It has been spoken about a book from Ophiel named “The Art and Practice of Creative Visualization” ( [url=][/url] )
After I had bought and read it I wanted to speak about a specific “law” of his book which name is “The Law of Biding”.
To summarize, it’s been written that every action involve two forces. Think about maybe pushing a car, there is force from your arms to the car as well another force from your spine and legs to the ground.
When we use magick it’s been said that we use two forces as well. One that is able to bring our specific desire as well as it’s counterpart which can repell it from us, or just taking it back at anytime.
Have you ever saw this?
Someone earn a lot of money and lose it very quickly.
You gain unexpected business opportunities that lead to nowhere.
Hell, even my last love spell was under this law! An unexpected beautiful girl coming from nowhere that look exactly how I wanted. We spend two wild and sweet weeks then she vanish for no reason, never returning call and so.
A divination reading made me understand she found another guy.
My spell was a success. My time was just done.
There is no time in the spiritual plane, so as soon as you manifest something you wanted the same force can take it back as fast as it went! It has done what you asked for after all!
I don’t know for you but reading about this “law” really hit something for me!
It also make sense if you think about the Hermetic Law of Rythm maybe (from the Kybalion).
The solution?
Ophiel recommend that in your statement of intent prior or during your ritual, you should adress this concern to this counterpart force.
State that no reversal will take place. That the opposing force of the force you contact is bound and that you’ll make the most of your granted wish as long as you would, or until something better happens.
He state that simply acknowledging and dealing with this opposing force would be sufficient to prevent its natural effect.
I practice magick from some years but this is the first time that I seem to understand one of my major fault in this art.
Did you already knew about this effect of reversal?
How did or do you deal with it?
I’d enjoy to speak extensively about it and get your testimonies and advices.