of lack of space there was not a physical representation of the circle on the ground. Although I had worn the circle of pacts around my neck and there was a lot of work on an energetic level.
Maybe thats the reason?
There was however a small circle of manifestation on the ground (as instructed on the BOA)
I did, again, evocation of Fro’ghla’tash on the following day (today) This time Fro’ghla’tash was not so sure on our success & tried to decieve or answering with generalities. Where has the surety of the previous day gone?..
I should also add that today was my deadline to the spirits to get laid with her. On the 1st day they happily both agreed. Where has this surety gone?
Later she called me, telling me how her whole night was ruined because of spirits circling her all night long. She didnt sleep at all. & she was really scared. She knew some meditations & visualisations & turned them away(she told me)
I ask you, dear fellow magickians & sorcerers what is this s**t???
I only want get laid. & i dont see any progress on that department. What about my deadline?
I intent to call again Fro’ghla’tash tommorow morning. I am really, really angry.
[quote=“Neeros, post:2, topic:478”]Sounds like she has quite a lot of power herself. It could escalate to full on spiritual warfare. One of you might die.
If I were you I would find a target that can’t bite back.[/quote]
Actually I never asked to bend her will in such an extreme way.
I only asced for the nessesary circumstances.
Guess thats how demons do things.
Not a smart way to get laid I think…
Hey, I agree with you, all the way. See answer above!
Heres a bit of a backround:
I did a 21 day hoodoo spell for “a new love, a suitable girl for me etc…”
After a month she comes my way, and I see it as a sign.
A girl waaaaaaay out of my league, drop dead gorgeous etc
Now you tell me, I m not gonna let this pass.
You hear this from a practicing Buddhist.
I thought grimoiric magick was a thing of the past.
But old habits are difficult to cut, so were I am, sending demons left & right…
Today, Fro’ghla’tash instructed me further in the worst kind of manipulative magick. I did this with no second thought.
I wonder, I manipulate her, or the demon manipulates me?..
I m not proud of all this (not ashamed either)
This is only a record of my experience for you all.
PS: I know how to masturbate, thank you very much:)
Seriously, while picking an ‘incompatible’ target is plain stupidity, the out and out paranoia, moralising and doomsday preaching about magic and love I see everywhere I turn, even in the last place I’d expect to see it, is really working on my nerves. Well, with such ideas embedded within ones unconscious its no surprise that you are ‘asking for trouble’. Hey, if your love magic is failing it’s because of your shortcomings, not those of magic. Demons are ALWAYS involved in love. There, I said it. You are either their pawn or their fellow god. Guess which one I choose to be. There is no love at all in this world without the workings of the primordial forces of love. Demons of love are the embodiments of love and the powers through which it moves in the world, for crying out loud. The ancient pagans knew that a person in love was a person possessed by Eros - literally. Messing with people’s emotions? Jesus. As if those emotions were following some sort of divine plan before you got involved and directed them from chaos into the order of your desire. The ‘plan’ is an hallucination, just like all the theology of monotheistic religion. Changing other according to your desire? It’s not your God-given right to do so, it’s your right as a god. And EA has himself said that it is possible to create ‘true’, ‘genuine’ and ‘lasting’ love through magic. Well, hey, that’s no surprise, as all love is fundamentally magical.
haakon, just look at what you’ve done and you’ll see why you’ve failed. Why did you need a second evocation the following day? And how can you give such stringent time-limits when it’s clear you can’t even stop thinking about getting what you want and worrying about when it’s going to happen for even a single day? And then you go and break the law of the magus to top it all off! You’re desperate enough to come here asking for advice despite the fact that the demons are at work. DETACH! DETACH NOW! You shouldn’t even be thinking about her outside of the rituals. I know, EASIER SAID THAN DONE! That’s the difficulty in getting love magic working! The desire is usually deep, and the working itself depends on getting into the presence of the target, which makes thta heart beat and those knees knock, and detachment very difficult. It helps to see her for what she is: a deluded human living a lie in a prison of her own mind’s creation, that you can help break. Until she is yours she is an enemy that needs to be defeated.
[quote=“haak0n, post:3, topic:478”][quote=“Neeros, post:2, topic:478”]Sounds like she has quite a lot of power herself. It could escalate to full on spiritual warfare. One of you might die.
If I were you I would find a target that can’t bite back.[/quote]
Actually I never asked to bend her will in such an extreme way.
I only asced for the nessesary circumstances.
Guess thats how demons do things.
Not a smart way to get laid I think…[/quote]
Uusually when asking demons to influence a person I ask them to do so in a way I would approve of to avoid things you might personally find questionable.
But yeah I agree with poete, you sound like some hopelessly desperate guy, you gotta let go if you want to get anywhere. The demons might even be intentionally using methods you might not approve of just because of how your going about this, I know I would if I was in their shoes.
