Banishing a parasite

Sensing that a parasite is trying to possess my mind and my body, how do I get rid of this for good?

I would do a house cleansing and a banishing. You can do the LBPR (even guided).


or this one:


Now a house cleansing is not that difficult.

  1. clean your house
  2. open your windows
  3. Take a glas of water, salt and vinegar
    And do a little prayer (‘I bless this holy water in the name of…… God, Jesus, Lucifer… So mote it be/Amen’, do what you believe)
  4. Burn some sandalwood/sage incense and go to every corner and window in your house and say ‘You are not welcome here, you must depart immediately’. In every corner, window you see to it that the incense gets there and spray some water’
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Yes, all that. Also, you can make a simple small puppet in any way you want (a small piece of fabric and threads can work wonders to make a puppet in less than five minutes). Then, if you feel the parasite is latched onto you, then exhale energetically over the puppet several times (stating that you are binding the parasite to the puppet.

Keep exhaling over the puppet with a very clear intention that you want to expell the parasite and bind it to the puppet. Keep doing it until you feel it is removed from your body and mind.

Put the puppet inside some kind of box. Can be a simple wooden box. Tie the box or close it with duct tape or similar. Go somewhere far and throw the box away, or bury deep into the ground.

That has worked for me in the past.


Thank you very much for your help I really appreciate it

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Now last but not least. Use this when you evoke:


I’ve done the ritual thank you very much I appreciate it

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Thank you for your detailed explanation thank you very much

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@rayparlour one of the most useful tools I use is the Sword Banishing from Damon Brand’s book Magickal Protection. It only takes a few seconds. For me, it works a treat.

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