Belial & Hecate- First Experiences

Soooo recently (Hecates Night on Nov 16) I first worked with Hecate. I’ll back it up a bit- For a long time, I’ve been more interested in the Psychology model of magick and pretty much considered myself an atheist but found consciousness to be extremely metaphysical- Anyway, I never really found a need to work with any type of spirits or deities at all. I fully leaned more into the dark being the primal force of creation and lived by that, rejecting the light at all cost because I realized I am a disruptor, I can’t help it, it’s What I’m here for, and when I tried to operate from “the light” or Christ consciousness new age lightworker crap, I found myself experiencing a lot more hardship than I “should have” been with the work I was doing- it was like over and over truth trying to bring me back to my place- I decided I’d had enough of those lessons and that I would no longer be “tested” by the light grid, but rather, I’d master it.

I decided to open up to the possibility that maybe these gods are real and the Least I can do is work with them to find out.

On Hecates night, I slipped QUICKLY into sync, I reached a state of gnosis faster and deeper than I ever had before. Next thing I know, my physical body experiences the sensation of is falling fast and pulsing from left to right over and over, a lot like when I astral travel (is that a common experience?) and there I am, before Hecate. Instead of 2 black dogs, she has two black dragons- she tells me “don’t go looking for limitation where there is none- the only thing you’re afraid of is you. Take your sacrifice to the crossroads and it’s there you will meet yourself” she suddenly shapeshifts into a beast of some kind that looked something like a dragon mixed with a Rottweiler… (weird I know but it’s the closest description I can come up with) and she starts to literally devour me. It was so intense and the pulsing in my body- now more like the drunk spins when you’re wasted and lay down to go to sleep- had gotten so strong that I thought I was going to be sick- like motion sickness. Then it was over.
I was back to this reality, fully aware of everything that had just happened and feeling like… like… idk just wow. I’d never had an experience like that aside from the time I tried to meet my spirit guide and ended up meeting my higher self which was literally just chillin out in space holding my reality together with a council of other giant spirit type beings sitting in a circle.
I did realize after that first experience that if I could get my body into that state, I could manifest anything I wanted- that time it was 15k in 48 Hours and it appeared in more like 36.

Anyway- I integrated something after that. My depression and anxiety fell away and hasn’t been back. My meditations have been so deep, detailed, visionary for the past several months but after the experience with Hecate, maybe a couple days later, in meditation I see a closed scaled eye in my own right eye and it opens quickly- I realize it’s a dragons eye. I can’t remember what happened next right now but I have it written down in my journal- I write all my meditation and ritual experiences there.

Then a couple days later, I started being drawn to Belial- in all honesty, I was probably more drawn to him before Hecate, but I mean, I’ve become OBSESSED. Like obsessively thinking about him.

I decided that I would just leave him an offering out because I could feel he’s been with me (maybe even my whole life?) and just talk to him and ask him to help me get the focus to get my house completely purged so I can start fresh working with him and Hecate- it just felt important for me to get this done. I felt motivated as all that day and worked for 3 days straight in my house.

Yesterday I was thanking him in my journal and then he came through me - my writing even changed- I’m not sure I’m ready to share what he said yet but it was without question him. I printed his sigil and hecates wheel along with Lucifer’s sigil yesterday so I would have them on hand to draw whenever I wanted to. I placed them in my grimoire and went on with my day.

Last night, I was obsessed with this thought that kept playing over and over… Hecate i want to see you again. Belial, I want to see you. I didn’t want the thoughts to keep going because I knew I didn’t have anything to ask them for and I didn’t want to just call them just to see them… I couldn’t help it though, it just wouldn’t stop so I decided that I would say what I was thinking and just let them know I’m not trying to be disrespectful I am obviously being initiated by them and I want to know what they want me to do with this. I felt like I should be publicly talking about my experiences with them and they would support my life in positive ways. Make my true desires known and arrange ways for life to unfold in new, fun, surprising ways. That they would help me like they always have.

I close my eyes and begin to see with my minds eye that I am not alone in the room- I’m no where near falling asleep yet but there’s something there trying to feed on me and Hecate shows up to slay him- she says, “you wanted to see me so bad you brought this thing here for me” roughly, I’m paraphrasing. She was beautiful and black… I’ve never seen her black before.
Next thing I know Belial is there too… I though he was attacking me, but I remembered that they don’t really care for or understand personal space. I figured out he was removing something from me, more parasites? Idk… then he spoke.
I couldn’t even understand what he was saying at all… but I’ll tell you, he sounded like that girl from house bunny who has to growl to remember someone’s name :joy::see_no_evil: I was totally calm which was weird because that would have frightened me usually. It was audible unlike Hecate. I never heard this before and I wish I could have understood what he was saying. Hecate told me that Belial would speak to me in this language and that I needed to learn to understand- not learn a language but learn to understand this un language more like it.

Then they were gone.

I had been extremely curious why I was feeling a draw to them both- I wondered if they typically show up together so instead of asking here a couple weeks ago, I did some research and found out about the trident :trident: Hecate, Belial, and Lucifer- let me tell you, Lucifer was ABSOLUTELY there first- even as a Christian kid, I thought he was the good guy in the Bible. I’ve always been drawn to Lucifer and then it suddenly begins to make sense.

Ohhhh on top of that- I had a dream that I summoned Beelzebub and there have been a stupid amount of flies on my porch… especially for this time of year, they are usually dead.
Last night before falling asleep I decided to look into this primal craft where I think the trident comes from (Mark Alan Smith) and I just searched Hecate belial on YouTube -or maybe it was “Mark Alan smith” that I searched - and VK Jehannum vid “primal craft a demonolaters opinion of Mark Alan Smith” comes up and he’s talking at the end about mark saying that that Belial is identified with beelzebub and that VK’s guides confirmed it or something?!? Like what the fuck is happening right now?!

Okay. I’m just needing to put all this somewhere where I’m not gonna get a bunch of ppl asking me if I’m okay like in my Facebook group full of rhp witches :grimacing: I feel like I’m going to explode with all the insights that are coming through right now… and it’s wild because I’m not even really trying that hard they just keep showing up so I can’t imagine what is going to happen when I start REALLY going hard with everything :exploding_head:

It’s just been a wild past few weeks so thanks for letting me spew all this here.


I feel you I’ve been going through something similar I would like to know how’s it going now