Blood sacrifice to angels

Can I draw Ariel’s sigil on candle?
Is it effective ?

Simply say it. (and mean it)
Another way, depending on hat you are working on with that angel, is by doing your part of the job reliably.

Of course you can.

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I have the book of Angelic Sigils, keys and calls
Which sigil do you think I should be drawing on candle
Thans a lot :innocent:

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Uhm, the sigil of the Angel you intend to work with.
If there’s several sigils for one spirit I suggest using the one that resonates with you the most.


they dont need blood sacrifice imo, idk about enochian since ive never worked, but i know that Angels typically dont need blood sacrifice, ESPECIALLY Archangels


And my opinion is that If we offer blood to angels we may attrack fallen ones or damons…
But its only my opinion though :man_facepalming::roll_eyes:

offering blood and blood sacrifice are 2 different things i think no? i assume blood sacrifice means animal sacrifice?

even the infernals ive worked with i highly doubt take kindly to blood sacrifice

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Well there is loads of dogma about fallen ones, but they can be quit nice… But for your question. What is your goal? What do you want to learn?

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I thought Angels were pure beings

If by “pure” you mean “they’re all about love and happiness and rainbows”, then no, they’re not.

Angels are fucking hardcore, my guy. They’re a warrior race. I’m talking plummeting down through the stratosphere at mach speed without a parachute just so they can stab someone to death for being a lowly cunt maggot.

That is how the angels do.