Balam ~

So this week for the goetia workshop is Balam.

I reached out to him…I called him from the woods behind my home.

He came to me… he looked different but I wasn’t afraid

He had a human body but horns on his head.
They curled on each side …long thick brown horns.

He was wearing a black jacket.

Yes my lady… he spoke to me…

Talk to me.

And what should I talk to you about?

The storm is coming…I know you feel it…

You feel it in your hands. Like electricity. .fire don’t you …


Work with that. . Work with the elements, draw you strength.

There’s much work to do. .

Read the books, you know the ones…follow the course.

Remember you are stronger than you ever think.
We are here for you. Call upon us.

Then he disappeared into the darkness of the woods.


Balam just laid this on me…

Any ideas


I can’t read cursive lol


Omg what do schools teach these days.

Don’t feel bad you weren’t the only one…I’ll type it out


The one who teaches
How to become the inner most
Being The hidden power
Unlock the power
With the key
The elements show you the way
Go to the secret place
With the sealed door
Past the door
is the language to the ways of old
Speak the words
Turn the key
In the lock
Open the door to see anew


You have lovely handwriting :black_heart:

Balam is supposed to have perfect knowledge of past, present and future. To my understanding not all demons have perfect knowledge like that. It makes sense that he would try to make you aware of “hidden” things because of his forsight.

His message for me was about ascension which I think is different from his message to you. Unless he means opening the door to godhood or the godself?

I’ll meditate on that sigil and see what I get. I have more to ask and I know he has more to teach.


Thank you! :black_heart:

I was surprised I wrote in cursive because when I do automatic writing and the spirit takes over it can be any type

Balam apparently likes cursive :joy:

It’s a little off from usual cursive because I didn’t have full control.

I think he’s teaching me a combonation of things because the key seems to be connecting to an aspect of my godform.

I think his message is gonna end being like an onion , lots of layers.

Excited to see what all I learn.

Thanks, I’m curious to see what that sigil is all about @Dinmiatus, gave me some of his insights on kik.


Tublin further down the rabbit hole :joy:





What I got from the sigil was improving telepathy with spirits. That is a goal as we ascend to be able to just talk to a spirit just by thinking about them. I’m having trouble remembering the whole dream I know there is more I remember hearing Balam saying “telepathy” over and over again when I woke up.


Oh cool!! Thank you! And it makes sense actually.


HOLY FUCK. I just found my new favorite meditation place


Can’t wait till I have a backyard. There’s a park and a wooded area near me. I need to go for more walks and see who might be easier to contact there.

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I’ve been seeing Balam all morning.
He woke me up and just stayed.

So I spoke to him .
He said I need to follow him.

We ended up in a desert with pyramids
But it changed to a lush gardens
The pyramid was gold and glistened in the sun

He was holding a staff that seemed to have a lions head at the top.

He said I had to go into the pyramid alone.

I walk up to it and find the entrance. It’s dark inside and unsettles me.
I close my eyes and feel for the lamps…I will them to light …
I’m in a big room but there is a type of threshold and another room.
I walk thru it , it feels like walking through a fIlm.
It feels thick and clear… almost like going thru a spider Web.

There is a cloaked figure in there he holds a chalice…

It has a liquid inside …he says you must drink this but add the contents of the pouch you were given
I was given a pouch of herbs from the vudon Lady when I visited Aluriel s circle.

I add the contents and drink it. It causes convulsions. .
And I’m lying on the floor of the pyramid on my back…the wall look like a map of stars.
They are all there…
In the center at the point there is one huge star.

Alderbaran … it is huge and bright and twinkles…
Alderbaran …
I hear a voice say yes yes Alderbaran … .
It turns and pulsates …

Alderbaran is home… the eye of the bull. …
The bull is home.

The stars move and turn slowly like a giant clock …
The bright orange giant …star …sun…

Connects the dots princess… follow.

I lie there watching something that feels an infinity of time…
They move like gears. .
These stars …

I reach for the giant star …it feels like a current of fire runs from it into my hand and into my veins…

I feel empowered and fiery …
I feel like I have found something I’ve always know.

I am fire …

I feel dizzy from watching the star clock turn.
Even though it moves slow.

I finally sit up and there is a table in the room.
It has drink and food.

The cloaked figure is there pointing to it…
I feel like Alice in wonder land.

This will feed your spirit and make you stronguys
Take it and be strong.

Daughter of the stars.
Step into your realms.

You are so much more.

I take the food… and feel refreshed
Like all my stress has fallin away.

Go back now and remember your
Are Alderbaran you are solar you are fire.

Shine for us all.

I leave the pyramid and Balam is waiting patiently for me …
He gives me the staff…

It appears this is for you my princess.
I take it it feels familiar
I wonder what it means.

The staff will help you draw your fire from source.

Thank you

No thank you… dear one. We are on this journey together. All of us.


I felt this on a spiritual level lmao!

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Sounds like a beautiful experience ari! Glad I helped in whatever way I could :slight_smile:

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I feel so good since that experience …

Like dancing feeling good :dancing_women:

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