Beeings Appear As Geometric Shapes?

i want to know if any of you had an experience like this.i’m asking this,because i read this one from a jozephine mccarthy’s book

Platonic solids and geometric shapes often appear in magic simply
because they are a natural part of our world. They are the purest form
of a power expression in harmony with itself and when a being appears
to you as a platonic solid you know you have reached one of its deepest
and most powerful forms. When the angel of death and destruction
appears before you as a cube, you know you are in for a bit of a
bumpy ride.
The forms that beings take to appear to us, i.e. wings, eyes, swords,
teeth, fire etc is their way of talking slowly to us: they play down their
size, cool their power and dress up from images in our cultural
imagination so that we can interact with them and understand what
they are about. If an angelic being appeared before you as a cube, you
would blink and scratch your head before finding yourself fried to a
crisp. If an angelic being appeared before you with a flaming sword,
fancy armour, nice hair do, big wings and a cheesy grin, then you
know that the angel is really down playing it for the ants (or it is a parasite dressing up for you).

And now a quote from koetting’s last newsletter

In order to anchor these forces to the earth and physical environment of the worshipper, yet at the same time avoiding polluting the perception with false image identifications of these forces, the Nabataeans represented these powers with cubes of black stone, roughly carved, with no anthropomorphic associations.

It’s genius, really: what shape other than cube could possibly be as impersonal?

When I was studying yoga I had the experience of seeing Vishnu appearing as a solid white rectangular 3-d shape, not a cube, it was more like a brick, and a whole download of gnosis about “Is-ness” (the state of simply being in the moment) and so on.

And I’ve read that the “Holy of Holies” in the ancient Temple of Solomon was a perfect cube, fitted with a throne formed from the Covenant the people of Israel had with their god. I don’t know much about that, just going by online research, so rebuttals or better info most welcome.

When I was studying yoga I had the experience of seeing Vishnu appearing as a solid white rectangular 3-d shape, not a cube, it was more like a brick, and a whole download of gnosis about “Is-ness” (the state of simply being in the moment) and so on.

And I’ve read that the “Holy of Holies” in the ancient Temple of Solomon was a perfect cube, fitted with a throne formed from the Covenant the people of Israel had with their god. I don’t know much about that, just going by online research, so rebuttals or better info most welcome.[/quote]
i’m asking because i saw the << If an angelic being appeared before you as a cube, you
would blink and scratch your head before finding yourself fried to a
how did you felt when vishnu appeared to you??(it is obvious that you didn’t fried of course).it was a physical apperance??
tell me more.I’m interesting.

how did you felt when vishnu appeared to you??(it is obvious that you didn’t fried of course).it was a physical apperance??
tell me more.I’m interesting.

I was sitting cross-legged before my shrine, which had a small image of Ganesha on and my mantra beads, water, and incense. The shrine was about 12 inches high, facing east below the window in this flat I lived in for ages, and I’d just finished repeating 108 mantras, I think it was AUM I’d been chanting that day.

Having put the beads back on the little bag I kept them in, I was idly thinking about the nature of Vishnu, as the “Preserver” and I suddenly saw this image of like a 3-dimensional rectangle appear in front of me, quite solid and visible; but I don’t think, had anyone else been present, they would have seen it.

I was hit with a kind of download of gnosis about the brick’s solidity and substance and how that relates to “being in the moment” and stuff like that, and that the brick, insofar as it represented the arrangement of matter, electrons, various other forces in relation to each other - that’s the important part btw - was to do with Vishnu’s presence and potentiality.

Then I saw the rectangular object dissolve into an empty footprint, which is a far more common symbol of Vishnu, and of how that footprint’s presence and yet absence related to our ever-flowing reality and consciousness, and how (I’m struggling to describe it) our perceptions of any kind of truth can only be the imprint they leave behind in the clay of our existing consciousness.

It was fairly new stuff to me at the time, and I sat watching to footprint slowly dissolve, like the fading retinal imprint you get when you look away from a light, and felt very blessed to have seen it.