Yep. I speak from my own experience. Trust me, I know exactly what it’s like to call for a perfect lover and meet the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. I’ll leave it at that. Let go, or you may as well give up, because even if you do ‘get somewhere’ it’s all going to blow up if you’re obsessive.
[quote=“Poete Maudit, post:5, topic:478”]Calm down. Just calm down.
Seriously, while picking an ‘incompatible’ target is plain stupidity, the out and out paranoia, moralising and doomsday preaching about magic and love I see everywhere I turn, even in the last place I’d expect to see it, is really working on my nerves. Well, with such ideas embedded within ones unconscious its no surprise that you are ‘asking for trouble’. Hey, if your love magic is failing it’s because of your shortcomings, not those of magic. Demons are ALWAYS involved in love. There, I said it. You are either their pawn or their fellow god. Guess which one I choose to be. There is no love at all in this world without the workings of the primordial forces of love. Demons of love are the embodiments of love and the powers through which it moves in the world, for crying out loud. The ancient pagans knew that a person in love was a person possessed by Eros - literally. Messing with people’s emotions? Jesus. As if those emotions were following some sort of divine plan before you got involved and directed them from chaos into the order of your desire. The ‘plan’ is an hallucination, just like all the theology of monotheistic religion. Changing other according to your desire? It’s not your God-given right to do so, it’s your right as a god. And EA has himself said that it is possible to create ‘true’, ‘genuine’ and ‘lasting’ love through magic. Well, hey, that’s no surprise, as all love is fundamentally magical.
haakon, just look at what you’ve done and you’ll see why you’ve failed. Why did you need a second evocation the following day? And how can you give such stringent time-limits when it’s clear you can’t even stop thinking about getting what you want and worrying about when it’s going to happen for even a single day? And then you go and break the law of the magus to top it all off! You’re desperate enough to come here asking for advice despite the fact that the demons are at work. DETACH! DETACH NOW! You shouldn’t even be thinking about her outside of the rituals. I know, EASIER SAID THAN DONE! That’s the difficulty in getting love magic working! The desire is usually deep, and the working itself depends on getting into the presence of the target, which makes thta heart beat and those knees knock, and detachment very difficult. It helps to see her for what she is: a deluded human living a lie in a prison of her own mind’s creation, that you can help break. Until she is yours she is an enemy that needs to be defeated.[/quote]
Wonderful advice. Thank you man. I mean it.
The thing is, I already know all of this. I advice others like that!
But in my case I magically lost all judgement in a moment.
I m sure in some days (or more) I ll be laughing at myself.
So lets get over it.
Now the question remains:
Why the demons besieged & scared her, instead of subtly “convincing” her?? I dont get it, its so wrong.
My fault, or the demons are sloppy for this kind of work? What do you think?
[quote=“haak0n, post:8, topic:478”]Now the question remains:
Why the demons besieged & scared her, instead of subtly “convincing” her?? I dont get it, its so wrong.
My fault, or the demons are sloppy for this kind of work? What do you think?[/quote]
I’ve found every time I’ve questioned a demon’s actions, gone against things he’s done to help me, or tried to ‘micromanage’ a situation, instead of trusting him, it’s been to my own detriment. But he will have his reasons that may become clearer in time. I wouldn’t doubt a demon’s abilities. After all, if I knew better than an ancient source of incomprehensible power, I likely wouldn’t feel the need to enlist his aid in the first place. I suggest you take another look at the description of Ant’harratu given in the Book of Azazel and contemplate that in the context of your experience for a moment. There is a key point in his method that may apply to both you and to her, and another in the manner in which his workings unfold that you should bear in mind. I’m sure you’ll figure out what I mean about this unforgiving destroyer of all obstacles.
[quote=“Poete Maudit, post:9, topic:478”][quote=“haak0n, post:8, topic:478”]Now the question remains:
Why the demons besieged & scared her, instead of subtly “convincing” her?? I dont get it, its so wrong.
My fault, or the demons are sloppy for this kind of work? What do you think?[/quote]
I’ve found every time I’ve questioned a demon’s actions, gone against things he’s done to help me, or tried to ‘micromanage’ a situation, instead of trusting him, it’s been to my own detriment. But he will have his reasons that may become clearer in time. I wouldn’t doubt a demon’s abilities. After all, if I knew better than an ancient source of incomprehensible power, I likely wouldn’t feel the need to enlist his aid in the first place. I suggest you take another look at the description of Ant’harratu given in the Book of Azazel and contemplate that in the context of your experience for a moment. There is a key point in his method that may apply to both you and to her, and another in the manner in which his workings unfold that you should bear in mind. I’m sure you’ll figure out what I mean about this unforgiving destroyer of all obstacles.[/quote]
She still reports strange phenomena:
Yesterday she was meditating and she says something got inside her she felt a strong shake and strange noises outside.
