anybody else not like using archangels during the LBRP?
i have an alternative.
before the archangels were used, and instead of the elements, stars associated with the fixed constellations of the zodiac were used. here’s the summary:
Earth = Taurus = Aldebaran
Air = Aquarius = Fomalhaut
Fire = Leo = Regulus
Water = Scorpio = Antares
anyone with a basic understanding of the zodiac and its elemental associations will understand why those signs are listed next to those elements.
depending on which system you use (and i use the golden dawn), the directions will differ, but mine are:
Earth = N
Air = E
Fire = S
Water = W
and for your convenience, here are three of the four sigils for the stars (they’re the small ones draw in red. also found in agrippa’s Three Books):
i can’t find Fomalhaut anywhere, but i haven’t exhausted my search of the three books. that said, there’s certainly nowhere online that i’ve found. if anyone happens to know where i can get this sigil, or if anyone has it, please PM or post here.
unlike daemonic sigils, the seals given above have been used for hundreds of years (if not longer, but i’m going by agrippa’s publication) and do not represent conscious forces like spirits. rather, they are more alchemical and akin to the planetary sigils. thus, although i could technically make my own, there is no dynamism to the force which could activate or empower it (however you want to look at things). rather, it would be a poor attempt at imitating a static, unchanging astrological constant, like making up my own sigil for mercury or venus.
by all means, enjoy! but i’d really appreciate it if someone could help me out.
kind regards, james.