BOLFRY "The Lord of Production" - The Saturnian and Necromantic Aspect of Berith

Channelled sigil for Bolfry.

Bolfry, Bolfi, Bolfrith are some varietions of this second alternative name of berith, as we now went in depth in the alterative name as beal and in the chapter Beleth, The Goddess we discussed the possible connection between beleth’s form as bileth, the hideus Duke. There many examples that theres indeed varieotions of the word “bal” that can be alternative spelt and pronounced as “bol”. To first understand what bolfry/Bolfiri means then we must dissect it into two parts: Bol (baal) ruler and fry or
It was a bit hard to conduct a study on what the last word of the synthetic name bolfry/bolfiri may mean, and my first area of study was the demon frimost found in the grimorium verum: We know that berith himself originates from the lord of the conventants in ancient Lebanon and his goetic evolution has the power to exhault the magician, bestow love, do alchemy and necromancy. According to the grimorium verum: frimost has the power power over women and girls and wil help, you to obtain their use. And frimost’s etymology and meaning is from the latin word frimotus which means a roaring and snorting noise so in that case bolfry or bolfri as its sometimes written will mean the lord of roar which doesn’t sound too accurate for bolfry, so his actual meaning may lie elsewhere hidden.
Additionally we can futher categorize the name of bolfry with other lesser known names of berith such as Belfreth and belfrethi which those two also follow the linguistic simialrities with with bolfry because both of these alternatiions follow the same rules and structure without the phonetics, thus, BLFR-(TH) which you can fill out the blanks and you can either her bolfry, bolfiri or Belfreth, Belfrethi. This strucute is different from the normal berith strucute which is BRTH or beal-Babeal BL - BBL. We take out the word “fry” and intepreate it then we
have the Hebrew word pree

what would be written PhRY which would mean “fruit”“sprouting” and “product” so bolfry would be mean “the lord of product”. Since there is no “f”’ letter in the Hebrew alphabet we use the peh letter which in under certain cases it transforms into an f sound.

To be honest, I kinda agree with this translation or interpretation of bolfry, because if you think about it, the Hebrew and caanatite Baal Berith was of course the lord of thr covenant, an treaty between man and the heavens. So you serve god and act upon the ten commandments (which are most accurately called uterances) then you Will be able to bear the fruit of your labour so for a lord of a covenant deity it would make sense to be also a lord that gives fruits of labour upon its subject population. All that sounds convincing to me but looking again at Berith’s original description about this then We found out he was called beal b) the Jews and bolfry by the necromancers SO then bolfry must have a more death and new romantic meaning. You can of course say the lord of fruits could mean that if you follow the covenant then you will eat the fruit of your labour in the afterlife.

Bolfry is said to serve under the rule of Beelzebub according to the book Legion 49 by
barry William hale. In that book that spirit is called Balfori which its etymology is exactly
the same as here thus Balfori is confofirm to be indeed the Lord of producting. Legion 49
and it’s spirit contained there are based in the Book of sacred Magick of abramelin the
mage which him and bealfares both make entries. Althigut they are only mentioned in a
list of servitors and nothing more.Furthermore, a very simple description is given about
this spirit and he is said to appear as a seven pointed white star with one point
I in fact worked with bolfry in my pathworking opereation with berith which you will
see a micro operation in the next subchapter of the book.
As said Before, Bolfry appears within the legions of Beelzebub yet in one conjuration
of beezlebub found within The True Grimoire Bolfry May be found in the alternative name
of Phorsy. The Conjuration goes as follows:
Conjuration For Belzebuth:
Belzebuth, Lucifer, Madilon, Solymo, Saroy, Theu, Ameclo, Sagrael. Praredun,
Adricanorum, Martino, Timo, Cameron, Phorsy, Metosite, Prumosy, Dumaso, Elivisa,
Alphrois, Fubentroty, Come, Belzebuth, & Amen.
Its very plausible in my opinion that the spirit conjured with Beelzebub that is Phorsy
to be inditical to our friend Bolfry or more
accurately Baal"Phry or Baal’Fry.

The Rabbit hole for Bolfry goes much deeper ajd connects with the following themes

My personal workings such as necromancy and spiritual surgery.
Connections to the baalim (many baals such as beezlebub)
The spirit Belfreth
The cardinal king oriens
King baal himself
The syzygy of baal and king paymon (paymon is aslo a lord of the conventant much like Berith if we take the Persian interpretation of his name and origins)
The intermediary role between baal - paimon
Connection to the goddess demeter.


Aslo to add:
The gematria for bolfry is 322. Red horse gematria is aslo 322.

Berith is is said to come in a red horse so this a funny little “coincidence” :smile: