Beta Testers Wanted (or, My Gift to BALG II)

Hey everyone.

I have a few egregores I need people to test. While I can’t exactly give detailed dossiers to the general public, I’m looking for anywhere from three to fifteen testers for, at the moment, three entities, though that number may increase. If it does, the number of testers I will need will also increase.

The basic descriptions of the egregores are:

  • A female jack-of-all-trades entity.
  • A male initiatory, tutelary entity.
  • A female huntress/“retriever” entity.

In order to be a beta tester, just reserve a spot by posting that you would like to be one. Then, PM me for any details you need on the three entities, and I’ll give them to you.

Preferably, I’d like an update after you finish any sort of working with them. I’m looking to be finished collecting data for this set by September 4th of this year. If I update the entity list, I will update the timeline as well.

What I’m looking for:

  • Appearance
  • Energetic Feeling
  • Attitude
  • Work Completion Timeline
  • Work Magnitude (getting a bus to come five minutes early is easier than an earthquake).
  • Dreams/Visions/etc. related to the entities.

Any takers?

[quote=“Velotak, post:1, topic:8051”]Hey everyone.

I have a few egregores I need people to test. While I can’t exactly give detailed dossiers to the general public, I’m looking for anywhere from three to fifteen testers for, at the moment, three entities, though that number may increase. If it does, the number of testers I will need will also increase.

The basic descriptions of the egregores are:

  • A female knight.
  • A male sorcerer.
  • A female vampire.

In order to be a beta tester, just reserve a spot by posting that you would like to be one. Then, PM me for any details you need on the three entities, and I’ll give them to you.

Preferably, I’d like an update after you finish any sort of working with them. I’m looking to be finished collecting data for this set by September 4th of this year. If I update the entity list, I will update the timeline as well.

What I’m looking for:

  • Appearance
  • Energetic Feeling
  • Attitude
  • Work Completion Timeline
  • Work Magnitude (getting a bus to come five minutes early is easier than an earthquake).
  • Dreams/Visions/etc. related to the entities.

Any takers?[/quote]

Sure. I am game.

By “a male sorcerer” what does sorcery mean? To me it signifies much of what EA is teaching. The primal systems that are based on intuition and a cool personal simple system rather than a set in stone system. Basically magic coming from within. Is that an accurate description?

The Knight also means someone who protects. Is it just that or does knight mean she also executes the will of the operator within certain limitations and oaths?

I still haven’t fully worked with the other egregore you introduced me to, but I’ve provided data on previous projects and I like to think it was good. All I need, for the entities in question, is the name. Although, if you’re feeling open to it I’d love to know the type of energy that went into making them.

I can even try to pick up on it myself and seen if it matches yours

I’ll send you the details later.

As for the descriptions, I updated it.

send me a pm with their names and i’ll add them to the list.

at this point i’m working on possessions and not doing evocations. i can always throw down a radionic broadcast, it will take a maximum of 3 days of sending out to get that done. i’ve double-blind tested my broadcasts multiple times. sometimes it takes a while to get confirmation back, but i can tell you that i’m at the point where my broadcasts work pretty consistently.

[quote=“anon68160656, post:1, topic:8051”]Preferably, I’d like an update after you finish any sort of working with them. What I’m looking for:

  • Appearance
  • Energetic Feeling
  • Attitude
  • Work Completion Timeline
  • Work Magnitude (getting a bus to come five minutes early is easier than an earthquake).
  • Dreams/Visions/etc. related to the entities.

Any takers?[/quote]

because i’m doing radionics now, i can’t answer you for the first three, but the last two i can do. if that’s ok with you pm me. otherwise good luck

Sure, I’ll send you them.

I’m interested, you can send me a message?


if you’re still looking for people…count me in

If you are still looking I would certainly like to participate. trs6430jd@gml