Beginner OAA help please

Can anyone assist me for starting path working of OAA

Do you have specific questions?

No one can help you to start. Get the book and follow the exercises.

No, I have doubts about first exercise in first flame

What kind of doubts? The first exercise is a meditation for entering an altered state of consciousness.

Actually visualistion is not hard for me but as I am starting to visualize the dark energy energy around me my body has also been hyper reacting with energy in me and and that making me feel like drunk and high

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Okay, so what is the issue? Controlling the state?

Yup, more like disarming pain

I was also not able to fully incoperate the dark energy

Pain? That’s weird. There’s no reason a basic visualisation would cause pain.

How long have you practiced the exercise? Sometimes all that is needed is practice, to get used to it.

In Works of Darkness, EA has the student breathe in the black mist, but that is not required for the OAA version.

It’s not pain but inoperatable energy rushing

Actually, I am bad at expressing myself.

Do I need to pathwork exercises linearly or can we practice them simontaniously

You are supposed to work them one at a time, becoming proficient in each, before moving on to the next, because they are cumulative.

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Can I practice pendulum exercise any time

Yes, you can practice the pendulum any time.

What might help you out is a breathing exercise prior to practicing the meditational aspect. Just to help get into a flow. I like useing a chakra mantra as I breathe, even in english, think about the breath from the base of your tailbone up to the top of your head. Saying “I am, I feel, i do, I love, I speak, I see, I know” really helps to put me into a more relaxed state.

Follow the whats written in the breathing lesson, If your working out of the Book ( which I recommend everyone to have. You may need to constantly Re Read parts of the sentences and underline what your think you should remember to take into the practice of the lesson).

Regarding the breathing, I believe you should learn how to do it, inhaling slowly until your lungs are full, exhale out of your mouth easily.

Regarding the pain, it may be caused from nasal inhaling to hard in which your facial / frontal membrane are getting to stressed out by the pressure, and your passages aren’t use to it at first, with time that will go away, get use to the inhale/exhale then the mental aspect of going up into your mind and pulling on it into the lungs "as the lesson teach’s you to do it for the expulsion from the lungs to properly take place, this will allow all of the first part to come together, once you get the hang of it the rest is easy. ( If you have preexisting conditions I may not know about please give yourself the cautions you feel is best for your benefit ).

The next part where it addresses the visualizing of the room your in and seeing through it. dark mist,that’s for another time, for now just get yourself rolling with that first part, and practice at it.

Here’s a little philosophy, teach yourself how to duplicate what is written in the lesson,
practice and re read as much and as often as you can on each lesson, down the road, the upper lessons will demand that you get what you need from yourself instead of mooching off others, and if you practice that now, it will be easier later.

Good Luck…

How long does it take to achieve this first exercise I tried it yesterday, but I was having a hard time visualizing and staying focused. Visualizing is making up an image in your mind right?

As long as it takes. Practice until the darkness becomes as real as possible.

Yes and no. The point of the first exercise is to put you into an altered state of awareness, and to trigger what is called your active imagination (versus your passive imagination, which is your basic daydream or idle fantasy) Visualising is a bit of a misnomer as it should ideally incorporate as many of your senses as posisble.