Bashar: 7 steps to manifesting your chosen reality

I have heard EA Koetting discuss these very things. Almost to a tee in fact. I have heard EA discuss this very topic in an instructional page on how to use sigils. Bashar, however takes the sigil out of the equation.

Watch this video and tell me what results you get from this process and method of manifestation.


Interesting, but reading through the transcript it seems to me that there is a fine line between what they are saying here and total obsession with the outcome. Sure it’s ok to really believe you already have something, but let’s take for example a love spell. You can’t simply cast a love spell on someone and then act as if you already have them when you are in their presence. That would defeat the whole purpose of the subtle manipulation of energy. If I have a friend and I start hugging her and kissing her I guarantee it ain’t gonna be pretty.

I do agree with a lot of this though, the parts about desire, belief, and vision. That’s the basics of magick.However, as I said, these things can easily lead to obsession and cancel out the allowance (letting go) part.


I’d be interested to see EA and Bashar discuss this topic in a video.

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I would be too. Like I said in another thread I think people confuse attachment with obsession. It’s ok to think of something or someone but as long as you know without a doubt that it is coming to you sometime, somehow through your workings then attachment shouldn’t be an issue.

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there’s the thing about reality. it’s a stubborn deal, it is.

if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.

better (and wiser) to act as if what you want is on its way than to act as if it has already arrived when it hasn’t.


there’s the thing about reality. it’s a stubborn deal, it is.

if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.

better (and wiser) to act as if what you want is on its way than to act as if it has already arrived when it hasn’t.[/quote]

Another thing Bashar has actually covered a few times. As well as many others. I used to think that Daryl Anka aka Bashar was a fraud… Then I saw a message board making fun of EA Koetting and saying he was a fraud. The thing is that if most people don’t want to hear it, I do. I learned at a young age the value of esoteric information. I’ve had a hundred diagnosis of this mental disorder or that, but really … I’ve just followed the bread crumbs they are all too fucking weak to even look at. I followed the crumbs like a greedy pig chasing a full belly. They’ve all said it… You are God in your reality. What you wish shall be… Just be careful what you wish for. Wisdom is so important, but use it and we’ll… The universe is just there at your asking. I’m starting to feel it more in my life since I finished the book of Azazel. It’s all just kind of been falling into place so perfectly. So carefully. And o finally understand what my life has been all about… It’s another one of those “far too beautiful for words” kinds of things…

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there’s the thing about reality. it’s a stubborn deal, it is.

if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.

better (and wiser) to act as if what you want is on its way than to act as if it has already arrived when it hasn’t.[/quote]

Exactly. I don’t act as if I already have something because I’d go insane and I know it’ll come anyway after I finish my working. Better to be patient than to be obsessed. I’m sorry but I’m not going to bed everynight acting as if there’s a girl laying next to me. That’s just kinda weird. It’ll come. Could be a week from now or could be 6 months from now, but either way, it’s on its way.


the only people in occultism who aren’t frauds are armchair magicians. they have it all figured out. the rest of us are wondering what the hell is really going on, and the ones who actually do this shit day in day out are wondering how much of it is even really real.


That’s an interesting point you bring up. In some ways I feel the armchair magicians are more powerful than us practitioners because their minds may be more open to everything than ours are, in some weird way. I think there comes a point where you begin to question what you’re doing and whether it’s having an effect. It’s natural to feel that way at some point. Maybe it’s at that point when the true knowledge reveals itself and you’re either in or you’re out.


if their minds are more open it’s because there are no such things as mistakes in theory, unless of course you make the mistake of doing things differently than they would.

until you get to that point it’s not magick yet, it is only rehearsal.

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The idea behind “act as if you have it already” is:

  1. to eliminate the scorching feeling of WANT, lack - to stop investing emotion and energy if the state of “not-having (whatever it is)” which then resonates so heavily, it just draws more of the same. I’ve seen this SO many times within my family, especially about money…

  2. you make SPACE for it, if it’s already a reality in your mind, which allows whatever to come to you without causing any aggravation. And knowing that it won’t cause aggravation means you don’t have subconscious resistance to it coming, or an “I’d like it, but not yet” mindset, which is really about the ego fearing change and attempting to maintain status quo.