I was too busy being caught up in the moment to really feel anything except hunger for the experience of all this stuff downloading into my mind, and I was at that time very into meditation, mantras, and also very eager to renounce the world and all attachments, and merge back to the Source (a stance I’ve since completely reversed my opinions on) but it did mean I was in a very calm and accepting state when that happened.

I’ve always “seen stuff” including things like illnesses on people, so it wasn’t my first experience of that nature, but it was a very peaceful one! And the only one that was explicitly geometric, I think, so that’s why I posted it.

The planes and angles spoke to me about the relations of various things to each other that comprises our reality in the manifest causal world, and I don’t think they were trying to tell me this is Vishnu’s “true form” or anything, I think they were a metaphor, and it definitely triggered a download of realisations far better than any attempt I can make here to type it out.

Not sure how far it relates to the cube concept, and I’m really interested in reading any future newsletters about that!

thanks for all the details on your post lady eva.

i also read,that the true power of these beings(angelic or demonic) is like a nuclear bomb and we get only a little fraction of them everytime we call them.
DION FORTUNE paid the price.she summoned powerfull entities,to help her country but her body fried out…

so how is it possible to make an intense contact of such level?
i’m curious.

[quote=“dron, post:5, topic:3166”]so how is it possible to make an intense contact of such level?
i’m curious.[/quote]

You could begin by studying yantras - they’re the geometric sacred diagrams installed ceremonially in every Hindu temple (or home shrine, if the owners are being thorough) so that the murti (god’s image) can be used as a powerful evocation base for the entity.

They don’t use the exact term “evocation base” to describe the process by which a god or goddess takes up permanent residence in an image, through which it can both see and be seen (darshan), and receive offerings, but the idea seems similar to me and I’m certain it’s what the anthropomorphic statues in the Egyptian and Greek temples were used for as well - as evocation bases.

I think they made those images human in order to cause the gods’ energies to be rendered in a way that was safest and easiest to interact with, and I’m not sure its wise to try and push too far for the real, full energy…

starting to get an idea.but i have the feeling that INTENSE CONTACT can’t be done by everyone…don’t know.just a thought…

When using schemata or archetypal structures, their reliability is determined by how well they are built, how well defined they are. One of the key ritual components in defining an archetype is repetition. Do lots of math, your math systems become more developed, you get reliably better at math. The platonic solids don’t require you to do anything to get strengthened. They are everywhere in the natural world. We are exposed to them almost every moment of our lives. To me then, that would suggest the platonic solids are the most reliable systems anyone could possibly possess. It would be foolish not to take advantage of that.

As for how to use them, that still unclear to me.

All atoms take the shape of one of the platonic solids, but one of them are perfect. I theorize that it’s matter’s deviation from perfection which determines what it is. For instance, lead would have a greater deviation from a perfect octahedron, but gold would be closer in shape to a perfect octahedron. I think there’s potential to alchemically transmute something not by manipulating it’s constituent quantum parts, but by exerting influence over it’s shape somehow.

Now, as for encountering beings as geometric shapes? Sure. The most terrifying thing I’ve ever experienced have been night terrors. They’re just insane, literally it feels like insanity. Often there are geometric shapes.

You can find some great descriptions in the following thread

Deep down I’ve always been afraid those were encounters with some sort of strange entity. So much so that I came up with a brilliant theory about cognitive dissonance in the parts of the brain that deals with spatial relations, all in order to convince myself it was nothing out of the ordinary.

Not sure if this is quite relevant, but Alan Moore has some fantastically abstract descriptions of demons in this interview starting around the 40 minute mark
[url=]Alan Moore - Comics & The Occult - 2007 Interview - YouTube

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Like the Islamic Cube of Saturn?

No, it was like a brick, you know normal housebricks, only probably closer to two cubes side-by-side welded together, and bright white. I found a piece of polystyrene packing material that was a white rectangular shape and kept that on my alter for ages afterwards as a reminder.

Like this but with perfectly straight lines and smooth planes, but same orientation:

The golden rectangle then?

The golden rectangle then?