I dont like this. At all. Still I find it quite interesting.
What are the demons up to?
I ll have to move for a month for work, so the question remains, but I find the story so far quite enlightening.
…Any ideas welcome pls share.
…I spent all day today in contemplation and prayer. After all, I feel blessed. The powers I surround myself never really disappoint, its just that this world has its own laws. I also have my own limitations. The spirits work with what they have I guess…
I ll call again Ant’harratu when I have the chance to ask what is his plan.
After all, I lost only a battle, not the war.
3rd night in a row and she couldnt sleep all night. She was feeling presences.
lol We were supposed to go somewhere this morning, but she woke up at afternoon.
I dont want her to suffer, guys.
In fact I hold the most dear feelings for her.
The situation is extremely complicated, but suffice is to say that , as a manifestation of a previous spell, she came with incredible signs that she is "the one"
The only bad in the whole thing is I had to move for some time, which set of my impatience
No matter, it already underway. I will trust the will of the demons. Something tells me they know better.
your actions seem a bit sloppy to me. This thing of ours should NEVER be rushed, a stupid mistake can get you screwed in a heartbeat.
A better technique would have been to change yourself, making you irresistible to her. Your lust for results could end up driving your ‘precious’ insane if she has a weak mind or worse case scenario… She somehow finds out what’s going on and performs a ritual to deflect “the attack”.
I would never have picked to do a love spell on someone that knows even a little magick.
In this day and age when vengeance magick of nuclear levels can be wielded by rank amateurs .(e.g… A well executed voodoo spell or slick piece of witchcraft) she could leave you a drooling idiot or stark raving mad.
Good luck brother.
[quote=“Zukara, post:12, topic:478”]I would never have picked to do a love spell on someone that knows even a little magick.
In this day and age when vengeance magick of nuclear levels can be wielded by rank amateurs .(e.g… A well executed voodoo spell or slick piece of witchcraft) she could leave you a drooling idiot or stark raving mad.
Good luck brother.[/quote]
She has natural powers and she is my new occult student.
More than that, I think she suspects me. lol
I hope she finds it cute or something…
Maybe I should write a book on this. It makes a great story.
Just imagine…
[quote=“haak0n, post:13, topic:478”]She has natural powers and she is my new occult student.
More than that, I think she suspects me. lol
I hope she finds it cute or something…
Maybe I should write a book on this. It makes a great story.
Just imagine… :)[/quote]
I’m getting Déjà vu here. Years ago I too had a pretty young thing that was interested in magick. Though I knew she wasn’t serious because teaching her the basics was like pulling lion teeth, trapped in a cage… Anyway after awhile I noticed, DAMN this girl is smoking hot.
Being her only ‘magickal confidant’ we became pretty much attached at the hip… Long story short I performed a slave spell on her… Lust not being a problem to generate.
Life’s a bitch though, because she called me all panicked and asked me point blank what did I do to her. Stupid me, I couldn’t lie to her. She knew me too well. Eventually she went to a sorcerer to remove the strong feelings she was having. Now today 11 years later she has given up magick and burned all her books/robes.
Hmmm maybe I should look her up …(Unfinished business after all)
[quote=“Zukara, post:15, topic:478”][quote=“haak0n, post:13, topic:478”]She has natural powers and she is my new occult student.
More than that, I think she suspects me. lol
I hope she finds it cute or something…
Maybe I should write a book on this. It makes a great story.
Just imagine… :)[/quote]
I’m getting Déjà vu here. Years ago I too had a pretty young thing that was interested in magick. Though I knew she wasn’t serious because teaching her the basics was like pulling lion teeth, trapped in a cage… Anyway after awhile I noticed, DAMN this girl is smoking hot.
Being her only ‘magickal confidant’ we became pretty much attached at the hip… Long story short I performed a slave spell on her… Lust not being a problem to generate.
Life’s a bitch though, because she called me all panicked and asked me point blank what did I do to her. Stupid me, I couldn’t lie to her. She knew me too well. Eventually she went to a sorcerer to remove the strong feelings she was having. Now today 11 years later she has given up magick and burned all her books/robes.
Hmmm maybe I should look her up …(Unfinished business after all)[/quote]
Im having Déjà vu too
She came to me, in the begining to negate a binding spell.
She had a looong relatioship (all in all around 8 years, in and out)
She believes that this ex has done something to her, because she still thinks of him…
Jesus… I’m new to the occult, but I thought the whole teacher/student relationship was sacred. Especially if the student becomes your friend and trusts you. There I go again believing silly things…