Beginner's question

hi, can i know with which god or goddess i have an affinty or a connection with it.
there’s a form to be aware of than link or connection?


None until you actively reach out to one or they reach out to you and you two mutually put the work into forming a connection. Deities are widely versatile with who they work with so an affinity only works in terms of if your soul was for example an judeo angel then your affinity for a deity would be Yahweh, or another if your soul was that of a Asetian, then the affinity would be to Aset.


and there’s a way to be aware of any sign to know if that certain divinity have reach u, any sign that may be passed on the daily day that may appear as a form of contact from that god?

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Signs in relation to the Deity’s symbolisms, re-occurring dreams involving them, etc.


Some people have gone over lists with pendulums to get an idea of which they should contact. If you feel an interest in a certain Deity or pantheon, it would be good to take a look at that and see how it makes you feel. If you know your heritage, that may provide an easy starting point.


thanks for the information.

hmmm, if i use a canddle, that can works too?


Well, if you know how to read it, I don’t see why not. You’d have to set definite yes/no signs and test them to make sure it will work for you and isn’t a random flame twinge or something like that.


thanks for the advice.

If you figure it out, let me know. I’ve had a hell of time trying to identify what is contacting me.


ok, im going to post the result.

I used intuition (and a lot of research) to narrow it down, before calling out to the three. I knew what the energy felt like, but didn’t know which Goddess it belonged to. Once I called out to them and they answered, I matched the energy to the Deity. Maybe something similar will work for you.


We can hardy help you there , you must look into that for yourself

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Pick a card readings on YouTube can help or give you a vague idea at the very least. One gave me a lightning Goddess but it I figured it was referring to Indra who weilds a bolt.

Read lore and you’ll feel a pull to some deities. Or have someone do a reading for you and they can pick up on the deities’ energy for you. Someone who never read anyone before but who has great intuition picked up Thor’s influence on me and it was very accurate.

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Can u pass me the video so i can do it with my tarot deck. I’ll be truly Grateful

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Kinda feels like you got a Dark Goddess energy to you. Maybe Heckate or Persephone

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Thanks for ur help.

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