Is it standard procedure to have to banish 2/3 times a day? The Crowley/New Age descended crowd talk about it as essential, but some of your more seasoned people say either only do it when you need it or just do it regularly.
I’m having this recurring trouble with little vampiric buggers on the lower astral. Some of them are quite nasty and the attacks cause physiological pain. They like to hit when I’m asleep.
SO I fumigate with sage once a month and banish, banish, banish. If I don’t get in at least three or four in 48 hours, I have a chance of getting attacked again. Sometimes, banishing just makes the difference of whether or not my head is clear and alert enough to realize I’m being attacked and go on the defensive. I’ve tried the “standard” aura strengthening/defensive techniques most books talk about and they seem to be utter horseshit. I specifically need something that will protect me when I’m asleep. They like to hit in the deeper, later REM phases when your natural defense reflexes are slow. (Some of these things are awfully sophisticated and clever and it’s never been clear to me whether they’re just astral wildlife or if there are specific practitioners sending them around. I have reasons to suspect the latter.)
Any advice/thoughts on meaningful defense tactics?
Bless Your Heart, Sultitan Itan! What a frustrating way to live … I don’t have any advice for you on this one; just wanted to offer a show of support. But Vampyric phenomena is kinda Necromaster’s forte’, so watch for his name to pop up on this post … he’s like a Vampyric encyclopaedia! Hope you’re sleeping better real soon; safe 'n sound! Z
Vampyric egregores exist naturally or can be made, if they are made by a magician he wants you to suffer or is using you for feeding as the egregores are usually made to come back to us and share the lifeblood they have recieved and if they are natural they see you as an easy source of lifeblood. The only way to combat them is to make it impossible for them to feed, I would do this soon because we usually send out a few lesser ones and then when we start feeding on the target directly or send out our strongest egregore. A protective entity could help, I would go with angellic simply because they seem to be better at protection.
I think there is a group that makes them and sends them out en masse to just collect from whoever. The first time I fully destroyed one of them there was a guy who showed up and started stalking me and my family. He flashed a witch ring at me that I recognized from a book. Can’t remember which group he belonged to off-hand. He seemed to do me a good turn afterward and I haven’t seen or heard from him since, so I don’t know what my current standing is there. This was several years ago and basically my catalyst for getting serious about magic when I realized I wasn’t just having hallucinations and started fighting back.
The smaller ones I can take out and protect against with little trouble. But lately I’ve had run-ins with this flying stingray fucker. It’s got this long whip-like tail with a spike on the end that it jams right into your chakra - usually the heart. Fucking ouch. It takes two days to recover completely. And it has very good mind-fogging skills that jam my defensive reflexes.
I wonder if there’s some way I can anchor an angelic entity to an object or seal? I don’t have much mileage with angels honestly.
Draw the sigils of the angellic watchtowers on your walls each in their respective directions and open them. Direct chakra piercing is something you have to be pretty deep into vampyrism to be able to do and I have never seen a natural creature that could do it.
Angels have never been very responsive to me in the past, to be honest. Spirits the Jewish-descended schools designate as demonic have always been warm and personable. Go figure. My severe dislike for and complete severance from all things remotely Judeo-Christian might make an attempt to form alliances within that system problematic.
I’m a pretty ruthless researcher and this is at least the fourth or fifth time I have been lead to believe that no human being has ever written a single remotely comprehensible sentence regarding what a Watchtower is, what kind of beings are associated with it, or how you’re supposed to contact them. Again, I’m forced to conclude that either I’m too stupid for Abrahamic magic or it’s too stupid for me. I think it’s a little bit of both.
I seem to recall… I think it was Paul Huson… someone along those lines provided a defense-oriented version of the Watchtower ritual that was completely outside of Judeo-Christian madness-- he didn’t even call them angels, he called them one of those other things people say they are. Witch Gods or something. But he explicitly said it was only good for emergencies, not as a long-term defense. I’ll dig that out, and if anybody has any leads or ideas in the meantime I’d be grateful.
Update: Looks like it wasn’t Huson. More digging…
Well there are demonic and angellic watchowers but considering almost all vampires are black magicians we are probably on good terms with those demons. You could make a pact with a demon and that will probably stop the magician attacking you. Feel free to message me if you need.
Have you tried Simon Necronomicon? Maybe you can try to evoke the Watcher, or ask some entities from the Book of 50 names to protect you.
Also I’ve used the “Night Cube” in the Special Tool section of the below website to stop a series of nightmares possibly caused by a thoughtform I created without knowing what I was doing back then. Just put it together as instructed on the webpage and hang it in your room. I hope this helps.
Website: [url=][/url]
[quote=“Sultitan_Itan, post:1, topic:170”]Is it standard procedure to have to banish 2/3 times a day? The Crowley/New Age descended crowd talk about it as essential, but some of your more seasoned people say either only do it when you need it or just do it regularly.
I’m having this recurring trouble with little vampiric buggers on the lower astral. Some of them are quite nasty and the attacks cause physiological pain. They like to hit when I’m asleep.
SO I fumigate with sage once a month and banish, banish, banish. If I don’t get in at least three or four in 48 hours, I have a chance of getting attacked again. Sometimes, banishing just makes the difference of whether or not my head is clear and alert enough to realize I’m being attacked and go on the defensive. I’ve tried the “standard” aura strengthening/defensive techniques most books talk about and they seem to be utter horseshit. I specifically need something that will protect me when I’m asleep. They like to hit in the deeper, later REM phases when your natural defense reflexes are slow. (Some of these things are awfully sophisticated and clever and it’s never been clear to me whether they’re just astral wildlife or if there are specific practitioners sending them around. I have reasons to suspect the latter.)
Any advice/thoughts on meaningful defense tactics?[/quote]
Have you tried the Rosy Cross ritual ? It makes you extremely difficult to find, a cloak of ‘invisibility’.