Azazel Evocation: Hail Azazel!

Azazel is a great entity! I’ve been connected with him for a while I feel and did a small evocation awhile back. This time I felt Azazel was leading me to something or he wanted me to get something.
I decided if he wanted me to get something (At least it felt that way) he was the best to call to help me get it.

I laid out of my Universal Circle, got on my Azazel Shirt, A triangle necklace, Lit a red candle that I had carved Azazel into, I used cinnamon incenses because I didn’t have vanilla or lavender like a lot suggests, the incenses was red like the candle so I thought it would be nice. I had a scrying bowl full of water and drew his sigil on paper. Yeah, a lot for some but I really wanted to and felt like it was a good idea.

I didn’t do a banishing mainly cuz I did a cleansing a few days earlier and I felt self but more or less it slipped my mind.

I chanted “Itz rel Itz rel Azazel” and “Come Azazel Come” While staring at his sigil. I felt a presence enter my room and I was engulfed. I didn’t hear or see anything internally or externally but I felt something and used my dowsing rods to get answers.

I asked if he was here and the rods showed he was.

I then asked if he was leading me towards the sword of Azazel ritual that is being performed because I kept having weird inner thoughts about a black sword and being infused with Azazel as if I was his weapon, plus the name kept coming into my head, and soon after that I kept hearing songs that referenced a dark sword ort an evil king plus a weird desire for said ritual when before I was meh about it.

  • He responded with yes.

I then asked and commanded in a respectful manner that he obtain me the money for it as I don’t fully have it. The money I was given by my family over Christmas was a lot but it is for school and food for this semester.

  • He agreed he would.

I then asked if he wanted something from me as the rods are mainly used for yes or no.

  • It was yes.

I thought it would be blood or something material but it wasn’t, he wanted devotion and dedication along with after the ritual a pact of possession which I did offer him but it is not fleshed out yet as I’m not able to see or hear spirits can only get simple info.

I was quite it for a lot for a lot of it, feeling his energy mainly but when I asked if we were done (as I felt there was something else to do but didn’t have much else to say) and he said no and I realized I didn’t give him a time frame. So I said that and I asked him other things.

He basically thought me about the atmosphere of evocation in a stubble way as I forgot a lot about it and felt a bit overwhelmed.

After the evocation, I remembered all the stuff I thought I should say but maybe I didn’t need to and that’s why I couldn’t remember.

So that was basically my evocation of Azazel, it seems things are going well. If you all have any input I’d love to hear it!


My experience has been great as well. Azazel is indeed powerful and I feel very loyal to him for the help he is giving me. Hail Azazel!


I just finally got my black all the way through candles from the post office, and I decided to watch again the video of the blood pact with Azazel and do my part, and I must say, it was quite powerful!

I got my weapon, which was a double bladed and double edge sword with a black leather handle and some kind of white silk thread running through it.

But as well as getting a weapon, I was suddenly in a trans, where my hands started moving towards and around my head, I began to see some kind of a black metalic crown form around my head as I moved my hands around, as if the crown was being formed by my own hands.

Afterwards I stated my intentions and included a protection from my enemies for myself and my family, from that I suddenly saw the face of a man who I know quite well and has been bothering me and my family for years now. There I took my sword and impaled him through the heart, afterwards I sat for a while and meditated then I closed the ritual and blew out the candles.

This was defenitly the most successful ritual I have made so far and I am so glad I made the pact with Azazel. I have acually noticed that he can be called out whenever without any tools!, I have also started to “know” things even before it happens, its like I am gaining power as time passes!


I have some good experiences with him too

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I never really tried to evoke him and
before I really could think about Azazel
he was in my flat talking to me one night.
I missed to ask for what he came.

If I would need him one time, I’m gonna
sing his Enn in the next church.


Perfect work!


Hail Azazel!

Rock on @Rav I just read the post and thought you ran a great ritual. Excellent work.

Our method is very similar and I get great results too man.

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