Bahomet the lucifer imposter and his mates spirits advices?

Hi everyone, i look for advice about this video and especially the list of spirit to avoid on the end that are ennemies of lucifer at 48:30 of the video. Thank you!

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PS: Ignore the shit in that video. It’s stupid conspiracy UPG and not true at all. Many people here work with Lucifer and the spirits she names as “enemies” with absolutely no issue. Of course, she claims everybody but her works with an impostor. :roll_eyes:


Not to mention that at least one of them looks like they’re on drugs.

Oh yes. That one

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Yeah, I couldn’t tell if she was vaping or smoking a crack pipe :joy:

We really can’t say anything about this video without possibly giving her ammunition to attack BALG again hence the removal.

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That was @RavensAscent.

I would ignore this video. She’s got problems.

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@Earthing I don’t know if you’re aware of this, very sadly there was a problem when the person who made the video left the forum, and the decided she hated BALG. I don’t know why that happened.

You really need to make your own mind up about spirits but if you’re a beginner, try to avoid anything which looks too much like drama in the occult, or big claims made about spirits that seem more about the person making them. Later you’ll be able to figure things out for yourself. :+1:

And please do an intro! :smiley: