Beginner ancestral work

Long story short, I’m trying to get into necromancy and was reccomended to start with ancestor work. Does anyone know how to start working with ancestral spirits? I know about clearing a space for them and offering a candle and glass of water but what else is there?

I think @anon88521623 does or did heavy ancestral work

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Oh yeah? Hopefully they see the ping

You can ask a necromantic spirit to put you in touch with your ancestors. Bune can be used in this regard.


Would this work even if my senses aren’t opened yet? @DarkestKnight

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Yes. Do a petition to Bune, asking for his help in connecting with your ancestors. You may then find yourself dreaming of family members, or feeling nostalgia, and you can take that as a sign of success.

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Oh that’s easy enough. 10/10 instructions. Thanks DK.

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