Binaural beats, Sensory deprivation, Altered states of consciousness and their purposes

I wanted to get a discussion going on altered states of consciousness, brainwaves and what states do what because I think some people need that clarification. Tell us what you think of this—>

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Here is a link to the Google play store where you can get the app I have been using. I like this app because you can control both the background white noise and the tone.

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I have experimented with Biaural beats briefly last fall, and enjoyed the ASMR resulting from them. There is a lot of material on YouTube, and I have an affinity to the Tibetan chats, but have not found the perfect one for me yet to utilize in magick. I need to explore it further.


I have a long history of using binaural beats. I can tell from my experience that they works but not all of them. I’ve been using program called I-doser, with lot of different doses. Meditations, chakras, lucid dreaming, astral traveling, drug simulants and lot of others.
While it can help you to achieve altered states of consciousness I found binaural beats rather disrupting while doing lucid dreaming or else. You can try drug like doses just for fun or use it to as help for magic but it often don’t work on first try. Brain have to get used to it and some people are totally immune and beats doesn’t work on them.

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I was unaware that it didn’t work on some people, I would understand if a person was deaf in one ear but to have no effect to a perfectly healthy individual?


Yeah sometimes you need to listen to binaural beats repeatedly so they work at max potencial. On some percentage of people it’s not working. I didn’t studied it properly but there are more effective thing than binaural beats. One of them are isochronic tones.

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I can’t wait to see what info this thread brings up. This is somthing I have interest in. I hope to learn a lot.:blush:


I used this before a ritual, felt dizzy and the room felt like it where tilting and spinning. Even with my adhd I became totally blank in my head :slight_smile:

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which is best for rituals? 4.5 or 7hz?

7 should do it but the lower you go the deeper the brainwave gets so you can go deeper​ with 4.5 but don’t pass out sleeping.

Very cool result in using binaural beats as ritualmusic :wink:

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I find 7.5hz the best actually, but if you are trying to reach an ecstatic gnosis then 20hz

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I have several apps on my phone that deal in brain synchronization, third eye activation, psychic tests/enhancements, astral projection, chakra activation/balance, yoga, prana, mudras, and Solfeggio Frequencies. My personal view is every little bit of help that I can get is worth it.


I’ve used a sensory deprivation tank before at Stillpoint Wellness in Asheville, NC. I wasn’t trying anything specific, but I almost wouldn’t recommend it. Your neck being unsupported may cause it to bend back dramatically or make you want to abnormally straighten it, both of which are uncomfortable over time and distracting. Having no touch or spatial reference for where you are in your space is pretty neat though. I got the spins a few times despite floating motionless.

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Agreed, I had disruptive experiences with BB. They cause me nightmares and took me of balance.

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