Being Grounded Feels Pointless

For quite a few months I was invested completely into the occult to the exclusion of everything else. Not only that but I’ve had various issues that caused me to constantly disassociate and be unable to maintain connections or communicate with people. I’ve sorted through a lot of the psychological and energy blocks that were causing this and it’s far easier to stay grounded now. I’ve been getting back out into the world, meeting people, all of the normal bullshit.

But even after a month of this, it still feels pointless. I don’t see anything out in the world worth connecting to or engaging with. It’s unstimulating and underwhelming. Is this something that improves over time or is this just who I am now?


Have you enjoyed “normal bullshit” before you got involved into the occult?
(Since I am practicing - it will be almost a year by the end of August - , I kinda have “two lifes”. The one with the occult aspect and the one without. They sometimes HAVE meeting points, since I am heavily involved in improving my mundane life as much as it gets via magick. But there are also aspects on both sides, that will never meet each other, so to speak. I enjoy both)


You need to find Balance.
Grounding is important , i once thought it was useless too until i got my head bumped.
Maybe try to contact Ma’at.
She helped me in the beginning with finding Balance.

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I channeled a sigil from her that helped working with her balancing aspect.
if you want i’ll send you. Let me know

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Aside from getting high and other self indulgence, not much from what I can remember. If I wasn’t at work I was either reading occult books, writing beginners tutorials on how to do magic, making poems and prayers for the gods I worked with, or designing rituals for people.


Sure. That would be awesome

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So maybe you found mundane stuff underwhelming and unstimulating from the very beginning, huh?
Thats quite common, even with non-practicioners :smiley: So if indulging into occult creativity is your “normal”, then maybe that kind of stuff helps you staying grounded for the not-so-occult daily tasks :thinking:


when i’m home i’ll post it in this thread

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The danger to this approach is in becoming obsessed with the “spiritual” to the extent that mundane life devolves into chaos. The whole point of this business, as I see it, is forging spiritual allies and bringing back knowledge and power that is applicable to the mundane. All else is useless mysticism.


There we go.
the sigil of Ma’at her balancing aspect that i’ve channeled a few years back


That sounds like something that someone who needs more grounding would say.

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I think part of the problem is your overly focused on yourself. Like, I feel, I this, I that. Believe it or not, you are not your hobbies or interests, they are just something you do, that hopefully brings you joy. Its not some kind of identity, even a job or career is not some kind of identity.
I’m not in favor of useless mysticism, cause sooner or later the so called real world will come in and mess it up.