[quote=“Darkness, post:20, topic:390”][quote=“immortal_wisdom, post:19, topic:390”]So I got Confused now
I’m From Islamic background And we were always told as children that jews is our eternal enemy[/quote]
It’s true.[/quote]
nope it’s not true
just some garbage that I must get Rid off
Last time I wanted to exorcise something, it was my room. Ever since the Friends with Benifits group workings I have had weird knocking on the walls. A few weeks ago I decided to be done with it and I did the said exorcism from Evoking Eternity, and I felt a strong focus of energy while repeating it over and over. I haven’t heard any weird knocking since.
YHWH could refer to different deities, for example, Zeus, or possibly even the Baal associated with Astarte. Some research indicates the name is much older and from Northwestern Canaan
Meditating on and developing the “I AM” consciousness has been a useful one in my experience and fairly quick to employ. When sensing an attack or invasive presence just mentally using it as a mantra with intense concentration and a feeling/knowing of your own divinity seems to be enough to surround one with a powerful protective aura.
i have used the new banishing ritual of the pentagram that frater osiris has come up with ([url=http://bit.ly/NKeosB]http://bit.ly/NKeosB[/url]). it works very well.
My favourite is the calling of the Cosmic Forces as described by David st. Claire in Lessons of Instant ESP, it’s like a swedish knife after it you can also pray asking for things: deeply inhale prana while praying to the Forces for strength, protection and guidance x 3 times
My second favourite the omnipotent protective barrier of universal light, which basically is a visualization of being surroumded by white light + calling of Adad babylonian god
I did the LBRP when younger, but Im not used to it. Yet I use the so called Uncrossing Ritual from Nap, wich is the Cabalistic Cross part from the LBRP, and has proven also effective
The simplest banishing and effective for me is a pure sphere of white light visualized for a while surrounding oneself
one that i don’t know if anyone seems to realize has genuinely profound spiritual power is aleister crowley’s liber v vel reguli ([url=http://hermetic.com/crowley/libers/lib5.html]http://hermetic.com/crowley/libers/lib5.html[/url]). surprised that nobody has mentioned that one yet. i guess it can be looked at as the lhp version of the star ruby or lbrp
EA gives a very effective and simple banishing ritual in Evoking Eternity and Book of Azazel. It is a Sumerian Banishing spoken three times. It’s effective in clearing out all of the energy in any given space. However I feel like I would be violating copyright to publish it here. If you have either book or the complete works it starts with the words “Ashtu Malku”. Otherwise contact EAor use the LBRP or LBH.
[quote=“iMAGE, post:11, topic:390”]im going to try the ancient Sumerian exorcism as a banishing technique, EA says it never fails[/quote]where do you find the ritual at ? is it in one of e.a. s books ?
another good one: if you have a radionic machine, try this:
put a magnet as a trend and use a photo of yourself and your room as a target.
if you don’t have a radionic machine, download a free software that does the same thing ([url=http://bit.ly/9LJ2gN]http://bit.ly/9LJ2gN[/url] or [url=http://bit.ly/17mB07O]http://bit.ly/17mB07O[/url]). use photographs of a strong magnet (something like this [url=http://bit.ly/15zRW8h]http://bit.ly/15zRW8h[/url]) as the trend and a photo of yourself and the room you want to work in as the targets. run the machine or software for 10 minutes or any length of time you want up to 3 days.
meditate while the machine or software is running and see if that makes any difference.
One of EA’s books reads that he rarely use any kind of banishing. Why is that? When you don’t banish forces you work with, first and foremost you show them respect. second, by allowing them to stay, your rituals start to gain more and more power over time. While it’s not dangerous for a Black Magickian it may cause mental and physical discomfort/illness in your visitors. That’s why I follow EA’s advices and banish only when my visitors start growing sick in my apartament. It seems like a very fair method. Remember that respect is the most potent weapon in our magickal arsenal!