Best demon for mind manipulation and persuasion in love

hi. Does anyone know or has used a demon to help with matters of love and which was the best in your opinion as far as that goes? I am active on my part in contacting the one I love but Any success stories recently or help would be appreciated. Thank you.


@succupedia has done a lot of work for you today regarding this and there are many success stories on this site regarding how people have been able to reconcile or find love from scratch. The search facility is there and it works very well.

The way you are going about this sounds like desperation and seriously that is not attractive to anyone - forgive me if it is harsh but it isn’t meant to be. You at least have the luxury of some kind of communication with your beloved in the flesh so you have the opportunity to actually talk, therefore why involve magick when communication and your own natural innate attractiveness could solve the problem?

If you want to do anything then do as succopedia suggests and I would also suggest do a honey jar - research it for yourself as I don’t have time to write down every step and it’s online - check out Lucky Mojo etc.

Forgive me I don’t want to offend you with this and I know you are hurting already but please calm down with this desperation as it will bleed into your workings and may not have the best results for you.


I’d say to try Duke Dantalion for manipulation. King Paimon is also known for manipulation but I’ve read from different sources that he doesn’t tend to help with love matters.



No he thinks love is pointless but he has convinced a girl to message me tho.


I’m not interested in your opinion anymore.
Thanks the following question is more of a help
It doesn’t matter your morals I asked a basic question and just wanted an answer on people who have had success I’m not trying to argue etc.
People use magick and demons etc for law and to get out of speeding tickets etc are they desperate? I don’t need you reading my life story I asked for specific things. Even if I am desperate that’s not anything you should care about I’m not the first desperate person to exist. Im asking for people who have summoned certain demons for love etc as I have stated I do the work I contact him etc just need a little push is all. Thanks


Thank you :blush:!

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Sallos maybe Gremory?


Also Astartoh and Frimost.


thank you I think sallos will be good maybe
I’ll get his candle color etc today online

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I’ve never thought about those two.!
Thank you I have to look into them.
Honestly I’ve never heard of them but if they are
Open to what I’m looking for I will work with them
Thank you so much.

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Probably Beleth, and Dantalion


Okay! Thank you so much I’ve heard of beleth I think someone said that demon was very powerful and not to be played around with.

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I’m having a similar problem, I might go with Amon personally as I have read he can help with reconciling relationships.


I need to look him up asap! Lol thank you
Yes I just would like to reconcile is all.
Not trying to be desperate just love him
And if there is a demon who can assist me and I can give offerings I will.:blush:

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Omg Thank you! Much appreciated :blush:

I was going to recommend Frimost too. Read about him a book called “Raising Hell”, great read on black magic and those who practice it.


Where could I find that book? Id like to read it or buy it… Thanks

You can buy it on as an e-read. I think it was like 10 dollars.

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