Babalon Ritual

I love Babalon and her beast. I’m in the middle of researching any and everything that I can possibly find on her. I’ve been thru Kenneth Grant, AC and Peter Gray. I’m also creating a ritual to invoke more of her energy and would deeply appreciate it if some tips on ritual ideas would be given - it would really help me out.

Thank You.

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Babalon is great. I would put her Altar to the West and the ritual done facing west. Use a big bawl of consacrated Water. Incense would be roses, jasmin or similar. Her sigil like in red and black or red and violet. She likes jewels too so maybe you can ask her to bless one and establish a connection with you through it.

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Babylon is about civilization. And Southern Wind goddess. Start reading books. Look up rococo style too.

Dear Purple try to read carefully the threads.

Getting back to Babalon, a good option is: in nomine Babalon 156, See xxxv Babalon is the guardian from the West, guardian of Water. As working is necessary a bawl or a cup. Can use water, red juice or red wine would be perfect.

In the Star Ruby ritual you see the same Babalon is the power from the West.

For further Info: Liber 49

Babylon is the birth place human civilization. The hanging gardens of Babylon being one example. Creating one of the first written words for mankind being other.

You want to honor the place and its spirit, have a lot of books around you and read them.


I believe the OP named several books they have read.

Isn’t Babalon (with an A) the personification of the supposed “whore of Babylon” (with a Y) from Revelations?

In which case we could be talking at cross-purposes somewhat. :thinking:

I can split this topic if needed.


@Lady_Eva plz delete this thread because none of the responses I’ve received have been helpful. Thanks!