Big question

I have studied black magic and tend to only work with demonic entities but I have just gotten a book that is called the ceremonial rites of the hermetic order of the golden dawn I noticed that in this book this order focuses on working with angels now my question is if I work with angels for a while will the demonic spirits get mad

Note that through my whole time in magic it has only been with the demonic

No. They are not antagonistic to each other. That is Judeo-Christian crap. Get it out of your head. Demons do not care if you work with angels, nor do angels care if you also work with demons.

Just remember: you become like that with which you surround yourself, so if you have immersed yourself deeply into the demonic, evoking an angel might feel very different, even wrong, but it’s just a difference of energies.

Like Azazel told me, Angels and Daemons are:

  1. Same thing, different masks(energy currents)
  2. Have the same creator.

so basically a family has two sons of different races and morals, that doesnt make them hate one another, ya know?

Awkward anology i know, hopefully it gets the point across.

I have altars to Satan and St Michael in the same room. It’s really fine!
But I’ll give ya fair warning ; the energy can be a bit of a shock. When I first recited the chaplet of St Michael at his altar, it was intense. I had never felt that kind of energy, having spent my time mostly with chthonic entities.

[quote=“Euoi, post:4, topic:3540”]I have altars to Satan and St Michael in the same room. It’s really fine!
But I’ll give ya fair warning ; the energy can be a bit of a shock. When I first recited the chaplet of St Michael at his altar, it was intense. I had never felt that kind of energy, having spent my time mostly with chthonic entities.[/quote]
what did you felt?

Headaches, feeling like it was running through my body and like my body was trying to reject it,about to burst through my skin.
It’s not nearly as bad as it sounds though. It’s more like sending extended periods of time: darkness, then going out into broad daylight. It hurts your eyes.