Belial and Menstrual Blood?

The real hero, anyone who works with spirits would ask for consent first anyway right?

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My experience with Belial and the use of my menstrual blood happened not too long ago. Belial suggested to me that when Iā€™m ready to move forward in my pact with him that I do it on the last day of my cycle. When the time came and it felt like the right step I showered, meditated, then invoked him in the nude. He asked me to put the sigil under myself so that it collects on the paper naturally. It was a rush of energy as I had never done that before and I felt as if he really appreciated it. He then fulfilled all of my requests shortly after. Hail King Belial!


Scalpels and lancets can be easily found on amazon.


I always gave him my menstrual blood each months (using cups), and when I forget it look like heā€™s getting upset and makes me understandā€¦
He always fulfilled my requests, never really as I hope at the beginning by making me go through another way, more rude but the result is always better for me than I imagined it at the start ā€¦ itā€™s just that Iā€™ve to be patient and cash the shots + deliver offerings