Again, a lot of people fall into this trap, they’d like say an amazing girlfriend, but won’t lose the 40 pounds or clear the hair out their bathroom sink and whatever, because those things feel safer than committing to change. David Neagle is brilliant on this topic, how people cling to a set state of affairs even while claiming they want to change it.

Just adding this to put that idea into context anyway, obviously you don’t go round humping thin air and pretending your great girlfriend is already there or anything silly, but you would maybe look round your home and figure out what a girl seeing it for the first time would think, and eliminate any stuck, blocking things that would drive the girl or other good outcome away. It’s about not waiting for proof before you begin to make changes to become the new You who has what you desire. :slight_smile:


So what’s the verdict on Bashar or Daryl Anka? Is he the real deal then? It seems like it. I mean he doesn’t use the same wording and definitely doesn’t discuss it as magick, but I’ve watched EA Koetting, Timothy, Nate Bales all to a great extent and I’ve watched Bashar and his videos and to me, it seems like they are very much taking about the same things only in different ways and from different points of view… Which is helpful.

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I try to give this Bashar an honest listen every now and then, but I just can’t get past how much he sounds and looks like a muppet.

He’s not wrong, bit I never hear anything new or original. He’s got nothing you couldn’t find elsewhere. The words he uses, the concepts, the ideas, reeks too much of new age philosophy. It’s dated. Everything about what he says strikes me as a human perspective.

There’s nothing that wows me in it. Lady Eva’s post was more insightful than anything I’ve ever hear from Bashar. I expect better from my astral entities!

I declare shinannigans on the channeling, which doesn’t deminish what he’s offering in any way.

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LoL! I can see that. The channelling aspect though. I do channel sometimes. I’ve channeled some big names too. For the sake of education. That being said, I’m still not sure. I figure that if he is fake then he is a good imitation. So kudos to that at least.

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I wanted to keep this on-topic about Bashar’s work, so I split some recent replies including my own, and made them into a new thread for discussing what “rules” may, or may not, have applied in our experience for manifesting a chosen outcome - that’s in the General forums here: Things That Work (Or Don’t) For Manifesting A Chosen Outcome.


[quote=“Rygill-85, post:1, topic:6897”]- YouTube

I have heard EA Koetting discuss these very things. Almost to a tee in fact. I have heard EA discuss this very topic in an instructional page on how to use sigils. Bashar, however takes the sigil out of the equation.

Watch this video and tell me what results you get from this process and method of manifestation.[/quote]

I think it’s genius!

I keep getting reminded that manifestation is so much easier and more fun then I allow it to be.

Of course if I finally believed what Bashar says 100% then I would probably stop coming on here, stop thinking about researching and practicing any magick rituals and just focus entirely my desires and the mental processes around them.

And come to think of it, that’s really not a bad idea.

[quote=“jackson_caulfield, post:16, topic:6897”]Of course if I finally believed what Bashar says 100% then I would probably stop coming on here, stop thinking about researching and practicing any magick rituals and just focus entirely my desires and the mental processes around them.

And come to think of it, that’s really not a bad idea.[/quote]

Test it out - just please make one date to come back to us and let us know? If you want, I can put a temp block on your log-in for a week, month, 3 months, whatever - IF it helps, and that’s just an offer and not a “Here’s the door buddy!” or anything!! :o)

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[quote=“jackson_caulfield, post:16, topic:6897”]Of course if I finally believed what Bashar says 100% then I would probably stop coming on here, stop thinking about researching and practicing any magick rituals and just focus entirely my desires and the mental processes around them.

And come to think of it, that’s really not a bad idea.[/quote]

Take the break man! I did, and that was nearly a year ago. Sometimes you gotta put priorities together and get stuff going, and this place is probably not going anywhere.

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Page doesn’t exist

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The video

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