Many, who reach a certain stage in their spiritual development, can be infused with a geometric form. The geometric form triggers certain information within you, and facilitates the sending of information directly into your being. The structure is a way of receiving information and energy to facilitate your development. Each geometric form is a being or consciousness that contains incredibly vast amounts of information. Many common shapes that people choose to be aligned with include: pyramid, sphere, spiral, cube, and merkabah.

There is no higher or lower geometric form that you can be aligned or infused with. Many vast intelligences express themselves in a geometric form. They have evolved themselves into geometric symbols. When we are ready to receive, we unconsciously tune into a certain structure and download the information. That structure also awakens the information stored in our cells. It mostly happens on an unconscious level. If you want to find out which structure you are aligned with at a given time, then look at which structures come first in your mind. The one that sticks out or is larger than the rest. I think even people on this forum would be astonished at the amount and type of information they process on an unconscious level.

Also geometry is the true language system used throughout the cosmos. An entire race’s history can be stored as information in one symbol. But that’s a whole other story.

I have received some of this information through my spirit guide, amazing friends, and books.

Might’ve been - I’m not being sarcastic when I say I didn’t measure it, but I really didn’t, just because the info that was coming through was so fast and eye-opening. The image that stayed in my mind most was of a brick, but remembering it now I’m not sure if it was 8:13 or 1:2.

To address the original question, some beings to appear in geometrical fashion.

When I first was given access to my Holy Guardian Angel, or higher self, he appeared in my astral vision as a white, glowing, morphing pattern not unlike a hypercube. I think we often anthropomorphise entities to make them easier to comprehend, but the forms we see are often not their true forms. This is especially the case with evocation.

Just wanted to give my thoughts.

-Frater Cervus

[quote=“FireAbove, post:15, topic:3166”]To address the original question, some beings to appear in geometrical fashion.

When I first was given access to my Holy Guardian Angel, or higher self, he appeared in my astral vision as a white, glowing, morphing pattern not unlike a hypercube. I think we often anthropomorphise entities to make them easier to comprehend, but the forms we see are often not their true forms. This is especially the case with evocation.

Just wanted to give my thoughts.

-Frater Cervus[/quote]
tend to agree here.

[quote=“FireAbove, post:15, topic:3166”]To address the original question, some beings to appear in geometrical fashion.

When I first was given access to my Holy Guardian Angel, or higher self, he appeared in my astral vision as a white, glowing, morphing pattern not unlike a hypercube. I think we often anthropomorphise entities to make them easier to comprehend, but the forms we see are often not their true forms. This is especially the case with evocation.

Just wanted to give my thoughts.

-Frater Cervus[/quote]

That makes a lot of sense. I remember reading Robert Bruce mentioning that two people viewing the same thing astrally could be seeing things very differently. Part of it is perhaps their own personal filter that may distort what they see and another part is the development level of their senses and overall state of being. That may explain some of the differences that people see in their evocations of the same entities.

Made me think of a well-known line from a movie. “You can’t handle the truth!”

I guess we can handle more as we progress along our path.

I can understand anthromorphing something, but if you’re honest with yourself, it’s not that difficult to trace back those qualities you are projecting and identify parts of yourself. Not so much with those geometric representations. I’m of the opinion they are as close to true form as we can handle.

I agree with this. I think the geometric representations are probably the closest to reality.

I agree with this. I think the geometric representations are probably the closest to reality.[/quote]

Second try at posting this - I used Geoff Gray-Cobb’s New Avatar Power rituals for Elubatel and Nitika when I was quite desperate about my situation after I had been made redundant; they both appeared clearly as oval shapes with glowing inner centres. Elubatel was purple-mauve with a white-gold light “inside” and Nitika was teal coloured, with a reddish-purple inner glow. I made gifts of chocolate, water and costume jewellery; my life turned around in a few weeks. I also recited the mantra for Mother Durga several times each day; I have no idea who helped, or whether they all did but the results came and I am very grateful. I am not an accomplished magician at all, so this should work for everyone.
I have only recently returned to this forum after joining a few months back, so hello everyone - I am a “newbie” here and keen to learn. Thanks for having me!

May no harm come to any being through our interactions.


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