Binding to prevent pregnancy?

I wondered what others thoughts are on whether it would it be possible to use a binding ritual to stop someone having a child with a particular person? I intend to use other rituals as well to end the this toxic woman’s relationship with a friend of mine, but just wondered if theoretically, you could use a binding to stop someone getting pregnant completely?


I don’t think it is possible to bind someone from getting pregnant, but you could bind the behavior itself ie the sex.

Bind them to prevent the behavior that can lead to pregnancy.

Or try an infertility curse.


@DarkestKnight Thanks! Yea, that makes more sense I guess. Know of any good infertility curses, or spirits that are good at this kind of thing? I’ve been looking through various books I have, but nothing immediately springs out at me so far…


Infertility can be directed at either the man or the woman.

I know there is a djinn in S. Ben Qayin’s Book of Smokeless Fire who can do so, but I don’t have the book handy to check his name.

In the Goetia, Zepar is said to make women barren.


Re that ^
22. Alzubdah.


Many thanks @Darkestknight and @Mulberry! I will look into that. Not heard of Alzubdah before. I need to get that book on the Djinn.

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I think it’s worth getting the book. There’s good descriptions for ritual set up and protections, the triangles of Arte that are portals (I notice a parallel here with the gates and squares of other currents) as well as good overall philosophical explanation of the system but also general magik principles, such as the importance of vibration.


Thanks, that sounds fascinating and I would like to learn more about the Djinn. I have Corwin Hargrove’s recent book on Jinn Magick, but it sounds quite different than this, and seems to mention different Jinn/Djinn.

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Adding to the Zepar suggestion by @DarkestKnight, the book Demons of Magick states that the power can compel infertility “for a brief period of time,” so you may need to refresh the magick occasionally if that’s something you’d like to have in-effect long-term. I don’t know for sure, so I’d ask Zepar.

Also @Lillith_fan I have the Hargrove Jinn book as well and have gotten results from it. I like the method of summoning he uses, as it incorporates angelic power to help guide the Jinn so that they better know where to direct their power. I don’t have too much experience with it, but from what I understand Jinn magick can sometimes get a little rowdy. No reason to be afraid or anything, but just so you’re aware the results may be quite different from angelic or demonic styles of manifestation.


Actually one the Embryo is formed Zepar starts to work on the target. Zepar is a very effective tenacious hard working spirit


What about causing an unwanted pregnancy to somebody else? There is a girl for which I was taking care ever since she was a teenager. She’ s an orphan. Currently an young woman. She started to date some married “big shot”. She was totally in love with him and still is. He was and still is treating her like a trash. She is definately not a trash. Came to me in her tears many times till I decided to call him. Told him “Hey, listen you piece of s**t, stop taking advantage of this defensless child, she may be an orphan but she’s not alone. On the top of that you’re a father too. Would you be happy if somebody treats your own daughter like that?”. I feel sick even going into details but shortly he told me not to mention his child since she was special, not like my pathetic girl friend. Well I will banish him his teenage daughter to get pregnant from a married man who will treat her the same way as he treated my “pathetic” girl friend! Any ideas for entities to help me in my work?

Poor girls. None deserve of this.
I believe the best punishment for him is to have his daughter grow up and feel disgust about him.


That’s worse for the daughter. Better for her not to exist. Growing up feeling disgust for your parents is one of the worse things that can possibly happen to you. I know because i feel that way. If that relationship wasn’t so toxic this wouldn’t be happening.

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just get rid of that love. That is all that is needed. Who knows? It may even be good for her growth. To stay with that man and maybe she will realize he is not good for her. If she wants to stay with him that is her decision and you should let her. You may think she is being treated badly, but she does not think so otherwise she would be with you and not him.


You guys, this thread is over a year old now.Whatever happened, happened already.Flagging this thread.


I have done this spell for a man with a son. He grew up feeling disgust about his father so he didn’t become like him. I am satisfied with the results as his only choice now is to either let go of his old ways or be completely alone.
His daughter if she grows up and feels disgust about the kind of guy her dad is will find someone who is not like him ie a good guy. And if she doesn’t speak to her dad that will be his punishment.

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Hey guys, thanks for your late replies to the second part of the topic, i.e. mine which was different from the initial. I was so mad at the time I made this quest because it was right after my conversation with this guy. Of course later when I managed to calm myself I realised the kid has got nothing to do with it and doesn’t need to suffer because of his idiotical dad. The latter will be punished alone.

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