

Can u pm me and tell me more about him? Ima bit curious tbh


Have u worked with asmodeus before ?


Belial likes it when people stand up to him. He’ll do stuff like this as a means to make sure the magician has a spine. Or if they don’t already, it’s to help them grow one.


No I have not but I am sure that I might in the future.

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Have you worked with him before? Or met him?

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Does belial ever hang around other people or come randomly to people?

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I did in my dreams… and i did feel his presence a bunch of times after saying his enn

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Both. A lot of spirits do.

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Hmm how would i know if he came to me?? Like without me saying his enn or calling on him or doing any summoning or rituals…

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There are forum topics that can tell you how to identify a spirit if you use the search function.


I mean do u work with him? If u do, whats a sign that shows hes around watching or that hes there in the house?

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I am about to start working with King Belial. He wants to show me many things. :crown:


Not all Demons are like that, but he’s just the demon version of a bear sized jock if anything lol. Though he’s also a titled God as in he has worshippers who view him as a God without him actually being one.



He doesn’t really have any concrete “signs”, at least, not that I’ve noticed. I guess I just sort of “know” he’s there.


Around the year 2012, I put a sigil of Belial in a vehicle someone owned to get them to fall from the Demon’s power. ( I had much less knowledge then about this stuff ). Not sure if anything happened.
Several years later, images of religious people try to get me to follow their religion. The male preacher, for some reason reminded me of Belial. This guy would intimidate and use violence and force to compel, In the images, he didn’t go that far in real life.
Lady Eva says Belial told her to hit him, sent demons to attack her, to test her, as he hates weakness. ( images testing me to get over my fear.? )
I have been sensing this man is related to Belial, for several months now. Some connection.
A couple months ago, on Discord, a lady contacted me out of nowhere, says Belial told her to contact me, ( now this is going somewhere, don’t know where, just somewhere ). Anyway, this is hw we met. She gave me a couple techniques on possession…
The lady contacting me for the first time, because Belial told her to contact me, changed everything, from Yeah, mental issues, and assumptions, to Hmmmmmm.


So, how would i know if hes there? Like how would i know if he contacted me on his own.

Contact him and ask.

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I…id rather not piss him off… he might think its not worth his time

Only with that attitude.

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